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Chapter 13 The Return Of Vikram"

  • The years passed like fleeting clouds, a span of 12 years unfolded—a period filled with unrelieved chapters and unsaid words, lingering in the untold stories of time.
  • In the Varma Mansion in Bangalore, Priya was bustling around the kitchen, ensuring everything was in order as per her instructions. Devi, observing her daughter-in-law's restlessness, reassured, "Priya, calm down. Everything has been done just as you instructed. Take a seat; everything is ready."
  • Priya, with a mix of excitement and anticipation, remarked, "You know, right? Our Vikram is coming back after a year."
  • Devi responded with a hint of pride, "Not only me, but the entire country knows. It's all over every channel and newspaper—The Great Vikram Varma."
  • While conversing, they walked into the living room, where Siddharth was engrossed in watching the news. The anchor's voice echoed, "Vikram Varma, a 24-year-old handsome young man and the heartthrob of many girls. A basketball champion, Chess Grandmaster, model—finishing his studies, he's returning to his motherland to take forward his family legacy, Varma Group of Industries
  • A proud smile adorned Siddharth's face as he absorbed the achievements of his son.
  • Devi, noticing Siddharth's absence at the airport, questioned, "What are you doing? I expected you to go to the airport to pick him up."
  • Priya, with party preparations in mind, asked, "Are we having a party tonight? Did you ask your manager to send out all the VIP invitations to come to the party?"
  • Siddharth responded with a simple "No."
  • Both Priya and Devi, shocked, exclaimed, "No! Why?"
  • Siddharth expressed, "Vikram denied me to come to the airport, and he also refused to have a party."
  • ★★★
  • Vikram, at 24 years old, is an embodiment of striking handsomeness as he arrives from the airport. Standing tall, his well-built physique emanates an air of athleticism and confidence. His sharp features contribute to a distinguished look, with a chiseled jawline complementing his piercing eyes. Vikram's appearance is a captivating blend of charisma and youthful vigor, making heads turn as he moves with an effortless grace. Dressed in a stylish ensemble, he carries himself with an understated elegance that only adds to the overall allure. As he strides confidently, Vikram's magnetic presence makes an indelible impression, leaving onlookers in awe of his captivating charm.
  • The media, like a swarm of eager bees, surrounded Vikram as he moved forward. Flashing cameras and microphones extended towards him, capturing every step and word. Reporters fired questions, creating a buzzing atmosphere around him.
  • Undeterred, Vikram maintained his composed demeanor, gracefully navigating through the media frenzy. With measured steps, he reached the waiting car, expertly dodging the onslaught of questions. The car door opened, and he seamlessly entered, leaving the whirlwind of media behind as the vehicle smoothly pulled away.
  • Once seated, he glanced at Ajit, his schoolmate and best friend, who was sitting next to him in the car. With a playful tone, Vikram teased, "Wow, without meeting anyone, straight to me. Hello, somebody give me the background music for my emotions."
  • Unamused, Vikram questioned, "Is this funny for you?"
  • Ajit chuckled and instructed the driver, "Driver, go to Varma Mansion."
  • Vikram suggested, "Let's go to the coffee bar. I want to talk to you personally."
  • Ajit, relaying Vikram's choice to the driver, said, "Heaven Coffee." The driver promptly obeyed, steering the car towards the coffee shop.
  • ★★★
  • The private room at Heaven Coffee exudes a cozy ambiance, with warm lighting and comfortable seating. Soft instrumental music plays in the background, creating a relaxed atmosphere. The walls are adorned with tasteful artwork
  • As they sit across from each other, sipping on their coffee, Vikram looks at Ajit and asks, "Did you collect the information?"
  • Ajit, puzzled, questioned, "About what?"
  • Vikram shot him an angry look and stated, "I am serious, Ajit. I told you to collect information about the person who is running a website, 'Mark-IV.'"
  • Ajit, still confused, asked, "You mentioned that the person running it would be 10 years older than us."
  • "Exactly! Yes, I just want to meet him, talk to him, and express my gratitude. I want to tell him how he inspired me," Vikram explained.
  • Ajit burst into laughter.
  • "Stop it, idiot! I'm serious. I admire him a lot. His words are truly inspirational. I've known about him for the past 11 years—his architectural plans, crafts, and..."
  • Amidst the laughter, Ajit inquired, "In all these years, you haven't talked to him on the phone or seen a photo of this so-called person?"
  • Vikram explained, "We just used to chat through messages on his personal website, and he never shares his photo on the website or any of his social networks."
  • Ajit, with a mischievous tone, added, "Ahem...! Listen carefully to the breaking news you're sharing. 'He'... 'He'... 'He' is not He. It's 'She.' She is a girl, just two years younger than us, a 22-year-old girl who is running the website 'Mark IV.' I tried hard to get information, but beyond this, I couldn't find anything." Ajit's revelation added a surprising twist to Vikram's assumptions.
  • "What!?" Vikram exclaimed, a mixture of surprise and shock evident on his face. "I can't believe it! How is that even possible?" The revelation had left him astounded, challenging the assumptions he had carried for over a decade.He pondered, "How could I have misunderstood?"
  • Ajit, sensing Vikram's contemplative silence, asked, "What do we do now? Do you want me to find her?"
  • Vikram remained quiet.
  • Ajit tried again, "Do you still have contact with her?"
  • "Yes," Vikram responded.
  • Ajit suggested, "Why don't you ask her name or where she lives?"
  • Vikram sighed and admitted, "I don't, yaar. I'm still in shock!"
  • Ajit playfully teased, "By the way, do you love her?"
  • Vikram rolled his eyes and replied, "Shut up. Let's go home."
  • Ajit continued teasing until they entered the car, when the car reached the mansion, Vikram insiste
  • d, "Get inside the car." After reaching the mansion, Vikram got down from the car.