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Chapter 2

  • " What?" A frown settled on my face as I tried taking in the CEOs words.
  • What in the world was he talking about?
  • I must have heard him wrong or perhaps, he was playing a prank on me.
  • Yes, that must be it.
  • " I think I am speaking in a human language, Miss Smith. I am hiring you as my personal assistant and that means I want you to be my wife. We will sign a contract, the duration of this contract is one year. After that, our contract will become void." Justin explained, his playful smile all gone and replaced with a serious face.
  • My mouth hung open with disbelief.
  • " Why in the world would I accept such a deal?" I asked, albeit calmly.
  • Be a contracted wife? That's not something I’ve never considered.
  • " I believe Miss Smith is wise enough. I will provide you with a financial reward. You will be paid for all the twelve months you will be acting as my wife. When the contract comes to an end, I'll write you a recommendation letter from YTC.In exchange, you just need to play the role of a dutiful wife. You will accompany me to social functions and family gatherings. If you agree with the terms, we will sign the contract right away." Justin explained.
  • Looking at him,he had changed from the charming young man to a ruthless businessman.
  • " What if I don't want to?" I stubbornly pressed. I wasn't planning on letting him have his way.
  • " Then we have no deal miss Smith." Justin said flatly but something about his tone of voice told me that the man was not done talking.
  • " But without any working experience and financially unstable, are you sure you want to turn down this offer? Besides,I still have pictures of you forcefully kissing me at the club the other night. I can sue you for sexual harassment." Justin finished, a smirk dancing at the corner of his lips.
  • He had his last tramp card and with that, he knew that he would succeed.
  • " How dare you threaten me? Do you think anybody will believe such nonsense?" I quickly rebuked.
  • I should have known I was dealing with a conniving snake.
  • " Do you want to give it a try?" Justin mocked.
  • Samantha who was quietly observing the both of us could only shake her head.
  • Ever since the young lady entered the room, she could see how Justin's eyes sparkled everytime he looked at her.
  • She knew that nothing would stop Justin from getting whatever he wants, and with the looks in his eyes, she knew he was attracted to Miss Smith.
  • They had been interviewing countless ladies throughout the day and one by one, he had disqualified each one of them.
  • So how could he allow Miss Smith to escape his claws?
  • Since they were young, Justin has always been the kind of person who gets whatever he wants and Samantha could tell that Miss Smith would not be an exception.
  • She was proved right, but what is this about Miss Smith taking advantage of Justin?
  • Are you sure it isn't the other way round?
  • Not wanting to butt in their little argument, Samantha chose to be the spectator.
  • * * *
  • I was so mad that she almost puked blood.
  • Of all the people I had met, this had to be the most despicable person ever.
  • How could he threaten me for sexual harassment? Wasn't he the one who pulled me to himself, deepening the kiss?
  • " You obviously enjoyed the kiss!" I accused, there was no way I was going to let him shove me around.
  • " That's true, I did enjoy the kiss. But, do you have a way of proving it?" Justin mocked.
  • To say he was enjoying teasing me would be an understatement, he was loving every bit of my flushed and confused expression.
  • After contemplating, I decided to accept the deal. What could possibly go wrong?
  • Justin was right, I had zero working experience and that meant securing a decent job would be close to impossible. Although the pay was good and I still had a number of debts to settle. I could also get a recommendation letter from YTC. That will help me secure a job later after their fake marriage comes to an end.
  • " I'll sign the contract." I said with determination.
  • I was going to take this as a little sacrifice to end my past life and start a new one with a glimmer of hope. I stood a better chance of surviving and living better if I started on a good note, besides I was here to make my life better.
  • " Tomorrow, 10 AM, meet me at the marriage registry office." Justin said before standing up to walk out.
  • " Is that necessary? It's a fake marriage after all." I complained.
  • " Miss Smith, let me remind you, being Mrs Noble isn't as easy as eating a cake. You need to convince people that we are truly married." Justin replied before walking away.
  • " How arrogant!" I cursed under my breath.
  • " Thanks for your time, Miss Smith. I'll see you around." Samantha said before showing me out.
  • I had just arrived at my rundown apartment only to find the Old landlady waiting for me at the entrance of the house.
  • " Good afternoon ma'am?" I greeted with a smile.
  • The rent for the house was overdue within a few days.
  • " What's so great about the afternoon?" The old lady grumbled.
  • " You haven't paid this month's rent young lady. I don't run a charity here. Today,I came to warn you. If you don't pay your dues, get ready to pack. I already got the next tenant ready to occupy the house once you vacate it." She spoke with hostility before turning to walk away.
  • After getting married to Justin, I would be moving in with him as stated in the contract so I won't be needing a house anymore.
  • That night, I went to bed thinking about how life will be for the next one year.
  • * * *
  • To her, marriage was something serious and holy. She had always dreamt of getting married and living a happy ever after but that dream was shattered months ago.
  • Now, she will use this marriage as a stepping stone from her dark past. Maybe after the contract is nullified, she will have a fresh start.
  • With that resolution, she drifted off to sleep waiting for the sun to rise tomorrow, bringing with it a new life.
