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Agreement Behind Her Marriage

Agreement Behind Her Marriage


Last update: 1970-01-01

Chapter 1 The Wedding

  • [This chapter may disturb some readers. A trigger warning is advised.]
  • LILY'S heart was beating frantically. She was driven by her stepbrother Kenneth to a hotel-based bachelor party for a friend. Even though she was aware of the man's ulterior motivations, she felt compelled to go with him out of concern for her safety.
  • “I’ll kill your precious Manang Puring if you disobey me,” she remembers Kenneth's ghostly, demonic smile before he took her to that place.
  • "Hello, boys!" he said right after they opened the door of one suite.
  • They found four men inside the room.
  • “Wow, Ken!” One of his friends whistled. “You really took Lily with you?” She was unsure of why his eyes were crimson at the time. She recognizes him as Kenneth's best friend, the man who frequently stops by their home. She catches him casting an uncomfortable glance her way most of the time. She also heard her brother remark, "She's stupid! Even our father hated the woman. If you want to fuck her, go ahead. She might be helpful to you.”
  • "Get inside!" a harsh order given by Kenneth. When she hesitated, he pushed her.
  • “P-please…. I want to go home..." Tears streamed down her cheeks as anxiety crept over her. She was very terrified and knew that Kenneth's intentions towards her were always evil. There were five men there and she could see no one else.
  • One of his friends stroked her cheek while saying, "Shhh."
  • He said, "We won't do anything bad to you, Lily... We just want you to be happy. You'll enjoy this," in an effort to make her feel better. Her veins tingled with disgust as his finger caressed her cheek.
  • She saw one of his friends giving Kenneth a handful of cash. With an authoritative expression, he urged her, saying, "Threw your clothes off, then dance!"
  • Lily tightened her grip on her clothes. "No... I-I'm going home."
  • She turned towards the door, but one of her stepbrother's friends stood in her way. "Please... let me go..."
  • "Tsk! Is this fun for you, Ken? You said she's fun?" said one of the men. With a grin, Kenneth took a seat on a couch.
  • "Are you enjoying yourself?", one of the men chuckled. “This is the reason why I like her. I can't wait to fuck her cowardly brains out. C’mon, Lily… show us what’s behind your clothes.”
  • "No!" she yelled. Her sobs multiplied.
  • One of them, who is already frowning, said, "Let her go!"
  • "I won't return the money if you get her out of here!" Kenneth expressed. His eyes narrowed as he approached her. He slapped her hard. "What we asked you to do is simple. Why don't you just follow!"
  • Her hair was messed up, and her body was on the verge of breaking. "I will tell Dad what you did..."
  • Kenneth laughed detestably. "Seriously? When did your dad give you affection? He loves me more than you, Lily. You are dumb and useless! Nobody even gives a damn about you besides me!”
  • "Go, Lily. Feel free to get out. We will count to ten. Sorry if we catch you outside,” The man blocking the door tilted. She could see the excitement in his eyes.
  • That prompted her to leave the room and sprint down the hallway. She had to leave these beasts behind.
  • "Run, Lily, run!"
  • She burst into tears.
  • “Ten… Nine… Eight…”
  • She would definitely suffer if they caught her. She was certain that she was in danger, especially in light of the fact that Kenneth's companions were obviously not in their right minds. Perhaps they were under the influence of drugs.
  • She attempted to open each door one at a time despite having damp cheeks. At this point, that was her only chance for survival. Miraculously, one of those is slightly open. She entered without hesitation, but when she saw two nude people having furious sex on the bed, she felt practically sick to her stomach.
  • "Fuck! Who are you?” asked the man with a broad body.
  • She was about to open the door so she could leave once more when she realized that there were wolves outside the room waiting to devour her.
  • "Hmm... Sir, you didn't tell me that you requested a threesome," the woman said flirtatiously, grabbing a cigarette off the nightstand.
  • "Shut the fuck up! Damn it!” He clenched his teeth. Standing up, the man headed in her direction while wearing a menacing attitude. Her eyes widened in fear, especially when he approached her naked. His hard and tall masculinity was clear in her eyes. She understood that since she was the one who had unexpectedly entered the room, she had no reason to be terrified of him.
  • “I’ll call the police!” he threatened.
  • Lily was going through a lot of emotions when her vision went completely black, and she passed out. She stumbled and landed in his arms.
  • ***
  • Four years later…
  • Lily's whole body is shaking as the two assistants are helping her dress.
  • It was her wedding day to someone she had never seen before. She ought to have met Drew Walton by now. However, her soon-to-be husband left the country on the day they were supposed to have a meeting with her family to discuss the marriage, giving her the impression that he wasn't interested in their arrangement.
  • Master Walton, his grandfather, likes her.
  • It infuriated her father that evening. He stated, slamming a cane into her back, which had been giving her pain for weeks, "It was all your fault! Maybe Drew doesn't want to marry you because you're ugly!"
