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Chapter 5 Trust Him

  • Nicole Jane’s POV
  • I was startled when I heard a series of knocks on the door. I didn’t have any intention of bothering with it. But it seemed like whoever was disturbing me had no plans of stopping.
  • “Wait a moment!”
  • I lazily got up and rubbed my eyes. Once I stood, I immediately headed towards the door and opened it for whoever was on the other side.
  • “What is—” I wasn’t able to finish my sentence because Mikan suddenly hugged me.
  • “What the? Get away from me!” I quickly pushed her away, and luckily she let go immediately.
  • “Geez, you push so hard! While you’re the one who just woke up and hasn’t even taken a shower yet.” She pouted, then went ahead inside on her own.
  • My eyes widened as she went straight to my bed and laid down.
  • I was about to pull her out when I glanced at the round clock hanging on the wall. I gasped as I noticed that it was already past seven thirty in the morning. Our time is eight o’clock!
  • I quickly grabbed my things and went into the bathroom. I can’t believe I took a shower for only five minutes!
  • After I finished getting ready, I pulled Mikan out. But I immediately stopped as I remembered something.
  • I was about to return when she tightly held on to my arm.
  • “Is this the thing you forgot?” She waved the bracelet that Butler Lin gave me in front of me.
  • “That’s mine! How did you get it?” I asked her in doubt. I took it out last night before going to bed, so I wouldn’t forget.
  • She raised both hands. “Relax. I just saw it on your table earlier. I thought of taking it, so I could give it to you myself, in case you forget to wear it again,” she explained while I was putting it on.
  • I didn’t argue anymore, and we quickly ran towards our classroom. We were late yesterday, and I didn’t want that to happen again today.
  • I breathed a sigh of relief when I opened the door and didn’t see Sir Martin. We went straight to the back and sat down. We arrived just on time.
  • After a while, Sir Martin arrived. I listened quietly as he started teaching.
  • However, our class was disrupted when the door suddenly burst open.
  • We all looked at the newcomers. There were four of them. But the one who seemed to lead the group is...
  • Kyle!
  • I heard Mikan gasp beside me. “Oh, my! He’s really back.”
  • I was about to ask her why she reacted that way when I noticed Sir Martin suddenly bow his head. I looked around, and so did the rest of my classmates.
  • “Welcome back, Prince Kyle.”
  • I felt frozen in my seat upon hearing that. I couldn’t even blink.
  • Is he really a prince?
  • The four of them started to walk inside with confidence and authority, as if they were the ones who ruled the world and no one could ever go against them.
  • Suddenly, my world seemed to slow down as I realized they were approaching our seats while keeping their gaze straight ahead.
  • Kyle sat down next to me, plopping his face onto the desk.
  • I couldn’t help but be amazed by his behavior. He really knows how to play the part of a supposed prince, huh?
  • After they settled in, Sir Martin resumed his interrupted teaching. It seemed insignificant to him that his esteemed prince was sleeping.
  • Even though he’s really a prince, I don’t think he has the privilege to be this disrespectful. It’s not right for him to control everyone and do everything he wants by using the power he has.
  • I shifted my attention to his friends who were seated on the other side. To my surprise, they’re all looking at me already. It feels like they’re scrutinizing me, and I can’t understand why. Weird as ever, just like most of the people here.
  • I quickly averted my gaze. I don’t want them to think of anything else about me.
  • I decided to focus my attention on what was in front of me. But no matter how hard I try to listen, my attention is still divided. As quiet as my seatmate is, Mikan is restless on the other side.
  • “What’s your problem? You seem so uneasy over there.” I softly scolded her.
  • She glanced in Kyle’s direction before returning her gaze to me. I immediately got the message she wanted to convey, so I just let her be paranoid.
  • But occasionally, I can’t help but glance at Kyle. I can’t determine if he’s really asleep, or if he’s just creating some drama in his life.
  • Several hours passed, and along with the loud ringing of the bell, Kyle lifted his head.
  • Why was he sleeping in class even though it’s much more comfortable in their mansion?
  • Now I wonder, is there still any knowledge entering his mind?
  • I quickly gathered my belongings before standing up. I really want to leave this place. It feels too cramped for the both of us, and I find it hard to breathe. That’s what I feel whenever he’s near.
  • I almost reached the door when I felt someone bump me from behind, then walk past me.
  • It’s as if a non-human entity collided with me. The force was so strong that I almost stumbled to the floor. I looked up to see who it was.
  • It’s none other than Kyle Ethan Clarkson, and he’s smirking at me. It’s obvious that he did it on purpose!
