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Chapter 5

  • Damon
  • "This way, King Damon," A man I figured out to be the Beta welcomed us as he directed Jasper and I into the mansion.
  • "Welcome, King Damon and Beta Jasper. Trust you enjoyed your trip" A feminine voice that I recognized as the Luna took over from the Alpha, leading is further into the house.
  • I kept a straight face while Jasper responded to her. I wasn't in the mood for small talks.
  • I just wanted to get over this and leave the fucking pack.
  • "The Alpha is in there. Beta, please, take them in," The Luna said to the Beta, turning to another direction, "I will be joining you soon,"
  • "This way, please," The Beta directed, opening a large double door for us.
  • I was about to step in when I bumped into a girl…no, the girl bumped into me.
  • I didn't know what came over me when my hands stabled her. But some wild electric current sent chills and vibrations down my spine.
  • I knew the girl felt the same too, the tray containing a lovely set of dishes in her hand crashed to the floor and broke.
  • I was supposed to be mad, right?
  • My temper would have torn her to pieces.
  • But I didn't know the strange calmness that washed over me.
  • I felt sorry the instant horror filled her eyes as she quickly bent over to pick the broken dishes.
  • The air in the room was tense as all attention were focused on us.
  • She was in deep trouble. I knew it.
  • "Take care of it," I ordered another maid who jumped on the task without hesitation.
  • I lifted her, moving her away from the glass so that it wouldn't prick her but she withdrew her hands from mine immediately, making my hands feel empty. Her hands were so soft, I almost let out a pur.
  • Confusion hit me when her eyes widened in shock as she moved away from me, running without looking back.
  • The strange sparks flooded me again, sending shivers down my spine.
  • Why did I feel strangely drawn to her?
  • Why did she behave like that?
  • Why did she feel like my late mate Ivy to me?
  • “We want her.”
  • Two men's voices said softly, causing me to shudder.
  • “Dax? Devin? What do you mean?” I tried so hard to suppress my shock in front of everyone.
  • "Alpha," Jasper said in a whisper, "They are not real." He swallowed, watching me digest his words while I was still thinking about my brothers’ words.
  • "What do you mean by they are not real?" My brows creased in confusion as I couldn't understand his words.
  • "Alpha." His hands grabbed mine, snatching it away.
  • "There is no Devin, Dax, and Ivy." He broke, causing me to drown in the sea of confusion.
  • My brows formed a small v on my forehead as I stared at him in disbelief.
  • "What do you mean? They are here with me just now. I heard them."
  • I mind-linked Devin and Dax. "I think Jasper is going crazy again." I let out a brief laugh, followed by Dax. "He should see the pack doctor," Dax said amid laughter.
  • "No, Alpha. You are the one crazy here. Snap out of your imagination. There is no more Dax and Devin. They are not here anymore. They are dead."
  • He finally broke the news, making cold chills run down my spine. It was like a bag of ice was thrown on me as realization hit me. I tilted my head to meet Dax and Devin.
  • I was met with nothing.
  • They had vanished just as they appeared. They were not real. It was just my imagination messing with me.
  • I was going crazy again.
  • I couldn't look into Jasper's eyes. Was I even fit to rule the pack? I knew my secret was safe with my Jasper, but how long would the packs be ruled by a madman?
  • "You have been skipping your medications and therapy sessions again?" Jasper threw me a look, but I let my eyes go elsewhere.
  • I adjusted quickly, walking into the hall as if nothing happened but I didn't miss the look that my Beta looked at me. His eyes conveyed pity. I didn't want his pity.
  • "I want to know everything about that girl. Start your investigations now! " I mind-linked Jasper.
  • I needed to figure out why they told me they wanted her.