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Chapter 2

  • Torture Me
  • Jess tugged at the chain to see how tight it was and she found it not just tight, but very taut and firm. It was her idea, but now, she was feeling a little worried - a sort of sweet worry that made the apex of her thighs feel wet. She looked down to see Brandon locking down her leg.
  • "Feeling nervous already?", he teased, but she only scoffed in return.
  • "Last time I checked, you were the one with cold feet," she shot back.
  • Brandon chuckled and ran his finger up her calf. It was just a brief touch, but Jess flinched immediately and Brandon laughed. Now, she was getting really nervous. He had warned her, but she had accused him of being a coward and now, here she was, stark naked and standing with her legs wide apart, each ankle chained to the ground; hands wide apart, each wrist chained to the wall on either side, leaving her totally at his mercy. Nothing made contact with her skin except the chains, and her hair which hung down her back.
  • "Ready?", Brandon asked. But it was a teasing question; he didn't wait for her to answer it before pulling the mask over her eyes, effectively blindfolding her.
  • Whew! Now it was time for action. Jess tested the tightness of the chains again by tugging at them, but she stopped when she heard the window suddenly being opened.
  • "Oh," she gasped as a jet of cool breeze flew through the side window and swept over her breasts, activating her nipples to full hardness.
  • "Come on, close it," she ordered through gritted teeth.
  • Brandon chuckled and slowly pushed the window close. She knew this was only a taste of what was yet to come, but man, was it a sizeable taste. Her nipples were still rock hard and fully extended, tingling like crazy. It would be a great relief to have something... anything rub against them. Even a cotton shirt, a wet tongue, a wet mouth... God, she would love to have her nipples thoroughly sucked and bitten nicely while a finger scratched her aureolas to make it all sweeter. Oh the thought of it was making the nipples even harder and the goosebumps on her aureolas seemed to be increasing.
  • Vwip
  • A sharp sound like that of a zip being pulled down arrested her attention immediately. Since she couldn't see, she turned her head towards the direction the sound had emanated.
  • "What was that?", she demanded, burning with curiosity and nervous at the same time.
  • "I don't think we agreed to tell you everything I was going to do, rather it was the opposite," Brandon quipped, and she could hear the mockery in his voice.
  • "Hmmf!", she scoffed in a show of carelessness, even though her heart was beating faster in anticipation of what next he had in mind.
  • "But I'll tell you anyway," he said suddenly. "I've just taken off my clothes. Don't you wish you could see me? My broad chest, and flexing pecs, all sweaty. Don't you wanna run your hands down my chiseled abs and feel the warmth and hardness? And then trace your way down to my cock... it's nodding and waving at you, you know... almost fully erect as I walk towards you from behind. Can you feel me getting closer?"
  • Jess didn't say anything in return, but she could feel his presence behind her... his naked presence... that hot body of his covered with a sheen of sweat like on those nights when they'd spend several hours fucking noisily in all sorts of positions. She wanted to be in his arms now, touching his hard chest and feeling the rippling muscles in every part of his body - his shoulders, his back, his neck, his lower back and his tight muscled ass.
  • Those rock hard ass cheeks were the first things she saw of him when they first met. She'd walked in on him pounding her roommate into the mattress, his ass cheeks clenching and unclenching with each massive thrust into her friend's pussy. The crazy part was that even when he finally noticed her presence, he didn't stop fucking her friend, and after he was done with her roommate, she was his next target. And it was a mission fully accomplished. He made her cum twice before they both fell asleep. Later, she learned that he and her friend had only hooked up for that one night as lonely single people in search of some heat, so the way was clear for her to take him as hers. But to her surprise, he'd already set his sights on her and the rest was, like they say, history.
  • But in the present, Brandon was still standing behind her. In fact, he had come so close now that she could feel the heat from his body and she wished she could just lean back into him and share a bit of that heat and let him wrap his strong muscular arms around her and ohhhh... She sighed in satisfaction as he pressed his chest against her back. It was like lying down on a warm blanket on a cold night. The only thing left was to wrap the blanket around her body. But before she could ask him to hold her, he stepped back. Ugh! She pulled on the chains, forgetting that she was in a spread eagle position on her feet, not lying down on a bed. The tight chains did not even make a sound.
  • "Hmm," she sighed in resignation and waited for him to come again. This whole thing was her idea after all and she was beginning to regret it!
  • Seconds passed, minutes came, but there was no sound or any other indication that Brandon was in the room. She strained her ears to listen, but no sound reached her ears.
  • "Hey, where are you?", she asked in an anxious whisper, fearing that he'd left her and gone out, which he could do if he wanted. Anything was allowed.