  • “Next time, learn to move aside and find your place, stupid.”
  • I balled my fist. He’s the only one audacious enough to call me names!
  • “One more thing. Try to lessen your stares at me. You’re being too obvious.” He turned his back on me and walked away.
  • I was left dumbfounded. I was about to chase after him when I was suddenly blocked by three of his companions earlier.
  • “What’s your problem?” I asked them irritably. That frog prince is really getting on my nerves! They better not add to it, or they might become the target of my annoyance.
  • I was taken aback when Mikan suddenly stood beside me and grabbed my arm. She’s shaking, and I can’t help but roll my eyes. I’m even more annoyed because of her behavior.
  • The guy with blonde hair approached me. He looks amused. He has a sharp nose and fair skin. His eyes are chinky.
  • I hate to admit it, but all the students here are indeed good-looking. Is it a requirement to be good-looking once you enroll here?
  • “I apologize on behalf of my friend’s behavior towards you. He just woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” He smiled widely.
  • His smile seemed captivating, causing me to be mesmerized for a moment. In an instant, my anger towards Kyle vanished like a bubble.
  • I shook my head. What am I thinking?
  • “By the way, I’m Kira. These two with me are Hiro and Vincent.”
  • My attention shifted to the two guys he pointed at.
  • Hiro is smiling at me, while the guy named Vincent is looking at me seriously with his gray eyes. His aura is cold as well.
  • I engaged in a staring contest with him. I don’t have a good feeling about this guy either. He’s probably related to Kyle since they have some resemblance.
  • Suddenly, his forehead creased in confusion. His face clearly showed his disbelief.
  • “How did you do that?” he asked me in disbelief.
  • “How did I do what?” I asked him in return, confused. I didn’t do anything. We were just staring at each other. Is that too impossible for him?
  • I could feel that we were attracting the attention of other students around us. It’s already lunch break, so there are a lot of people in the corridor. I also heard some of them murmuring the words bitch and slut.
  • Seriously? How I want to strangle their neck right now!
  • “Nothing,” he answered in an inaudible whisper.
  • I just shrugged and grabbed Mikan’s arm, then left them. It’s better to be careful, as their fangirls might suddenly gang up on me.
  • While we were walking, I couldn’t help but notice the sharp glares from almost all the women we passed by.
  • Should I pluck out their eyes?
  • “Do you know that you’re the only one who had the courage to speak to them like that? You looked cool earlier,” Mikan said, smiling.
  • I just shook my head at her. Honestly, I didn’t know why she insisted on being by my side all the time. She’s too good to be my friend.
  • We were about to enter the dining hall when suddenly, three girls appeared out of nowhere and blocked our way. I already predicted this kind of scenario would happen, but not this soon. Can’t they just let me eat first?
  • “How dare you talk to the prince and the other royalties just like that? Who do you think you are? You’re just a human!” The girl who looks like their leader shouted at me.
  • I’m just a human? I couldn’t help but laugh at what she said. The way this girl speaks, it’s as if she’s not a human.
  • I took off the bracelet I was wearing and put it in my pocket in case things got heated. I don’t like having anything that could hinder me. “So, what if I speak to them like that? Will they die from it? No, they’re not, right?”
  • I was about to walk pass her, but she quickly grabbed my arm. I almost flinched when I felt that coldness again.
  • I tried to hide the pain I felt when her long nails dug into my skin, causing small cuts that soon started to bleed.
  • I heard a loud gasp around me. Is this the first time they’ve seen people fighting?
  • “Don’t you dare turn your back on me while I’m still talking to you!” She pushed me forcefully, causing me to sit on the floor.
  • Other students started surrounding us. Most of them looked at me as if I were some kind of prey, and they were all my predators. Meanwhile, others just looked at me with pity.
  • One of them is Mikan. Fear was evident on her face. She seemed lost for a moment. I know she wants to help, but she just can’t.
  • I clenched my right fist. I despise being pitied by everyone. I was about to stand up when a powerful voice echoed throughout the hallway. It was a voice that never fails to give me shivers and throw me off track.
  • “What the hell is happening here?”
  • As if an ocean suddenly parted, the onlookers dispersed and turned towards the voice.
  • I raised my gaze and was met with his piercing eyes. Besides that, for the very first time, a different emotion showed. He looked so angry and worried at the same time.
  • But worried about what?
  • I was taken aback when, in an instant, he carried me in bridal style. He quickly distanced me from the scrutinizing eyes that were fixed on me.
  • I wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt like I was going to fall with how fast he was walking.
  • I glanced back to where we came from. I noticed that Kira and Hiro were talking to the other students, while Vincent was with the girls who blocked me earlier.