  • Her stepmother sneered. Kenneth simply kept staring at her like a demon hiding in the shadows. That smile on his face was something she wanted to erase. He is the main cause of her life's tragedy. She aspires to be strong, but how? Her brother's instructions led to her being bullied at college, which prevented her from finishing her degree.
  • "Lily, you know I care about you. If Daddy rejects you, don't worry, I'm still here to help you," Kenneth said, caressing her cheeks. That man was a lunatic psychopath! She had no ability to read his mind, which was really cunning. He told her several things that made her terrified of the world. He manipulated her naïve mind. He likes to watch her tremble in fear.
  • A wedding planner handled every aspect of organizing this event. She and Drew might be her strangest customers, given that they didn't touch or inquire about any details. The Walton family provided everything and entirely funded this wedding. She once came across Drew's photo online. He had a frosty demeanor, like her father. If that man abused her, what would she do?
  • The moment the door opened, and her father entered, it brought Lily back to the present time. She immediately wiped away the tears that had formed under her eyes.
  • “Drew arrived. It's good that he is still interested in your marriage." Her father's expression conveys his seriousness. “Keep in mind that you were helpful in some way! Do your duty as my daughter!”
  • "Honey, don't be like that to Lily. His grandfather had already signed the agreement. He will support the expansion of our manufacturing business," said her stepmother, smiling meaningfully. She often gives her disgust. Whenever she had the chance, she would hurt Lily.
  • Lily just bit her lip. Before the door opened, there was a knock. The wedding coordinator appeared in their sight.
  • "Mr. Martin, we will start in fifteen minutes," she announced.
  • Her father turned to face her. "You'll be forced to live on the streets if you do something horrible today! I'm done with you!” he threatened.
  • Although she wanted to cry, Lily nodded. She was adored by the man when she was younger, which is why she continued to stay at his side. Mr. Martin's emotions shifted away from her when Kenneth and his mother showed up.
  • His new wife gave off the impression that Lily owed the Martin Family her life in exchange for staying with them and that she should be grateful that she still had a place to live. She kept that in mind, living each day.
  • She stepped out of the room to go to the wedding hall where the ceremony would take place.
  • "Lily!" yelled Manang Puring as the only person who had shown her love arrived at her side in tears. Since her mother’s passing, the woman has taken care of her. “You don't have to do this! I will take you to the province if necessary!”
  • She embraced the older woman, who was in her sixties. She is old and it is unfair that she should be a burden to Manang Puring. The last option she had on her list of things to accomplish was to leave this location and follow her.
  • "No! I'm fine," she said.
  • “I know you, Lily. This thing isn’t right! People talk about Drew Walton. Your life with him wouldn’t be good either! He's a womanizer!" said the lady.
  • "Manang Puring, please be careful with your words. Someone might hear you," she said anxiously. She looked around. The Waltons are influential people and their comments against them may have led to their downfall.
  • She passed the lady and continued walking.
  • "Lily!" Manang Puring cried once more. But she didn't follow her because she had already made up her mind.
  • Goodbye, Manang Puring.
  • Her anxiety increased as she got closer to the gathering hall. What if her husband abused her physically in the same way her father did?
  • Lily remembered what Mr. Martin had said, "You will marry the Walton so that you can be of use to me!"
  • When she stopped in front of the white curtain, her leg was trembling. Slow music can be heard. The curtain parted a short while afterward. She yearned to run away or hide when she noticed that everyone inside was staring at her as the main character of the event.
  • At the very end of the red carpet, she discovered the man wearing a white three-piece suit. More than once, her chest beat. He was clearly staring at her with a darkened expression.
  • Lily, you can do this! Do something useful! In your home, your life is not good either!
  • That gave her courage. Lily approached the groom, although her leg shook like gelato. She lowered her gaze so she wouldn't be frightened or discouraged. She got a few meters closer to him when she continued to cast a glance at him.
  • He towered over her by more than a foot. She was just reaching his chest. He has wavy brown hair, a wide chest, broad shoulders and arms. There was no smile on his lips when he offered his hand to her.
  • Her nervousness doubled. She was sure that his arms could easily squeeze her. Her body would definitely be crushed if this man punched her.
  • I should be thankful that he was here, right?
  • What right does she have to complain to Drew Walton? She should be grateful for his slight interest in the gathering.
  • “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…”
  • While the preacher conducted the ceremony in front of them, Lily and Drew remained mute. She kept peering in her groom's direction. There is no denying Drew's appealing appearance. The news about him that he has different women, and he was not serious about relationships, isn’t surprising.
  • Her chest rumbled even louder as Drew turned to face her and his eyes sharpened. She tightly shut her eyes.
  • “Will you, Drew Walton, cherish Lilian Rose Martin, as your lawful wedded wife, protecting her, and tending to her needs through illness and disappointment?” asked the pastor.
