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Chapter 8 Kill Megan Williams!

  • Chapter 8 :Kill Megan Williams!
  • Eden didn't faint, but his brother had signaled to him to stay put. He probably would have done so even if Ethan didn't ask him to. While he was in Elvira's grip, he felt something very strange. Something he had only heard in history classes and read in books. He was so terrified that he didn't need anyone to ask him to stay put. So, he had pulled himself together and sat on the floor, listening to the conversation going on. When he heard the name of the target, though, he went pale.
  • Kill Megan Williams? Megan with the father Dad fears? Is she mad?
  • “Interesting.” Ethan squinted his eyes at Elvira.
  • “We can't take your deal. We will be the first suspects if she dies while we are here.”
  • “You don't have to kill her directly. Just claim and mark her. Keep her somewhere well hidden. She will be dead within 48 hours and by then, the wedding should be over. Even if they find her on time, as long as she remains unconscious, nobody will be able to identify you until she dies.
  • In the werewolf realm, an Alpha, be it male or female, can have as many Betas or Omega Delta or even another Alpha who chooses to submit. The only catch is that they must willingly submit. If an Alpha or any strong wolf forces another wolf to submit, the weak wolf can reject their markings. The rejection of a wolf's marking means slow death for the weak wolf because the spiritual essence that should have created a bond with the weak wolf's heart will turn hostile after being rejected. Instead of leaving the heart that rejected it, it will attack it and poison it. For this reason, forced marking is a taboo. This is why unfated couples need to show a successful bonding before a wedding can be called successful.
  • When forced marking is done, the wolf that rejected the bonding will not live beyond 48 hours unless a shaman gets to them within the first 10 minutes of the heart's poisoning caused by the spiritual essence of the Alpha wolf. A second later than 10 minutes, and they can only wait to die. It would be too late.
  • Ethan's eyes turned solemn as he looked into Elvira's eyes.
  • “You are quite vicious. It wasn't enough that you took her man. She has to die too.” He stated matter-of-factly.
  • “See who is talking.” Elvira snorted. “Are you in or not?”
  • “You have to provide the hideout, and we will do the rest.”
  • “Done.”
  • Eden was aghast. He couldn't believe his ears. “We…we are taking the job?” He stuttered as he stared at his elder brother in wonderment.
  • “Yes, we are.” Ethan replied without even looking at Eden. All his focus was on Elvira. “Also, we want the location now.” He continued.
  • Elvira chuckled then shook her head.
  • “The first location is in Ecuba. Alastair lane. As for the other two, when the job is done, you will get them.”
  • “Fair.”
  • “She leaves the house at 6 am every market day to go help her aunty with her store. She returns around 9 pm, and she usually takes a shortcut, which is the Balan alley. That alley is always lonely and since only a fool will attack Oliver's daughter when he is in town, she will not see you coming. Furthermore, due to the wedding party going on, there will be fewer people on the street at that hour. Every one will be in the hall. Grab her and bring her to the location I will send to you later.”
  • “Okay.”
  • Elvira nodded at Ethan and left. A few seconds after she was gone, Eden found his voice again. “Are we really doing this?” He asked again.
  • “When she was holding you, did you feel anything strange?” Ethan changed the subject as he looked at Eden, who was now on his feet and dusting his butt,
  • “How did you know?” Eden turned to his brother in shock.
  • “Your skin was turning white.”
  • “What?” Eden quickly checked his skin out. To his relief, it was in its usual shade. “Are you sure?”
  • “Did you feel anything?”
  • “Yes. I felt like my strength was being drained out of me. It was so fast and sudden that I didn't have time to stop it. I am not sure I can even stop it if I had the chance. It was so strange and frightening. “
  • Ethan nodded with a knowing look.
  • “No wonder Jake rejected his fated mate because of her. It is a good trade.” He signed.
  • “Brother," Eden walked up to Ethan and gave him a serious look. “Is it what I think it is?” He asked in bewilderment.
  • “What do you think it is?” Ethan asked with a small smile.
  • “Is she a real Luna? You know, those with magical powers.”
  • “I think so.” Even though Ethan was convinced within himself that Elvira was a Luna, since he himself had never seen one before, he didn't have the confidence to affirm his belief.
  • “Should we tell father? He said we shouldn't go near that girl, and now we want to kill her. We might die too once he finds out.” Eden said as a shiver coursed through his body. The memories of his father's methods were the stuff nightmares were made of.
  • “Don't worry. If father finds out, I will protect you.” Ethan patted Eden's shoulder. “Now tell me, what were you thinking?” He asked in amusement. “You actually have the gall to attack the strongest Alpha in our generation. Are you trying to get yourself killed?”
  • Eden scoffed and rolled his eyes. “How was I to know she was that strong?”
  • “I keep telling you the same thing over and over. Think before you act. Everything can't be done with brute force, Eden. At this rate, father will never give you your unit.
  • Eden, who has heard this speech more times than he liked to remember, scratched his head in embarrassment. “I will do as you say, brother. I am sorry.” He said remorse.