  • “Hey, there’s no need for you to do this. You’re only making it worse!” I whispered to him as we turned to the end of the hallway.
  • “Didn’t I tell you to always wear the bracelet?” he said angrily.
  • I frowned. “What’s so special about that bracelet? I was wearing it earlier. I just took it off briefly in case I had to fight that girl!”
  • Suddenly, everything around us blurred for a moment. I felt dizzy all of a sudden. But to my surprise, when I looked around again, we were already walking towards the clinic in the hallway.
  • Wait... The clinic is almost at the far end of the building. How did we get here so quickly?
  • But at the clinic right away? My injury isn’t serious!
  • When we arrived here, he opened the door by kicking it. I was taken aback. Doesn’t he have any concern for the facilities here?
  • A smiling, beautiful lady wearing the usual nurse uniform approached us. “What happened to her?” she asked, as if the broken door meant nothing to her.
  • Kyle gently laid me down on the white bed that was here. I was even more surprised when he suddenly reached into my pocket and took out the bracelet from there to put it on me.
  • “Don’t you ever take this off. Do you understand?” His face still showed concern.
  • I still wanted to ask more questions, but I just nodded instead. Then he turned to the nurse, who was just looking at us.
  • “She has small cuts. You take care of her now.” He turned away without even looking at me.
  • “Kyle! Wait!”
  • He stopped in his tracks, his back still facing me.
  • “Thank you,” I said sincerely.
  • Honestly, he didn’t really need to help me earlier. But still, I appreciate it.
  • He shrugs. “Just be careful next time. Avoid getting even small injuries as much as possible.”
  • I furrowed my brows in confusion. “Why? Is that even possible?”
  • “Just trust me on this one,” he answered, then left.
  • It took a few seconds before what he said sank into my mind.
  • He wants me to trust him. Right now, even if I deny it, I know that I already did.
  • But just who the hell are you really, Kyle Ethan Clarkson?
  • ***
  • Vincent’s POV
  • “How is she?” Kira asked Kyle as soon as he arrived.
  • He plopped down on the couch. “She’s fine. I took her to the clinic. What happened to those girls?” he asked, referring to the women who attacked Nicole earlier. They’re aristocrats.
  • “No worries. They have been taken to the detention room already,” I replied.
  • He looked frustrated. “We’ll be in trouble with Dad if something happens. Thankfully, none of the vampires there were triggered when they smelled Nicole’s blood.”
  • “Fortunately, the vampire students here can control their bloodlust. Besides, we have trained the vampires here to drink animal blood instead and not to crave human blood.” Kira tapped his shoulder.
  • Kyle nodded. “I know. But still—”
  • “Don’t worry. Everything will be fine, and we will make sure that this kind of incident won’t happen again,” I assured him. “Just make sure that the spoiled brat girl and every student here always wear their bracelets,” I added.
  • The four of us fell into deep thought and silence for a few minutes until Hiro abruptly broke it.
  • “Anyway, why did you ask her like that?” my close friend Hiro asked me, sounding puzzled. I immediately understood what he meant.
  • We were currently in the mansion’s living room. I don’t know where our two princesses are again, seemingly lost in their own worlds.
  • “Ask who what?” Kyle asked curiously.
  • I let out a deep sigh. They deserve to know what I just discovered. “When Nicole and I locked eyes earlier—” I couldn’t finish my sentence as Kyle abruptly stood up.
  • “Why did you lock eyes with her?” His jaw clenched.
  • It seems like something affected him in what I said.
  • I cleared my throat and looked at him seriously. However, I couldn’t miss the stifled laughter from our other two companions.
  • My cousin acts as if he’s a jealous boyfriend. It’s so ridiculous.
  • His eyes widened. “I’m not jealous!” he defended himself before sitting back down.
  • I covered my mouth, but I couldn’t help bursting into laughter loudly. The other two joined in.
  • “If you could only see your face, man. It’s so priceless!”
  • We continued laughing until I felt a strong punch, causing us to stop.
  • “It’s all your fault. Let me finish before you react,” I said. This time, I got the attention of all three of them again.
  • “Here it is. You know that I can already control my mind-reading ability, right?”
  • They all nodded in unison.
  • “So, I tried to use it on Nicole, but unfortunately, it didn’t work.”
  • They furrowed their brows. “What do you mean? Does that mean you really can’t do it yet?” Hiro asked, confused.
  • I shrugged. If that’s the case, then there will be no problem. But it wasn’t.
  • “I asked her how she did that because she managed to block me,” I explained, which made their jaws drop.