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Chapter 3 Her Father's Call

  • Charlotte stood with tears streaming down her face as she listened to the doctor explain what was happening to her mother and her current situation.
  • "She needs surgery urgently, Miss Enfield if not..." The doctor stopped himself from completing the statement when Charlotte burst into heavy sobs.
  • He shook his head and walked away leaving her standing in the middle of the hospital hallway with tears streaming down her face, after some time she walked back to her mother's room but could not bring herself to enter inside so she stood outside and peered in through the glass door.
  • How could she let her mother die like this? if her mother dies she will be the only one left in this sorrowful world without anyone to talk to or care for.
  • Rinnggg...
  • Charlotte jolted out of her thoughts and brought out her phone from her pants pocket, she used the back of her hand to clean her eyes before looking at the screen of the phone.
  • She was in shock for some time when she saw her father's name displayed on the screen.
  • He only ever called her to insult her anytime his beloved wife and daughter complained to him about her doing something bad to them but she has not bumped into any of the two recently so why was he calling her now?
  • She hesitated for some time but decided to pick it up and hear what he had to say, if it was not relevant then she would just drop the call.
  • "Hello," she said after swiping the receiver's button and placing the phone on her ear.
  • "Charlotte hurry and come home now, I know about your mother's condition and have already spoken to the doctor but you have to do something for me if not I will ask the doctor not to treat your mother and instead throw her out of the hospital and no other hospital in the country will accept her ever again" the voice of her father rang out without any emotions.
  • He was talking to her like he was actually talking to a stranger, how could he say that he will make sure his ex-wife is thrown out of the hospital? Was he going to actually do it and leave her for the dead?
  • Charlotte shuddered, if she had any little hope left for her father then it was gone with the winds with just these heartless words he just said now, but she knew that he would surely do it to make her stepmom and step-sister happy.
  • " What do you want me to do?" She has long stopped seeing him as her father so she stopped calling him dad.
  • To her, he was just a sperm donor and nothing more.
  • "Come home now" her father hung up.
  • Charlotte placed her phone back in her pants pocket, the tears in her eyes had dried off leaving tear stains on her face.
  • Her mind was wandering as she thought about the many reasons why her father would be asking her to come home.
  • The last time she went to the Enfield family mansion she was thrown out so why would they want her back and why did her father want to treat her mother all of a sudden?
  • She knew that the Enfield family was having issues in their company and were looking for funds to keep the business afloat, she just hoped that her father was not going to sell her off for his selfish reasons. The look in her eyes turned cold as she made up her mind and quickly rushed out of the hospital.
  • While she was running out the television in the hallway came on and a female reporter was giving out the latest news.
  • "Breaking news, The only child of the Moore family, Dalton Moore who met with an accident five months ago is getting married today but the soon-to-be wife of Dalton remains unknown till today."
  • Charlotte did not hear this since her mind was somewhere else, immediately she stepped out of the hospital she hailed a cab and got in directing the cab man to Enfield's family home.
  • Charlotte hadn't even stepped into the house when two hefty bodyguards grabbed her on each hand and dragged her upstairs and into a room.
  • All her struggles were in vain, she was pushed into a room and the door was banged shut. Just when she wanted to stand up and look around four women descended on her and dragged her to a chair.
  • She only noticed that the room was filled with make-up products of different kinds and different brands and wanted to struggle again but was pinned down on the chair so she decided to stop struggling.
  • She was given a makeover within two hours and her clothes were pulled off and a beautiful wedding gown was pulled over her head.
  • If it was any other day Charlotte would have stopped to admire herself in the mirror but she was confused about what was going on and even all the questions she asked were not answered.
  • The women who were dressing her all kept mute and did their job not even paying any attention to her.
  • After everything was done, someone went out to call the bodyguards who brought her in and the bodyguards came back and hauled her out again into another room where she met her father and her stepmother.
  • Before she could say anything her stepmother beat her to it "Don't you look so beautiful today Charlotte? Her fiancé will be so pleased right darling?" Amarie asked Hughes.
  • "Of course they will be so happy, now Charlotte you don't have to be confused about anything that is going on.
  • "You are getting married to your fiancé today and he is already at the church waiting for you, you need to hurry up and don't even think of running away because your mother is in my hands now. It's either you go along with what I have said or your mother will be killed and believe me no one will know what happened to her." Hughes told her with a smile on his face.
  • Hughes shuddered when she saw the look on her father's face, he was going to marry her off without telling her who her husband was and was even threatening to kill her mother if she did not agree to get married to whomever it was he had arranged for her.
  • Did he want to marry her off to an old man who would give him funds? Never mind forget about it she will go with the arrangements for now and take things as they come.
  • She is doing it for her mother, she tries to console herself,
  • "Why would you say that darling? Of course, our Charlotte will go with anything her father tells her she is a filial daughter." Amarie reached out and caressed Hughes while giving Charlotte a taunting smile.
  • "I will do anything you want father", Charlotte clenched her hands at her side and immediately made her decision, she closed her mind against her father immediately.
  • She knew that she could not win against her father when she had no power. She just prays that her husband: whoever he was would not be an older man who has a disgusting character
  • She has finally placed her life in fate's hands.