  • Chapter 3 The following morning, I woke up at seven and started to prepare myself. I still had three hours before the agreed meeting time but I figured out that I might as well arrive beforehand and wait for him.
  • Not that I was excited to marry Justin, it's just how I was, punctual.
  • After having noodles for breakfast, I went to take a bath.
  • Ten minutes later, I stood before my broken dressing mirror, looking at the woman reflected in the mirror.
  • " This is it Isa, a new beginning for us. Maybe after the year ends, we can bury the shameful past." I said to myself with a smile.
  • After drying my hair and tying it casually, I wore her faded jeans and a white t-shirt before completing the look with black flat shoes.
  • I left for the marriage registry office in a cab. Minutes later, I was dropped off at the office.
  • It was early, maybe too early since the only available people were the cleaners busy doing their job.
  • Opposite the marriage registry office was a park. I walked over there and sat on one of the benches.
  • After minutes of waiting, a car parked outside the registry office and down stepped Justin in all glory.
  • He was dressed impeccably in a black three piece suit which hugged his body highlighting his great physic.
  • His eyes met mine and he frowned.
  • I watched anxiously as Justin walked towards her. The look on his face told her that he was displeased with something.
  • " It's our marriage registration day, can't you dress decently?" Justin reprimanded.
  • Taking an overall look at herself, Isabella did not know what was indecent about her choice of clothes.
  • " You are going to get married to me and become my wife. What kind of clothes are those? Are we coming to sell street food here?" Justin reprimanded harshly.
  • Now that I think about it, wearing this and standing next to Justin in the marriage registry would send the wrong message. Compared to how he was dressed, I looked like a maid, what was I thinking?
  • " Actually, this is one of my best clothes." I answered in a low voice. Even though I knew he wasn't wrong to yell at me, it wasn't my fault either but how would a rich brat like him understand?
  • Justin was taken aback by my confession before it dawned on him that I, the woman before him was extremely from a humble background.
  • Justin felt like someone just punched his guts.
  • Clearing his throat awkwardly, he offered, " Come, I'll take you to change into something fit for the event."
  • I followed the man obediently to his car.
  • After about five minutes of driving , we arrived at a fashion house.
  • Justin led me inside before instructing one of the staff to attend to me.
  • It didn't take time to have me dolled up since Justin had arranged that we were in a hurry.
  • When I stepped out of the dressing room, Justin could not help the gasp that left his lips.
  • Did I look that stunning? Or was I getting the message wrong?
  • The red off the shoulder I wore did justice to my body.
  • I had an hourglass figure, a figure that many envied.
  • After recovering from his momentarily stupor, Justin took my hand before leading me back to the car and speeding away. Okay, this was weird.
  • At the marriage registry office, Justin signed his name on the marriage declaration form. When it was my turn, I hesitated before excusing myself to go to the washroom.
  • Despite convincing myself that I was ready for this, I could not help the uncertainty that cracked up in my heart. I was afraid of what sort of arrangements I may be getting myself into.
  • Instead of walking to the washroom, I took a turn, exiting the office.
  • I had just taken a few steps when a voice so venomous stopped me in my tracks.
  • " What are you doing here Isabella or did you find another man to fool to marry you?"
  • I turned to look at the direction of the voice and was met by my sister's disgusted face.
  • " Is it true Isabella? Did you find a man to marry you because I refused to marry you? Are you so desperate for a man that you don't care who you hook up with." Another voice berated.
  • Before me were Mason and Rossy. One was my ex boyfriend and the other was my snaky sister.
  • The two of them had teamed up and betrayed me before hooking up together.
  • Looking at them being so self righteous in front of me, I fought the urge to puke.
  • But I wasn't going to bother with them, they were not worth my time.
  • I was about to walk away when someone snaked his arms around my waist.
  • " Darling, did you perhaps forget something at home for our marriage registration?" Justin's overly sweet voice caressed my ears, reminding me of the fact that I was running away from our marriage.
  • Faced by the two people I hated the most, I decided to play along.
  • " Yes, I thought I forgot some documents. Turns out I have them." I replied with a smile.
  • I didn't know what was cooking inside his head but I was at least thankful that he saved my face In front of Rossy and Mason.
  • I cast one last glance at the adulterous pair before walking back, hand in hand with Justin.
  • The look of envy on my sister's face was enough drive to proceed with the marriage.
  • It did not take them long to have the marriage certificate ready. Surprisingly, Justin did not bring the matter of my attempted escape up.
  • After getting the marriage certificate ready, Justin left for the office in his car.
  • A chauffeur was instructed to help me move my things to Justin's Villa.
  • Since I did not have any valuables, the only things I took with me were my clothes.
  • I did not forget to take with me the butterfly pendant.
  • It was the only thing I was found with outside the orphanage when I was rescued.
  • Apparently, I was abandoned outside an orphanage when I was barely a year old.
  • Not a day had passed without me thinking why on earth my parents would abandon me.
  • I always think about how life would have been if my parents were still with me. Or more like if I was still with them, after all, I was the one abandoned.
  • But what's the use of thinking about it? It's not like I will find the answers to my questions.