  • Ethan rôles his eyes. The day Eden mature would probably be the day the Moon stays Purple forever.
  • When a wolf first meets its mate, they can couple for days and in some cases, a whole week. Therefore, nobody expected the new couple to come out of their room anytime soon. In fact, coming out early can only mean that the bonding failed. If such a thing happens, the shaman would have to come over again and perform the necessary ritual.
  • Therefore, the next day, everyone at Blue-Mist went about their businesses with plans to gather again in the evening for the final unveiling of the new couple.
  • Megan, just like Elvira had revealed to Ethan, left home at exactly 6 am and worked to her bones at the market. When it was 9 in the evening, everyone was still in the hall feasting. Megan, who had worked so hard because her auntie was at the wedding, slowly made her way home, her mind on Ryan and the things he might find out in that forest. They spoke on the phone earlier, and she promised to call him once she gets home. In fact, he was still on his way back from the forest too. Just like he predicted, it took him all day.
  • With her attention elsewhere, Megan didn't see the shadows tailing her from the market.
  • Once she entered the Balan alley, a black sac suddenly covered her head. She didn't even have time to scream before she was knocked out.
  • When fated mates meet, a natural bond is instantly created. This bond makes it possible for them to feel each other's emotions depending on how close they are to each other. The bond is so strong that they will be able to smell each other, and each wolf's smell is unique. Since the day Jake recognized Megan, he had access to her emotions. As long as she comes to school, he would know. He would be able to smell her. He would also sense the turbulence in her heart, but there was nothing he could do about it. While his parents had hoped that Elvira would turn out to be his mate, nobody had expected that the pack's cripple would turn out to be the Luna Moon mother would pick for him. He and Elvira had been promised to each other since they were young, and he truly believed that he was in love with Elvira until he sensed Megan.
  • When he first found out that Megan was his fated mate, he was furious and had readily rejected her as his father instructed. But with the passage of time and his wolf's influence, Megan dominated his thoughts more and haunted his sleep. Especially the scene when Ryan had taken her away a few months ago when he and his friends were taunting her. Jake or better still, his wolf; Ruby, couldn't seem to forget how Ryan had reached out and taken her hand. How they had walked off holding each other like lovers. That was his woman! Even though he rejected her, no man has the right to touch her. Even as a rejected Luna, she will remain his woman!
  • With time, Ruby's thoughts became Jake's thoughts. Man and wolf were supposed to be one in the first place. Their wills might clash, but with time they will always fall in place. Things have gone so bad that Ruby would start screaming obscenities in Jake's head each time they see Ryan and Megan together. Something that was becoming too often.
  • At the wedding last night, Megan was at her most beautiful and Jake was stunned. He was so stunned that throughout the ceremony, he couldn't focus. The moment he stopped feeling Megan's aura, he knew she had left and became even sadder. Couldn't she just wait and let him look at her for longer? Even if it was from afar, Jake was ready to take what he could. He knew he had offended Elvira, but what could he do? The heart wants what it wants.
  • Today being the second day of the wedding, Jake was longingly expecting to see Megan again, but to his disappointment, she didn't attend this time. For the first time in Jake's life, he attempted to speak to Scott, one of Megan's brothers. To say Scott was shocked, would be an understatement. He was befuddled. So befuddled, he couldn't make a single coherent sentence. Jake was able to piece Scott's words together and understood that she had gone to the market.
  • Not giving up, Jake made sure to spend more time with his friends tonight. Maybe once Megan returns from the market, perhaps she would come check the party out, and he would be able to see her face before he retires for the night. He just wanted to see her pretty, cute, doll-like face.
  • Jake, Elvira, and their minors were in the hall's courtyard, drinking, when an ominous feeling descended on him from nowhere. Instantly, Jake knew that wherever Megan was, she was in trouble. He stood up, startling everyone.
  • “What is it?” Elvira asked. She had been putting up with Jake's irritated mood for more than a day. This seems to be getting better the more he drank. So, she was enjoying his company now. Not just that, after tonight, Jake's eyes would never seek Megan out in a crowd again because their connections would be broken forever. Elvira was thrilled.
  • So, when Jake suddenly stood up and wanted to leave, it was like she suddenly woke up from a deep sleep. Before she could even say anything, he had excused himself and ran off. Maybe it was the alcohol or her confidence in the mercenary boys, Elvira promptly waved the thoughts of his departure aside and kept drinking with their friends.
  • As Jake raced towards the Williams house, he berated himself for not having her phone number. Currently, Jake had completely forgotten that if not that Megan suddenly became his mate, he never even knew of her existence. Yet, they attended the same schools and were in the same classes. He completely forgot that, until a week ago, he and his friends would mock, taunt and tease her into crying each time they ran into her back in school. He had completely forgotten that he was ordered never to have anything to do with Megan Williams.
  • Presently, as an Alpha, his mate was in trouble and finding her, protecting her, that was all that mattered.