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Chapter 12

  • I grimace, both from her words and the impact of the plane hitting the runway. Suddenly, my nerves are in overdrive, and I’m anxious as hell. In just minutes, I’ll be seeing Mr. Rodriguez. Just the thought of it has me squirming in my seat. After the doors are opened and we’re allowed to exit, I numbly grab my bag and follow Adriana off the plane and through the terminal.
  • For a few minutes, I forget about my nerves and glance around the huge airport. I can’t believe I’m in Barcelona, Spain! Right as we’re about to get to the baggage claim area, I turn my head to get a glimpse of the city outside the window and walk right into a brick wall, or at least that’s what it feels like until I hear a deep laugh and feel a hand land possessively on my lower back.
  • I don’t even need to look up to know who it is that I’ve run into. I’d know him by his scent alone. It’s an intoxicating blend of his expensive cologne and his natural scent that drives me crazy every time I smell it. Without warning, I let out a small moan at the feel of all that hard muscle I’m pressed up against and instinctively lean a bit closer. I look up with a gasp when I feel his cock give a healthy jump against my hip. Holy shit he feels huge!
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