  • Then all of a sudden, she felt a sharp jolt flow through her breast. "Ahh!", she gasped, throwing back her head and pushing her chest forward. Brandon had just flicked his ice-cold wet tongue over her nipple... just once! She expected him to do it again, but he didn't. She could beg him, but she wouldn't. Her arm shook slightly and the neglected nipple was tingling heavily. She tried to flex her shoulder to give herself some relief, but the chains were too tight. Ach! She needed very badly to be touched. Just a tiny little touch on her burning, erect teat.
  • "Ssss!", she hissed in pleasure, and this time, her legs shook as Brandon caressed his icy tongue over her second nipple. She pushed her chest forward, trying to get all of the teat into his mouth, but the bastard pulled away again! Now, she had both nipples rock hard, tingling and burning like crazy and itching to be scratched. Her arms shook and she couldn't help but whimper. She felt so helpless and at his mercy.
  • Brandon chuckled from somewhere close and her jaws tightened immediately.
  • "I swear I'll kill you after all this," she threatened angrily, forgetting for a moment that "all this" was her idea. But Brandon didn't respond. He had gone silent again. Her nipples were still tingling badly, but she had a feeling that something much greater could happen now that Brandon was quiet again. She turned her head all around, hoping to know where he was and anticipate his next move. Christ, did she wish she had not included a blindfold in this whole activity. Suddenly, she felt something brush against her thigh and... "Shit!"
  • She tried to jump, but the chains held her in place. The bastard had just flicked her clit with his ice-cold tongue! Jess's thighs shook and her hips bucked wildly, trying to push her throbbing clit against something or someone, but Brandon had moved away. She groaned in frustration, willing herself to pee so the warmth would disarm the charge around her vibrating love button, but nothing came out of her bladder. Agh! She really would kill this guy. She never used to do things like sucking on his sensitive dickhead after he'd just cum, but next time, she would!
  • As if he'd read her mind, Brandon suddenly touched a block of ice to her nipples and at the same time, his freshly iced tongue engulfed her clit!
  • "Ice wasn't part of the plaaaaaan!" Jess had gone crazy. Her thighs and arms were vibrating and her belly spasmed heavily. The three most sensitive parts of her body were on fire. She felt as if her nipples were 10inch steel bullets that were thrown into a fire of ice and attached to her chest. Her clit too was throbbing so much that she thought she could hear it in her ears. Her hips were working in every direction, bucking, rotating, jerking from side to side, trying hard to press her clit against something... anything! But there was nothing around, except the dead silent Brandon preparing for his next assault. The mere thought of this made her clit throb even harder. Jess decided to put an end to this immediately.
  • "Stop! I'm done with this. Just fuck me already... please!"
  • "But please isn't the safe word," Brandon said from somewhere behind her.
  • "I don't care! Just fuck me!"
  • Her thighs were still shaking badly, but it was more bearable now that immediate relief was assured. Brandon would never disobey her... or... or would he? Seconds passed and her pussy was still leaking in anticipation of getting stuffed and fucked. Her juices were beginning to trickle down her thigh and her clit was still throbbing as hard as ever, but still, there was nothing but silence.
  • "Brandon!"
  • "Okay, okay, I'm here."
  • And truly, he was there now. Jess exhaled deeply as his big muscular arms held her tight, his chest and hard abs pressed against her front while his hands caressed her ass softly. He held both ass cheeks in his hands, giving her goosebumps all over her thighs. Without prior notice, he began to slide his rock hard dick into her pussy. Jess screwed her eyes shut behind the blindfold as his much welcome prick snaked through her wet tunnel up to the hilt. One short thrust and he filled her completely. Jess moaned in satisfaction. She wished she could rub her clit now, but she didn't have to worry; Brandon knew what she needed.
  • He pushed himself up, making sure to get his pubic bone in contact with her clit and she shuddered mightily. Still, he went on to massage her love button as much as he could, rolling his hips and grinding against the throbbing nub. He took one hand off her ass and reached up to grab her breast and pinch her nipple.
  • "Oh!", Jess whimpered and shook heavily as her climax hit her, sending shock waves from her toes all up to her hair roots. Her head fell down on his shoulder at the end of her orgasm and she just lay there, limp but fully aware that Brandon was now fucking her with deep fast strokes. Both of his hands were now back to grabbing her ass cheeks, holding her in place as he slammed his prick into her non-stop. Within seconds, her second orgasm was on its way and Brandon went on pounding her through it before he started panting. Suddenly, he stiffened and then slam! He drove his dick one last time into her pussy and it exploded deep inside her, pouring out his hot cum like a fire hose.