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Chapter 7

  • I couldn't stop crying as we traveled. I didn't know where Rodrigo was taking me because he didn't say anything either. I was squeezed to the side of the car. I tried opening the door, but it was locked.
  • I flinched when Rodrigo suddenly placed his hand on my left thigh. I immediately removed it and pressed myself closer to the side.
  • "W-What are you doing? What do you want?!" I asked fearfully.
  • Rodrigo looked at me. I shivered when I saw desire in his eyes. His gaze traveled down my body, making me even more uncomfortable. I started crying even harder. He hadn't said anything yet, but I felt like I knew what he was planning to do. His gaze was so cold, it sent chills down my spine. I wanted to get out of this car!
  • "Why are you so afraid of me? Shouldn't you be happy that you're inside my car with me? A lot of women want to be in your position."
  • I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "I would never want to be close to you! You're soulless!" I shouted. His gaze suddenly turned sharper. I let out a whimper when he forcefully grabbed the back of my head. It felt like he was pulling my hair out with his tight grip.
  • "What did you say?" he asked, his voice filled with a threatening tone.
  • I mustered the courage to meet his gaze. "Y-You're the worst person I've ever known!"
  • I screamed when he tugged my hair a little harder. He held onto my chin and brought his face closer to mine. I gasped as his hot breath hit me. I could smell the cigarette on his breath. He suddenly smiled, sending shivers down my spine.
  • "Really? Don't worry. I'm not bad in bed," he said meaningfully.
  • My eyes widened. "What do you mean?"
  • He just glared at me and let go abruptly. It was then that I noticed the car had stopped in front of a large house. I gasped when I saw several men standing by its side, each holding a long gun. Rodrigo got out of the car and turned around. I was about to get out as well, but the door next to me suddenly opened, and someone pulled me down. I immediately struggled, trying to free myself from the grip of the two men.
  • "Let go of me! Where are you taking me?!" I cried.
  • "Boss Rod, where are we taking her?"
  • "Let her go. I'll take care of her," Rodrigo ordered.
  • The two men released me. I gasped for breath as I looked around. It was a beautiful two-story house. It resembled the luxurious houses from before. But no matter how beautiful it was, I still felt a chill from the people surrounding me. All the men I saw had guns in their hands. They all grinned at me, full of desire in their eyes. I hugged myself and cried even harder.
  • Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. "Let go of me! Please!" I desperately tried to remove Rodrigo's grip on me. But because he was bigger and stronger, he practically dragged me. Even though I stumbled and fell, he didn't stop walking. My eyes widened when I saw an old woman in the living room. She looked surprised as she watched us, and I could see pity in her eyes. "P-Please, help me!" I shouted, but she averted her gaze, so I had no choice but to let Rodrigo drag me away.
  • It was over. Maybe I really had no hope left. Whatever he was going to do to me, maybe I should just accept it. But why? I hadn't done anything wrong
  • to him. Yes, maybe it was wrong of me to expose his evil nature, but it was only right that people knew he was not a good person! But why did it feel like I was the one being punished?
  • Rodrigo took me to a large room with a big bed in the middle. He immediately pushed me onto the bed, causing me to fall onto the soft mattress. I quickly sat up and searched for Rodrigo with my eyes. He stood in front of me, his eyes gazing at me intently. I climbed onto the bed and moved back, never taking my eyes off him.
  • "P-Please, have mercy! I haven't done anything wrong to you!"
  • Rodrigo loosened his necktie, alarming me. "Indeed," he said. He unbuttoned his polo shirt one by one.
  • "W-What are you doing?" I asked, trembling with fear. I stopped moving back when my back hit the headboard.
  • "Actually, there is something, Jane."
  • He removed his polo shirt, revealing his body to me. I averted my gaze upon seeing it. Perhaps other women would admire his physique, but not me! I shivered at the thought of what he could do to me in this room.
  • "You mesmerized me. I don't know what you did to me, but since I saw you, I haven't been able to forget you."
  • I furrowed my brow and looked at him again. I started crying when I saw him removing his belt.
  • "B-Because of that, you're doing this to me? Why me?!"
  • I cried again. I couldn't understand what he was saying. Did he take me without my consent just because he was fascinated by me? I wiped away my tears and pressed myself against the front of the bed even more. My eyes widened when I saw Rodrigo no longer wearing pants. He only had black boxer shorts on, and something large was clearly visible inside. I panicked and looked to the side. I was no longer a child, so I knew what he was doing. I was about to get off the bed, but suddenly, I felt the bed move. Then someone pulled me, causing me to lie down.
  • "What are you doing? Ahh!"
  • I grabbed Rodrigo's hand when he touched me down there. He wasn't choking me, but his grip was tight, making it difficult for me to breathe. He also positioned himself on top of me, and I could feel his weight. His hand moved to my cheek and gently squeezed.
  • "This... face. I don't know why, but I want you mine, Jane. From now on, you belong to me. You can no longer get close to other men. Or else, I will kill them in front of you," he threatened.
  • "You're so cruel! You animal!" I said, struggling to speak.
  • He let go of me and held my hands on both sides. I tried to escape his grasp, but he was too strong. I could barely breathe because of his tight hold. His hand was also resting on my stomach, so I could feel his weight. He moved his hand to my cheek and lightly squeezed it.
  • "Please... Don't do this," I begged. But he just grinned, and his face grew darker. He brought his face closer to mine, stopping when his lips were only a hair's breadth away.
  • When he unbuttoned my blouse and caressed my bare skin, I felt a mixture of pleasure and disgust. His touch ignited sensations that I had never experienced before, but I couldn't deny the fear and violation that overwhelmed me. I closed my eyes tightly and tried to detach myself from the situation, hoping it would end soon.
  • "Stop! Please, stop!" I pleaded, my voice trembling with both fear and anguish.
  • But Rodrigo paid no heed to my pleas. He continued his assault, his movements becoming more forceful and relentless. I could feel the pain intensify with each thrust, and my tears flowed uncontrollably.
  • As the minutes stretched into what felt like an eternity, my mind wandered to my family, to the safety and happiness we once shared. How did I end up in this nightmare? Why was I being subjected to such cruelty?
  • Eventually, Rodrigo released his grip on me and withdrew from my trembling body. I curled up on the bed, feeling broken and violated. My tears soaked the pillow as I silently wept, my pain echoing in the empty room.