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Chapter 5 Tell me what you want, bunni

  • Audrey's mind was a disaster as she paced back and forth, unable to stay cool.
  • "Is he truly the devil? Why did he kill that man?" She thought to herself, with a frown.
  • She doesn't know the deal they had but killing is what she can't accept.
  • Her heart sank at the realization of what she's gotten herself into.
  • "Breath out!" She said calming her aching heart, " just play your cards well and his heart will be yours"
  • Since she openly offered herself to this man, the stranger she's never met and he calls himself the devil, there is nothing she can do but play along.
  • "How can I when he keeps on killing everyone?" She cries, running her hands through her long thick black hair.
  • How sure was she that she will get his heart? That he will spare her life if she goes against him?
  • "He does have a heart, doesn't he?" She asked no one in particular but a sudden reply left her mouth hung wide open.
  • "Yes, darling... I do have a heart" He took a short stride to her with hands behind him like a king taking note of his elders in council.
  • "But..." He pauses, crunching down to her level, "it's cold and merciless"
  • He breathed out to her face, taking in her sweet scent.
  • Audrey was as stive as a statue, there was no way she was going to believe his standing right before her.
  • She can clearly remember closing the door with the lock but here he is. There was no sound of the door cracking open.
  • "How did you get in?" She stutters.
  • "Through the door!" He said nonchalantly, winking at her.
  • His gaze travels down her thighs, he smiles, amazed at how funny he suddenly wants her. There has never been a time he felt the need to have someone, he always does it for fun but this...
  • "The power of an angel, sweet!" He licks his lips, standing up.
  • "You know bunny, staying in that exposed clothes only increases the chances of me devouring you" He rubs his hands together,
  • And click his lips to the side.
  • " I-I don't have anything to change into" She stutters, in a soft voice.
  • " Check out the closet," He says and She was quick to reach out as if she couldn't wait for him to say it.
  • Her eyes grew wide at what she saw, " there is no female dress here! " She complains.
  • " Make use of whatever you see," He said.
  • She didn't know which dress to take as all the dresses were for men. Bigger than her times ten.
  • She reach out for a black big t-shirt, and as fast as she could, she got herself lost in the bathroom only to bump into something hard, almost falling if not for his strong grip on her waist.
  • She blink a couple of times, unable to understand how come he is inside like didn't she leave him outside just seconds ago?
  • "Be careful! Little bunny" he murmurs huskily into her ears rubbing his nose against her ear loop.
  • "Don't die of fright, I am everywhere" He sniffed her hair, push her against the door, slides his hand into her pants.
  • His hands rub on her buns, squeeze on her ass. She gasped in response, her heart dancing in excitement.
  • "Such a responsive little bunny" he whispers, lowering himself on her and placing soft feather-like kisses on her neck as she trembles in response.
  • He knew well that angels were special beings, pure and holy but this little one before him was different.
  • Her smell, her sweetness. It was a big turn and he knew better than to assume it was nothing.
  • "Have you ever..." He moves down to her breast and sucks on it, " being touched?" He asked.
  • She didn't respond, everything he was doing to her sent her to the cloud and beyond.
  • She could barely hear what he said.
  • His hands reach for her breast, he licks her cleavage while his hands knead her breast against her bra.
  • "Please!" She begs in a staggering voice.
  • "Is that a yes, bunny?" His golden eyes stare at her face, eyes shot closed breathing haggardly.
  • "Do you like it?" He asked, "do you want more?" He pulls down her bra straps exposing her beautiful round tits.
  • "Beautiful!" He murmurs taking the left breast and sucking on it.
  • While he massages and sucks on her breast with one hand, the other travels down to her pussy. It was dripping wet.
  • "You are wet, bunny!" He moves up to her lips and kisses her, She could only cling to the door.
  • "You want me... Say it!" His voice was compelling, demanding yet low and seductive.
  • There's absolutely no way she will succumb to his demands. So much as she's willing to get his heart, not like this.
  • Her silence got him angered. He was more than willing to make her say it, the words she's never said.
  • He is hellbent on being her first, on tasting every part of her but he needs her to say the word, to give in, to accept his sinful request.
  • He folds on her clit, teasing her pussy lips with his wicked fingers.
  • She was quick to close her mouth with her hands to stop herself from crying out loud.
  • "You like what I am doing, right?" He goes down on one knee and grabs her legs spreading them wide open.
  • His soft cold lips land on her pussy, and his tongue plays with her throbbing clit.
  • Audrey could feel her legs turning limp from his torture, but everything when blank when he slides his finger into her virgin-tight pussy as she squirm in response, shivering.
  • "Please... Ah, please!" She begs unable to think straight.
  • "Tell me what you want bunny, say you want me to devour you," He said in her pussy, his tongue never stopped playing tag with her clit.
  • "No... Please.. don't do this" she begs, tears rolling down her cheeks, bringing back the memory of the guy who tried abusing her in that dark room.
  • "Please, don't" she cries.
  • The sweet and amazing taste of her pussy was as though salt has been added.
  • He could taste it, she wasn't enjoying what he was doing.
  • Audrey's eyes widen when he stopped all of a sudden and left leaving her falling to the cold floor.