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Chapter 3

  • The only thing you could hear from me as I was doing my work the whole time was a nonstop sound of keyboard slamming and typing. Serah and Freya noticed how my mood suddenly changed but didn't bother much about it because they were used to me not even glancing at them when I'm busy with paperwork for Achetbir.
  • "Are you just going home?" Freya asked as I was busy sliding my things inside my bag. I looked at her for a second before giving her a narrow smile and nodding.
  • "We were planning to go to a bar; don't you want to come?" she insisted as I hung my bag around my shoulder.
  • "No, I can't join you; maybe another time since I'm really tired. I just wanted to rest and sleep," I said.
  • "Are you sure that you don't have a boyfriend, Jands?" As soon as those words came out of Serah's mouth, nervousness crept into my body.
  • Are we obvious?
  • "Why do you think I have one?" I asked, trying not to sound suspicious.
  • "It's because you act like you're being strictly told not to," she said, shrugging her shoulders. I faked a laugh as I tried to ease the unsettling feeling in my chest.
  • Achetbir is a strict boyfriend. No more, like he's possessive of me.
  • "I'm just tired, okay? Remember that I was showered by our boss's saliva earlier, right?" I reminded them. Their eyes suddenly looked like they pitied me. Serah came closer to me to pat my shoulder, and Freya was shaking her head.
  • "I hope that tiger will be in a good mood tomorrow so he won't keep calling you in his office," Serah said.
  • Freya quickly hit her friend on the shoulder, giggling. "What are you saying? I'm sure that man's in a good mood tomorrow since he was kissed by his girlfriend!"
  • "Well, I'm going now," I said before they could even talk more about my boyfriend and a random girl. My mood was already sore, and hearing more about them could just make me feel more frustrated as time passed.
  • As I walked down the empty hallway, I couldn't help but think about those two until I got out of the building. There were a lot of rumors circulating around Achetbir and Patriza, and their actions from earlier just made them more suspicious. It looked like the rumors about them having a relationship just strengthened as my boyfriend even escorted her out. Who knows where they went? He didn't even send me a message to inform me.
  • I sighed to myself. I won't be surprised anymore if, tomorrow, their names are in some random newspaper again.
  • The young bachelor, Achetbir Villa Forca, and the sexy model, Patriza Ramir, are confirmed to be in a relationship!
  • I smiled bitterly at myself and shook my head.
  • I wish it were also that pleasing to the ear if my name were written beside his.
  • I halted a taxi passing by and asked him to drive me towards my condo. It was just a few minutes away from the company, so transportation didn't cost me that much money.
  • Along the way, I was still in deep thought about those two sharing a kiss, but I only shook my head. It wasn't the right time to be thinking like this. As I felt the car stop beside the building, I opened my purse and paid the taxi driver before coming out. It was the same condo that Achetbir bought for the two of us to share.
  • I walked into the elevator and pushed the 4th floor area button. I leaned myself against the wall, tired from everything that had happened so far. I took out my phone from the inside of my bag and checked for messages.
  • "He didn't even bother to text me." A looming expression crept into my face as I sighed deeply.
  • I put my phone back into my bag and then heard the elevator ring, as I was already on the 4th floor. Walking towards my condo unit, my shoulders were still sunken from the mixed feelings forming in my chest. I entered the passcode for our apartment and pushed the door open as soon as it unlocked.
  • As I was about to enter, my eyes quickly landed on a figure who was sitting not too far away. He was looking me straight in the eye with an indescribable expression on his face.
  • Is he scared? Is he pissed?
  • "Why are you here?" I asked as soon as I recovered from being surprised. "If I'm not mistaken, tomorrow was our spoken agreement," I said, closing the door when I got inside.
  • I removed my two-inch heels and then went straight to the water dispenser for a glass of water to drink. He hasn't spoken once yet, so as my gaze landed back on him, he was still there, idly staring at me from across the room. The apartment where I am living is just a studio, so despite going to the kitchen, I can still see him from across the spacious room. The only thing that separated the apartment was our bedroom and a bathroom across the edge.
  • "Are you mad?" he asked with his deep baritone voice.
  • I rolled my eyes and put the glass in the sink. I looked at him and raised my left eyebrow.
  • "I am disappointed, Achetbir," I corrected him.
  • I saw him sighed, and then he stood up from his seat. He walked slowly towards me and gently wrapped his arms around my waist.
