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Chapter 6 Torrid Desires

  • Roman's POV
  • I was roused up by the tantalizing sensation of something wet wrapped around my stiff cock, and also bobbing up and down on it.
  • I initially thought I had gone back to my early teenage years, and I was just having a wet dream before I heard hushed whimpering.
  • I didn't expect the sight that greeted my eyes when I slanted my eyes open.
  • Lo and behold, Sofie was situated in between my legs, and her small hands were fondling with my balls as she sucked me off.
  • It felt like I was in an erotic fever dream.
  • My breath hitched in my throat as I propped myself up on my elbows, and gazed down at her.
  • "W-what are you doing?" I choked out, precum trickling down my cock.
  • Sofie didn't reply to me, and just darted a mischievous smile which was laced with arousal at me.
  • I could feel the crest of my pleasure gradually building up inside me as Sofie increased her speed, her lust-filled stare still not breaking away from my face.
  • I sucked in the cold air as my cock slipped out of her mouth with a loud pop.
  • Chuckling, she grabbed me again to continue blowing me when I held her wrist and shook my head.
  • I couldn't allow this to end before it even started.
  • I shuffled up from the bed, and flipped her over so that she was now laying underneath me with her legs wide open.
  • "I-It's my first time giving a blowjob." Sofie gritted out as I placed a kiss on her welcoming entrance.
  • "You did great." I whispered against her clit before taking it into my mouth and sucking it off.
  • Her fingers raked, and then grabbed my hair to pull me closer as I sucked the beady flesh like my life depended on it.
  • Every part of Sofie was just too addictive.
  • I wanted to own her.
  • She was my greatest addiction. I had been in and out of many relationships but I had never had mind-blowing sex like I did last night.
  • Not even once in my life.
  • Sofie took me to the sky of erotic gratification.
  • I shoved my tongue into her blissful warmth, and hungrily ate her out with unhinged famish.
  • I lapped, and sucked hungrily like she was an oasis I had found in the middle of a desert.
  • "T-too good." Sofie whimpered her grip on my hair, weakening as her legs quivered.
  • She thrusted herself impatiently on my face as she squirmed and moaned out gibberish.
  • "I-I want it now. P-please put it in." She choked out.
  • "What do you want, petal?" I teased before dragging my tongue down her lips.
  • "I-I want your huge cock inside me. I w-want you to fuck me so hard t-that even when we are apart, your cock will be all I think of." Sofie whimpered, and her dirty talk went straight to my hard cock and I could feel it twitch with an impending climax.
  • Fuck.
  • "Oh, baby. You have no idea what you just did." I growled out.
  • In response, she just moaned loudly.
  • Reluctantly, I plucked myself from in between her legs, "Now, get on all fours, petal." I said, delivering a light smack to her ass.
  • She whimpered and eagerly obeyed, arching her back and jutting her ass out, so that her pussy was directly mounted against me.
  • I spanked her again, this time harsher before I guided my tip to her entrance.
  • With a sharp exhale, I smoothly slid inside her which drew out a low whine from her.
  • "Fuck, Sofie. Y-you are always so fucking tight." I couldn't help but grit out.
  • She held onto the headboard as I grabbed her cheeks and slowly thrusted into her.
  • "D-deeper. G-Go deeper, please. I want it deeper." Sofie cried, prompting me to smack her jiggling ass once more before I tightened my grip and pummeled her core heavily and deeply.
  • "You like it this way, huh?" I panted, bucking my hips to reach even deeper inside her.
  • "Y-yes, I love it so much. It's too much but I love it so fucking much." Sofie rambled out, clenching tightly around me.
  • I grabbed her hair, causing her to arch further, "You are so fucking warm and taut. I could live inside you forever." I whispered.
  • "I-I wish you could." She whimpered.
  • "You have no idea what your words do to me." I groaned, releasing her hair and gripping her waist once more.
  • "I-I feel funny again." She moaned and instantly, I deduced that she was on the verge of reaching her climax.
  • "Come for me, petal." I said, and with a high-pitched moan, Sofie splattered her cum around me, and seconds later, I also painted her insides with my release.
  • Gentle grunts mixed with the distinct smell of sex filled the room as we both came down from our highs.
  • I placed a kiss on the crook of her shoulder and as I made to stand up to grab some towels from the bathroom to clean her up, she placed her hand on my wrist, "Don't go yet. Let's just stay like this, I want to feel your warmth."
  • Wordlessly, I obliged, pulled her into my arms, and placed a kiss on her forehead as I watched her flutter her eyes closed.
  • "You know we didn't use protection." She whispered, and I stiffened as realization washed through me and the ability to form a sentence left me.
  • Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
  • How could I have made such a terrible mistake?
  • A scary thought crossed my mind as I stared down at her; what if she got pre-
  • "It's fine though as long as you are clean, and I can always take a morning-after pill." Sofie's calming voice drifted into my ears.
  • "I'm clean." I whispered, to which she nodded before molding herself closer to me.
  • As she slept peacefully, and gentle snores left her pouty mouth, my thoughts drifted back to my "fiancée" issues, and I soon forgot about the possibility of Sofie ever carrying my child.
  • I still had to answer to grandma soon, and one thing I knew was that I couldn't admit that I had lied to her.
  • It would break her, and I didn't want to break her trust.
  • But where would I find a fiancée?
  • As if to answer my inner monologue, Sofie stirred in her sleep, and I smiled to myself.
  • Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all to make her my fake fiancée. I concluded, before drifting off to sleep.