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Chapter 2

  • After a long day of work, I go in the car with Paulo to the mansion. I am tired and a little irritated because closing a very lucrative deal was difficult, but I managed it. Nothing is impossible for me.
  • "And she woke up?" I asked Paulo without beating around the bush.
  • "No, my friend! The doctor said she would sleep a lot, but I didn't think it would be this much, to be honest."
  • "I hope she wakes up soon. I don't feel good knowing that there is a stranger in my house."
  • Rosita, always so attentive and affectionate, welcomed us and took my coat and briefcase.
  • "The chef will serve you dinner, my children. Go to the dining room."
  • "Thank you, Rosita," we said at the same time.
  • "And how is the sleeping beauty?" Paulo asked.
  • "Sleeping beauty? She's not beautiful, my friend, but she sure does sleep," Arturo said with a bitter smile.
  • "Don't be mean!" Rosita scolded him. "She is a young girl and very beautiful, by the way."
  • "Well, I won't argue about that. I'm hungry, and the dinner is delicious."
  • Arturo is extremely tired and doesn't hesitate to go to sleep, but more nightmares invade his peaceful sleep, making him wake up.
  • He goes down to the kitchen for some water; his heart is racing.
  • When he turns around, he sees a woman. He thought it was a ghost, and even though he doesn't believe in those things, he got scared as hell. So scared that he dropped the glass of water.
  • "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I apologize, I'll help you," a sweet voice hurriedly speaks in English.
  • "I'll leave!" Arturo tells her curtly, not even wanting to look at her.
  • "Excuse me, sir. I'm lost, I don't know where I am," the girl speaks nervously.
  • "You're in my house, and it's good that you woke up so you can continue on your way."
  • Hailey stayed there, looking at him. How can such a handsome man be so bitter and chauvinistic?
  • "I understand, sir. Thank you for letting me stay in your house. Now that I'm awake, I feel better thanks to you."
  • "Not thanks to me! It was my friend Paulo, so don't thank me."
  • "Okay, I'll leave right now, sir. I apologize for the inconvenience I caused."
  • "Are you dumb or pretending to be? Can't you see it's the middle of the night? Go back to your room, and tomorrow you leave."
  • Hailey remains silent after his words. She just watches as he passes by her, and she can feel his scent, making her feel a strange sensation.
  • She sees him go up the stairs and disappear.
  • But she didn't like his behavior. He is very rude, even though she appreciated him letting her stay for the night. She has nowhere to go, and at that hour, something could happen to her, even though she knows how to take care of herself.
  • Hailey returns to the room she came from. She is alone, thank God. There is a window, and she can see the garden and the snow falling. She feels nostalgic and starts to cry.
  • At 6 AM, Rosita wakes up and goes to see her. She finds her sleeping on the couch near the window. She feels both happiness because she has already woken up and sadness to see her so vulnerable.
  • "Good morning, Chelsito. How did you sleep?" Rosita says affectionately.
  • "Good morning, Rosita. I slept wonderfully. I'm making a great breakfast for the boss. You know I like to surprise him."
  • "I know, Chelsito. You have something ready. The girl has already woken up, and she must be hungry."
  • "Of course, Rosita. Look, take her this chicken soup, toast, there's coffee ready, and I'm also cutting up some fruit."
  • Rosita prepared to put everything on a tray and headed to the room where Hailey was.
  • Rosita left the tray and walked towards Hailey, touching her shoulder.
  • "Girl, wake up!"
  • Hailey opened her eyes abruptly.
  • "You have no idea how happy I am that you woke up, girl. My name is Rosita, I am the housekeeper. What's your name?"
  • "Hailey Melnyk, Mrs. Rosita."
  • "Oh, just Rosita. I know you must be hungry, little one. I brought this for you."
  • "Thank you for your kindness, Rosita. You're an angel."
  • "Thank you, my girl."
  • Hailey started crying again. After days of suffering, someone was being kind to her.
  • Rosita approached her and hugged her.
  • "You're not alone, my girl."
  • "Thank you, Rosita."
  • Rosita told Hailey to take a shower and dress nicely to be introduced to the bosses.
  • Minutes later, Hailey came out of the bathroom and felt embarrassed to dress in front of Rosita.
  • "I see, you're a pure girl, right? Don't worry, we're among women, my girl, but I'll turn around so you can dress comfortably."
  • Rosita and Hailey approached the dining room.
  • "Good morning," said Rosita.
  • Paulo stared at Hailey, unlike Arturo, who glanced at her and continued eating.
  • "I'm glad you woke up," Paulo spoke kindly.
  • "Thank you, and nice to meet you. My name is Hailey Melnyk. I want to thank you for helping me. I don't want to be a burden."
  • "Someday, I'll repay the favor," Hailey said.
  • "You don't have to, girl," Paulo said appreciatively.
  • "Alright, enough talking. I think that's enough. Paulo will give you some money since you have nothing so you can continue your journey," Arturo said arrogantly, without looking at anyone, just preparing to eat.
  • "In fact, Arturo, she can work here. One of the maids had a day off since she's in the late stages of pregnancy. Otherwise, I'll have to do the work," Rosita said to argue with Arturo.
  • "Nonsense, Rosita. You're not meant for that," Arturo said angrily.
