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Chapter 10

  • Phoenix Sterling
  • We purposely came kinda late to Maldives because we don't want to deal with people before the party. We arrived about 2 hours before the wedding and we both were busy preparing ourselves for it.
  • "Ready?" I was fixing my tie when she came out from the bathroom looking so beautiful in her cream cocktail dress. She smiled at me and turned her body around.
  • "What do you think?" She asked.
  • "You look beautiful." I said because she did take my breath away. She grabbed her small clutch and she pointed at the door. "Let's go?"
  • "Yeah." I said and I checked myself one more time at the mirror before going out. I turned to her and asked her to link her arms to mine. She linked her arm and we walked to the venue together.
  • "I'm a little nervous." She said.
  • "They will love you, don't worry." I said as we walked closer to the church. I saw some people that I recognized and they saw me. I wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her closer to me.
  • "Uncle Ed!" I hugged him because it's been a long time since I've seen him.
  • "My boy.." He said as he hugged me tighter.
  • "Uncle, I want you to meet my girlfriend. Her name is Lana Castroff." I said as I turned to Lana. "Babe, this is my uncle Edward."
  • "Nice to meet you." Lana said as she gave him a brief hug.
  • "Your parents kept asking about you.. you should go." He said and I nodded. I wrapped my arm around Lana again before walking into the church. I saw a couple of my cousins and introduced them to Lana before meeting my parents.
  • "It's really nice meeting you, you're so sweet." Lana said to my cousin, Gia.
  • "Darling, my parents already waiting. We'll talk to you later, Gia." I smiled to my cousin and she gestured me to go. I held Lana's hand and brought her to my parents.
  • "Mother father.. this is my girlfriend, Lana." I introduced her to them. She smiled and gave them a warming hug.
  • "I've heard a lot of things about you, Mr. Sterling. Phoenix really adores you." Ever since we walked into this church, she's been really good at playing the girlfriend or the wife card. She's a natural and I'm really glad that I picked the right woman for this.
  • "Really? That's pretty rare." My father turned to me and I chuckled.
  • "Sorry about last time, Lana. I hope we could start over." My mother said and Lana smiled. "It's okay, Mrs. Sterling. I understand that you want the best for Phoenix."
  • "The wedding will start in 5 minutes.. please be seated." We heard the announcement and my parents asked us to sit together with them. Lana sat beside my mother and I wrapped my arm around her pulling her closer to me.
  • "Do you know the groom babe?" She asked and I kissed her cheek nodding.
  • "He and Edeline were high school sweethearts." I said and she turned to me smiling. I saw starstruck for a second and caught out of guard when she gave me a peck on my lips. She leaned her body to me and turned her attention to the door.
  • The wedding started and the groom, Lorenzo, walked in. He looked great in his suit and I knoew that he's ready to get married. He stood at the front and when they announced that the bride is entering the room, we all stood up.
  • I wrapped my arms around Lana's waist from the back as we both were looking at Edeline entering the church looking so beautiful in her wedding dress with her father.
  • "She looks.. so.. beautiful." Lana said.
  • "You're more." I whispered but loud enough for my mother to hear. She chuckled and I kissed her cheek. Edeline walked down the aisle and now it's time for them to say each other vows.
  • "I think I'm going to cry." She said as Lorenzo started to say his vow. I chuckled seeing Lana and can't help but gave a kiss on her lips for how adorable she was. She was biting her lips hearing the vows and cried a little.
  • "There.. there.." I said as I wiped her tears slowly. My mother even offered tissues for her. "Thankyou, mother." I said and my mother smiled.
  • "They're so beautiful." Lana said and I couldn't hold it anymore. I kissed her lips slowly and we both looked at each other before I sat up straight again. I felt her body tense and I held her hands tightly.
  • We cheered happily when the priest pronounced that they're officially husband and wife. They walked down the aisle together and there's a lot of flower petals being thrown in the air celebrating the newlywed couple.
  • I introduced Lana to my family and they love her. They really like her just like how I predicted. She really played the girlfriend role really well. We're acting like we're already dating for a really long time too. She's that good and she really knows how to make people like her.
  • "Phoenix, let's have tea together." My father suddenly approached me. I nodded and we both followed my father towards the cafe there. We sat down as a family and I think this is the perfect time to announce them.
  • "I actually have something to say.." I said as I turned to Lana. I held her hand tightly and then turned to my parents.
  • "We.. got married about 4 days ago." I said and my parents' reaction was crazy. They were speechless and I chuckled.
  • "I've been dating her for quite some time now and I felt really right. That's why I really hate when you both are trying to set me up with someone." I said trying to fool my parents completely.
  • "She's the one. I actually popped the question about a month ago and we couldn't stay away from each other." I said turning my head to Lana. She smiled and leaned towards me for a kiss.
  • "How could you.. not tell us first?"
  • "I rather not because I don't want you to pressure Lana to marry me." I said and my father chuckled.
  • "Well, I'm really happy for you both. Will you have a wedding ceremony?"
  • "We're planning to.. in about a month but there's something going on with her family so she needs to settle down that first before we proceed with the wedding." I said and my mother got up from her seat hugging us tightly.
  • "I'm so happy for you guys!"