  • "I'm sorry; I also didn't expect what she did to me," he explained. "I couldn't push or shout at her because everyone was staring earlier."
  • I broke through his hug and looked at him with a serious look on my face. I cupped my hands along his chin and then stared at him straight in the eyes.
  • "I'm disappointed because you didn't text me at all. You just left with her, and I expected you to at least explain yourself, but nothing happened. Nothing came," I said. My voice sounded like it was going to crack for some reason. I gulped.
  • His eyes were still looking straight into mine, not wavering as he bit his lower lip and held my hand. He squeezed it gently.
  • "I was about to text you," he said before averting his gaze.
  • My left eyebrow rose even more, and instead of speaking, I let him talk.
  • "Unfortunately, I didn't notice that I left my phone at the office. I was hurrying to talk to Patriza at that time about what she did and forgot that I left my things inside."
  • I sighed and only looked at him with a bitter smile. My gaze lowered to his suit and I noticed it.
  • "Were you waiting for too long?" I asked as I noticed he was already wearing casual clothes.
  • "Yeah, I went straight to your apartment after talking to Patriza," he answered.
  • "So how did your talk with her go?" I started rummaging towards the refrigerator, looking for ingredients to cook. I felt his footsteps coming, and again, he held me in his arms. He rested his chin on my shoulder and would sometimes kiss it.
  • "Achetbir," I said, warning him.
  • "I already called for food delivery, babe," he murmured.
  • I rolled my eyes at him and closed the refrigerator. He broke from his hug and gently led me towards the living room. He sat down on the coach and slowly motioned to let me sit on his lap. Afterwards, he grabbed me by the waist and hugged me again. He buried his face in my neck as I felt his hot breath sip through my body.
  • "I told her that we were not in a relationship for her to do that sort of thing. I also clearly stated that we cannot be more than just friends," he explained. "I told her to limit her visit in the office since she's interrupting my work and that the employees are being misled with rumors because of her constant actions; afterwards, I just left her without waiting for a response."
  • My lips twitched as I heard him say those words. "You didn't even let her explain her side of the story," I said.
  • He groaned. "No matter what she was going to say, kissing me without my permission was still wrong, babe," he said. "You're the only one I'm allowing," he added before wiggling his eyebrows at me. He pursed his lips, making my heart melt in joy.
  • One thing I love the most about Achetbir is how he loves me. Aside from being so unreal, he had always been genuine with me and caring.
  • Even though a lot of women were being linked with him, I was never jealous to the point that I could no longer trust him. I might have been jealous about their status in life, but never about the love that Achetbir had given me.
  • "I love you," I mumbled.
  • His eyes automatically twinkled in surprise before a smile crept into his face. He hugged me tightly in my arms and kissed me on the lips.
  • "I love you too," he said before crashing his lips back into mine.
  • Our feelings were mutual, and I think they were unbreakable. My sweat poured down my body as I felt his hand clasping mine. I just saw myself doing the same loving session with my beloved, his hands wrapping through my whole body and his manhood thrusting inside of me as I shouted his name several times. We were happy, and the pleasure engulfing us is the same as saying we were one.
  • He carried me to the couch, inserting himself deep inside of me before leading me towards the glass window. The night sky was watching us from below, with the stars twinkling from across the darkness. The city lights looked like they might make you mesmerized and hypnotized by the majestic view.
  • I smiled as heat sipped through my being. The same feeling was forming in the pit of my stomach as I wrapped my hands along his neck for support.
  • We fell in love with the night sky and the stars watching us.
  • "Ooh! Babe, I'm cumming." He let out a manly growl as he buried his cock inside of me. I grasp the edge of the wall as my hips automatically grind through his rhyme, leaving handprints on the glass.
  • "I am too. Ohh, Achetbir, faster babe," I said as I was feeling something more. "Don't cum inside," I reminded him.
  • He didn't answer and only thrust him further before groaning.
  • "Fuck!" he cursed as he took off his shaft from the inside of my core and had both of us release. We were panting, and my heart was racing as he glided his face across my bare back, showering it with kisses.
  • "Next time, I'll use a condom," he mentioned. "It's fucking hard to take off my thing inside of you when you're so hot and tight inside," he whispered.
  • I gently shook my head as I straightened my back. "You and your dirty talks," I said.
  • As if it were a cue, the doorbell rang, and we looked at each other. A smile crept into our faces as we both opened our mouths at the same time.
  • "Food delivery," we said in sync.
  • Great timing.