  • He looked at Paulo, who nodded.
  • "Fine, hire her and give her the room where she is. I hope you won't give me any headaches, okay? Also, from time to time, you'll go clean my apartment since the other maid was the one who used to do it. I hope you can at least serve that purpose."
  • Hailey wanted to curse him, but she remained silent. She couldn't miss this opportunity.
  • "What are you standing there for? Go clean," Arturo said maliciously.
  • Rosita taught Hailey how to clean, and she quickly got the hang of it. She was a bit tired since cleaning the floors and more was not easy.
  • She cleaned the bathrooms on the ground floor while the other two girls took care of the second floor.
  • It was lunchtime.
  • Hailey ate with the employees, harmoniously, until the kitchen door rang.
  • Everyone stood up; it was Paulo.
  • He called Hailey aside.
  • "Mr. Paulo, are you here to have lunch?" Hailey asked, wanting to serve him well.
  • "Well, I came to bring you these things. Since you have nothing here, I brought the essentials for you."
  • "Mr. Paulo, you shouldn't have bothered. You've already done so much for me," she said, blushing.
  • "It doesn't bother me at all."
  • "I'll accept it because I need it, but I don't want you to have any intentions towards me, sir. I hope I'm clear."
  • "You're just a girl to me, Hailey. I only feel compassion for you."
  • "That makes me feel more at ease, Mr. Paulo."
  • "Just call me Paulo."
  • "Alright! I'll keep these things. Do you want to eat with us?"
  • "Of course."
  • Everything was going well until Hailey received an order that she didn't like.
  • "Hailey, you have to go to Arturo's apartment today."
  • "And why is that?"
  • "For cleaning, it's the weekend and he likes to have everything in order.”
  • "I understand!”
  • "The driver will take you.”
  • "Thank you, Rosita.”
  • "Another thing, take this so you can have dinner there and not go hungry.”
  • Hailey gave Rosita a kiss on the forehead and thanked her.
  • Upon arriving at the apartment, Hailey was almost not allowed in because of the high security, but fortunately the driver intervened for her.
  • She arrived at the apartment and was frozen at the sight of how spectacular it is, but she set out to clean everything. She entered a room which belongs to Mr. Arturo.
  • There are his perfumes for some crazy reason, she smelled them, along with the clothes and shoes.
  • "If he's a perfectionist"she thought.
  • She left the nonsense and cleaned the room, although there wasn't much to do.
  • While in the living room, the front door opened, and she became nervous.
  • Mr. Arturo entered, touching the blonde all over. Hailey didn't know what to do.
  • Arturo was lost in his moment, but the blonde signaled for her to stay.
  • So, she discreetly adjusted her suit and said,
  • "What are you doing here?"he asked, glaring at Hailey.
  • "Good evening, Mr. Arturo! Mrs. Rosita told me to come, but pretend I'm not here. In fact, I'm almost finished.”
  • "You're not leaving, since you're here, you will serve us. Bring a bottle of wine and two glasses to my room, now"he ordered.
  • Hailey felt the urge to throw the cloth in his face, but she just lowered her head and said, "Yes, sir!"
  • She debated whether to enter the room or not. She knocked on the door several times, but there was no response, so she entered. The blonde was sitting on top of him, and Arturo was touching her body, like an octopus.
  • Hailey blushed at the sight.
  • "Excuse me, sir.”
  • But Arturo continued kissing the blonde, he opened his eyes and signaled for her to serve the wine.
  • She nodded and as soon as she poured it, she left the room.
  • She could hear the screams and moans of that woman, and she felt curious about what it would be like if she were in the blonde's place.
  • But these are just silly thoughts, he would never be with a disheveled woman like her, besides, he is very rude.
  • Hailey was about to fall asleep on the couch.
  • "What are you doing sitting there?"Arturo asked.
  • She turned to look at him and stood up from the couch, seeing him naked, with only a white towel as white as snow wrapped around his waist.
  • She immediately looked at the floor, feeling embarrassed.
  • "Sir, if my work is finished, may I please leave?”
  • "Are you stupid or what? You work for me, I tell you when you leave, good for nothing. Prepare my dinner, I'm hungry.”
  • "I'm not sure if you'll like it, sir"she nervously replied.
  • "I'll be the judge of that. Now do it, and then clean my room.”
  • "Yes, sir.”
  • Hailey felt her eyes welling up with tears. How is it possible that he humiliates her so much? When she lived in Ukraine, she lived well, not rich or wealthy, but well with the love of her parents, popular in university. But she had to endure this for a while to survive.
  • After half an hour, Hailey had prepared dinner.
  • She set it on the table and knocked on Mr. Arturo's room door again, feeling anger because they didn't hide their loud sex noises.
  • After a few minutes, they came out. The blonde was wearing a red robe and looked beautiful.
  • Hailey left to tidy up the room while they had dinner. It was midnight.
  • "Delicious! You cook well, employee"said the blonde.
  • "She's good for nothing. Eat and leave.”
  • "You never change"the girl said with discouragement.
  • "I won't do it for you or anyone else, that's just the way I am and you know it."
  • "Calm down, handsome, I know the game pretty well, thanks to the amazing sex we had."
  • "I'm the best!" he said, full of himself.