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Chapter 6 : Isn't He Averse to Women?

  • Jiang Yue suppressed her grievances and trembled as she moved forward.
  • Seeing Gu Jinyan tilting his head back, she instantly understood his intention and cautiously approached to continue what they had done last night.
  • The moment they made contact, she immediately felt a sense of fear and wanted to retreat. But she was held back by someone's hand and had no choice but to continue.
  • By the time it was over, Jiang Yue's hands were hot, but her face had lost all color and her lips felt numb.
  • Gu Jinyan narrowed his eyes and sneered, "Go and claim your reward."
  • He turned away, refusing to look at Jiang Yue's miserable appearance, but the image of her clear eyes flashed through his mind.
  • Why was he always entangled with women who possessed such eyes?
  • One disappeared without a trace, while the other intentionally approached him.
  • She didn't deserve to have such eyes!
  • Jiang Yue had no choice but to leave like this, but she got what she wanted.
  • The housekeeper handed thirty thousand yuan to Jiang Yue and instructed, "Madam said that as long as the matter is resolved, money is not a problem."
  • "...Thank you, thank you, Madam."
  • Back in her room, Jiang Yue locked herself in the bathroom.
  • After a while, sobbing sounds could be heard.
  • She washed herself for a long, long time, until her skin turned red. But she also understood that since that night, she was no longer pure...
  • She gave the thirty thousand yuan that Madam had given her to the hospital.
  • The hospital received the money, arranged a private room for Su Rou, and scheduled the surgery.
  • Jiang Yue felt relieved.
  • She visited her mother Su Rou whenever she had free time, hoping to improve her mood and her condition.
  • One afternoon, before she even reached the door, she heard arguing inside.
  • She faintly heard the word "money."
  • Jiang Yue felt puzzled. Were they urging for medical expenses?
  • Little did she know, as soon as she pushed open the door, she saw her good uncle and good aunt, repeatedly mentioning words like "compensation."
  • Seeing Jiang Yue, Su Zhong felt guilty, but Zhang Fenghong didn't care at all. She shouted, "Since Jiang Yue is here too, let's clarify the situation. Jiang Yue probably doesn't need the dowry money anymore."
  • Su Rou's expression changed, and she looked at her daughter, asking, "What do you mean?"
  • Jiang Yue was also confused.
  • "Didn't you leave the money as your dowry for Jiang Yue? She probably doesn't need it now!" Zhang Fenghong sneered. Jiang Yue was already married, so why would she still need money?
  • Moreover, the Gu family was not a small household. If it weren't for the fact that the person was dying, she wouldn't have let this wretched girl marry into the family.
  • Jiang Yue finally understood what Zhang Fenghong wanted to say.
  • Married to an unworthy man, this undoubtedly worried her mother.
  • She could only speak first, "Aunt's meaning is that I don't need a dowry. I'm fine now, and the Shen family treats me... very well."
  • Perhaps considering that Jiang Yue had married into the Gu family, Zhang Fenghong didn't argue further and left after a few more words.
  • Thinking of bringing it up again, Su Rou yawned a few times, looking tired. Jiang Yue felt sorry for her mother and sent the two away.
  • Zhang Fenghong glared a few times before leaving when she saw Su Rou closing her eyes.
  • Once they were gone, Zhang Fenghong quietly opened her eyes.
  • She whispered something to Jiang Yue.
  • Jiang Yue then learned that her father had left some money after his death.
  • Not much, but Su Rou had always kept it as Jiang Yue's dowry, and she never thought about taking it out even when she was abandoned in the corridor.
  • Hearing this, Jiang Yue's eyes welled up with tears.
  • "My Yue'er, as long as the Shen family treats you well and you're happy, I'll be satisfied," Su Rou said, holding Jiang Yue's hand.
  • Jiang Yue held her mother's hand and dared not tell her about what Shen Lin had done to her, let alone about her pregnancy.
  • She could only weave a beautiful future with lies, so that Su Rou wouldn't worry.
  • Perhaps these words had an effect, as Su Rou's spirits improved.
  • The hospital decided to perform the surgery earlier.
  • Unfortunately, on that day, Gu Jinyan was in a bad mood.
  • The reason was simple: the project was ultimately taken away by Gu Pingyi using some means.
  • Jiang Yue, in a hurry to leave for the hospital, seemed absent-minded.
  • The more she was like this, the more Gu Jinyan felt that something was wrong with Jiang Yue. He found her annoying, ordering her to do this and that.
  • Jiang Yue felt like a spinning top, constantly spinning around.
  • When she heard Gu Jinyan's phone ring, she instinctively took it and handed it to him with both hands. She caught a glimpse of the name "Tang Jingtian" flashing on the screen.
  • As Gu Jinyan took the phone, he glanced at her.
  • Jiang Yue felt a chilling sensation, and wisely took a step back with the cleaning cloth in her hand.
  • "Jinyan, the project turned out just as you suspected. Gu Pingyi used some means and bought a calligraphy painting to please them, which is how he secured the cooperation."
  • Gu Jinyan sneered, a coldness in his eyes.
  • Upon closer inspection, there was no anger, but rather a touch of mockery.
  • "Then let's give him another big gift."
  • Upon hearing this, Tang Jingtian immediately lit a candle for Gu Pingyi in his mind.
  • It's not good to offend anyone, but offending Gu Jinyan was even worse.
  • It was three years ago when Gu Jinyan had an accident and broke his leg, making these people think they had a chance.
  • They had forgotten about Gu Jinyan's iron-fisted methods back then!
  • "Did you find out about the hotel incident?"
  • "The hotel surveillance footage was destroyed, and even the registration book was missing. It's probably Gu Pingyi's doing," Tang Jingtian said, jokingly. "Speaking of which, Gu Pingyi accidentally did something good. He made you interested in a woman!"
  • You see, they were classmates for four years in university.
  • This good friend of his had an extreme case of mysophobia, and no woman could get close to him.
  • Just as Tang Jingtian was about to tease him some more, Gu Jinyan coldly interrupted, "No matter what means are used, you must find that woman for me!"
  • Then, the call ended, cutting off Tang Jingtian's playful words.
  • Not far away, Jiang Yue, who was wiping the table, vaguely heard the word "woman" and looked puzzled.
  • Gu Jinyan was looking for a woman?
  • Wasn't he averse to women?
  • Distracted, she accidentally knocked over a vase on the table, causing it to shatter with a loud "bang."
  • Afraid of displeasing Gu Jinyan, Jiang Yue quickly lowered her head to pick up the pieces.
  • Little did she know that in her haste, she accidentally cut her hand.
  • Blood instantly seeped out, and she instinctively put it in her mouth.
  • Gu Jinyan, who heard the noise, looked up and saw her blood-stained lips, which looked like blooming flowers, almost tempting.
  • Gu Jinyan's brow twitched.
  • This woman was always trying to seduce him!
  • "Get out! Let someone else come in."
  • Jiang Yue felt relieved and quickly left to find someone else.
  • The maid saw her injured and helped bandage her hand, comforting her, "The young master cares about you. Otherwise, why would he let you come out to apply medicine?"
  • Cares about her?
  • Jiang Yue tightly pursed her lips without responding.
  • She didn't think Gu Jinyan cared about her. He was just annoyed even if she looked at him for a moment.
  • She turned around and went back to her room, only to receive a call from the hospital that had just been answered.
  • The nurse urged her to hurry to the hospital, saying that there had been an accident during the surgery.
  • Jiang Yue was stunned.
  • How could this happen!