  • There was a moment before the man answered, "I will."
  • “Will you, Lilian Rose Martin, cherish Drew Walton as your lawful wedded husband, protecting him, and tending to his needs through illness and disappointment?”
  • Who was she to say no to that? The man accepted her marriage proposal so she should be thankful! “I-I-I will,” she stuttered.
  • Drew's face soured because it was as if she was forced to say yes. But her anxiety prevented her from speaking.
  • “Drew Walton, do you love Lilian Rose Martin willingly and completely, withholding nothing? Will you protect her, and give her your deepest consideration of her feelings, desires, and needs?”
  • Love? It’s obviously out of the question, but Drew responded, “I will.”
  • “Lilian Rose Martin, will you strive to keep your love flexible and adapt to changing circumstances in the marriage? And will you be Drew Walton’s counselor, helpmate, sweetheart & lover, and best friend, from this day forward?”
  • "I-I will..." Lily replied.
  • “Do you Drew Walton take Lilian Rose Martin, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to share your life openly, standing with her in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, in hardship and in ease, to cherish and love forevermore?”
  • Drew let out a sigh, as if he was bored with the questions. "I do."
  • The pastor repeated the question to Lily. There is no turning back! “I-I do…”
  • A few while later, they exchanged rings. In Lily's opinion, it was gorgeous. But she had to keep telling herself that no matter how lovely it was, their marriage would always be unreal.
  • “I now pronounce you as husband and wife,” said the pastor, smiling. “You may now kiss the bride!”
  • To get a better look at her, Drew lifted her face. His arm went around her waist. It felt as though time had stopped when the man drew for the kiss. Drew has gorgeous eyes. His lips got close to hers.
  • The tension remained in her body. That's why before she could breathe air, she lost consciousness.
  • ***
  • "WHAT the fuck?!" Drew exclaimed angrily as his wife passed out in his arms.
  • He picked up the woman, who was as light as paper before they could attract any attention. The ceremony is thankfully over.
  • His best friend Finn came over. He sat in the front-row seat and witnessed everything that had occurred. "What happened to her?"
  • "She passed out," he whispered. "I will take her to the room first. Call a doctor. Kori, entertain the guests. I don't know what happened." His face darkened.
  • Kori, another one of his best friends, was holding back her laughter, making him even more pissed off. Kori was a beautiful married woman, his first love. But he had already moved on. It had been five years since he had last confessed to her, which she had rejected.
  • Finn went out after him. He didn't care any longer whether the guests were perplexed because they were making their way out of the hall. Perhaps they believe they are going straight to their honeymoon.
  • Lilian Rose? Her name was pretty, but her body was…
  • Her name, according to his grandfather, is Lily. Drew’s complexion changed. The old man clearly intended to discipline him for delivering to him a woman who was very different from the women he usually dated. He's a fucker, and the old man obviously didn't appreciate that!
  • Master Walton forced him into that marriage. Otherwise, he would give the entire Walton Group to someone else! Drew struggled in the office. He spent his life there. He will most definitely not let it get into the hands of his uncles, who are like wolves waiting for him and his grandfather to die.
  • "I think I already saw her... I just can't remember where," he murmured while looking at Lily's face.
  • "You already saw her? Maybe during your engagement?" Finn replied.
  • “No…”
  • When they got to the couple's suite, he put Lily on the bed and then stared at her again, this time with her eyes closed. Finn placed a phone call for assistance. His wife is pale. Very thin. Even her entire face is almost as big as his entire palm. She most likely has a small frame. Heck! potentially extra-small! She had a fair, white complexion. Is she pretty? She is... simple, cute! And not his usual type!
  • She was twenty-four years old, yet it appeared as though he had married a girl who was sixteen years old. He was eight years older.
  • "What's wrong with her?!" he furiously exclaimed, thinking she had passed out shortly after announcing their marriage.
  • “Calm down!” said Finn who was done with his call. "A doctor will come.”
  • He shook his head and exclaimed, “Tsk! I shouldn't have consented to this marriage! Would you be glad if the woman you just kissed passed out?”
  • “It’s too late for that! You already said, I do!”
  • “She's far from the women I’ve dated! I want big boobs, a sexy, or a woman with a curvy body! This woman is petite, innocent… Damn it! Does she even know how to suck a cock?” he continuously complained.
  • “The women you fuck, you mean?” Finn corrected. “Drew, she’s a wife, not some random bitch! She’s not a whore!”
  • “I-I-I'm sorry…” They heard a small voice coming from the bed. Both of them turned towards her. His wife was now sobbing and holding the pillow as she sat on the bed.
  • Sympathy caressed his chest as he looked at her tear-stained cheeks.
  • “Damn it!” He slapped his forehead. He and Finn had said a lot that she shouldn't have heard.