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Be The CEO’s Love Slave, No Way!

Be The CEO’s Love Slave, No Way!


Last update: 1970-01-01

Chapter 1

  • I feel the cold taking over my body, the sadness that invades my heart, I'm hungry, just thinking about my family makes me cry, but not a single tear falls. I am lost in a country that is not mine, I escaped from my country because of the wars.
  • In this world, people no longer have a heart, they only think about having power to believe they are kings. They humiliate, manipulate, and innocent people die.
  • I ran without looking back, I only had to survive and fulfill my mother's promise to stay alive. The only thing I have left of her is her bracelet that my father gave her as a token of love, and she gave it to me so that I can live, so that I can be free.
  • I am Hailey Melnyk, 22 years old, the only daughter of Ukrainian identity. I am white with natural blonde hair, light brown eyes, full lips, and a slim body.
  • I am left without family, without a home, distressed by seeing hundreds of deaths from the youngest to the oldest. I am fortunate to have been able to escape from there. I sold my mother's bracelet to fulfill the words she said to me in her last breath. I still feel the warmth of her hand, I still have the terrifying image of her in the state she was about to die.
  • "We should ask ourselves if nowadays humans have love and fear of God in their hearts."
  • With the money from the bracelet and my savings, I sneaked out of Ukraine and arrived in New York. How? It was total chaos, to the point that I am currently barefoot and can no longer feel my legs from the cold, as it is snowing in this country.
  • I walk from side to side, looking like a crazy woman, a disheveled woman with dirty clothes. It has been three days since I last bathed, I miss my family. I see many couples and families, and I cry because I feel alone.
  • I walk by places where they sell food, and they chase me away just because of my appearance. I ask God to help me because I feel like I'm running out of strength. I want to sleep and think that it was all a nightmare.
  • I already feel like I can't take another step. I open one car door after another to get inside, to cover myself from the snow and at least feel a little warmth, but nothing, nothing.
  • Everyone has insurance, I feel that everything that is happening is unfair. I try to open one door after another until a big black security van opens. I feel a little relief and get in, the smell inside is pleasant.
  • The cushion is soft, so soft that I don't know what happened and I fell into a deep sleep.
  • I am Arturo Villareal, 31 years old, although I don't look it. I take good care of myself. I am a technological entrepreneur, one of the best because soon I will be the best.
  • I don't have children, and even less a wife, I'm not interested in that.
  • I have plenty of female friends.
  • Am I rich? Yes, I am! But not because my parents gave it to me, I earned the CEO position myself by working hours after hours and staying up late. I have my best friend since childhood, his name is Paulo.
  • I have the life I always wanted, a big house, cars of different models, and Paulo, who is not only my friend but also works for me and is my security.
  • At the moment, I am in a luxurious gourmet restaurant. It's night and it's snowing. I want company to keep me warm. I am with a beautiful brunette for company. I have had a lot of work and I want to relieve stress. Of course, I don't sleep with just anyone to avoid any gold diggers or diseases. I am cautious, but I do enjoy sex a lot.
  • After dinner and the charm I put on, she finally decided to come to my apartment. I don't take anyone to my mansion to avoid giving false hopes, nooo!
  • I don't go up with them either. At the same time, I leave and one of my men puts up an umbrella for her and one for me.
  • "I'll see you in the apartment, Linda," I say, winking at her sensually.
  • She makes the same gesture and it turns me on.
  • They open the door of my car.
  • As I enter, I smell something bad.
  • When I look, there is a person with a transparent plastic covering over them, they are asleep but trembling.
  • "Paulo!" I shout desperately and irritated.
  • "Yes, boss," Paulo says, leaning out of the car window.
  • "What kind of security do I have? Why did you let this person in? Besides, it smells bad and if she's dead..."
  • Paulo immediately went to the other side of the door, and when he opened it, that foul smell came out.
  • Arturo put a hand over his nose to avoid smelling it.
  • Paulo removed the transparent bag covering the person's body and saw that it was a woman.
  • Arturo couldn't look away.
  • "And if she's dead? Can you imagine the trouble I'll get into because your men didn't do their job properly?"
  • "I'm sorry, I don't understand how this happened, boss," Paulo responds, looking at the girl.
  • Paulo put two fingers on her neck and she had a pulse but was very cold and huddled.
  • "She seems unconscious, and she's cold. Maybe she had nowhere to take shelter, and since we didn't lock the place, she entered," Paulo suggests.
  • Paulo checked to see if she had a weapon or a knife, but she only had dirty clothes.
  • "What should we do, boss?" Paulo asks, fixing his gaze on Arturo.
  • "Get her out of here, she's a troublemaker."
  • "Understood, boss."
  • Paulo tried to wake her up, but nothing moved her until she opened her eyes.
  • "Miss, please wake up," Paulo asks.
  • "No, no," she deliriously mutters.
  • "Miss, I don't want to force you out, please leave of your own accord," Paulo pleads with concern.
  • Hailey slowly opens her eyes, but her vision is blurry, and she feels breathless.
  • She only sees the figure of an arrogant man.
  • "I feel sick!" she says in a very soft voice.
  • "Paulo, she's probably lying and wants to get us in trouble," Arturo says.
  • "She speaks Ukrainian or Russian, she's not from New York, sir."
  • "I don't care, get her out, she smells bad."
  • Paulo was about to take her out when Hailey heard and mustered her last breath.
  • "Please, help me!" she said before fainting.
  • "Now what do we do, buddy? We should help her, don't you think? She doesn't seem like a bad person, she's probably in need," Arturo says.
  • "Okay, but you'll take care of her."
  • "Alright, boss."
  • "Lower the windows a bit to let the smell out, use air freshener, it smells really bad. And hurry up, the brunette is waiting for me," Arturo says arrogantly.
  • "I'll take less than 10 minutes, boss."
  • Upon arriving at Arturo's apartment.
  • "Take care of her, take her to the mansion."
  • "Really?"
  • "Yes, call the doctor from the house to examine her."
  • "Wow, I thought you had no feelings."
  • "You know me well, it surprises me that you say that."
  • "I do, friend. You can be tough, but you have a heart. That's how we are, that's how we have to be respected."
  • "Increase security for me. See you later."
  • "You'll spend the night with her."
  • "If she's good in bed, yes. If not, I'll go home."
  • Paulo arrived and carried Hailey in his arms. The smell was horrible, but he endured it. He took her to the first room on the ground floor.
  • "Paulo, who is that young lady?" Rosita asks.
  • "Rosita, help me. It's a long story, but since you're a woman, I need you to bathe her."
  • "It smells bad!"
  • "Yes, poor girl, she's weak. I'll call the doctor, but bathe her well with scented products so the doctor can examine her. And make her something to eat, she's very thin."
  • "Of course, little Paulo."
  • The doctor arrived, and Hailey was in bed. Rosita dressed her in a floral dress and styled her hair.
  • Paulo was surprised to see how beautiful she was, nothing compared to the disheveled woman he had seen before.
  • "We need to run some tests to be sure, but she's a beautiful young girl who just needs some sleep. Turn on the heater since she's been bathed, I'll give her an injection because she has a fever, but that's due to the cold she endured."
  • She will sleep for a long time, and she has a delayed sleep pattern. In addition, her pupils are irritated, and she is slightly malnourished.
  • "Don't worry, Doctor, I will make sure the girl eats," said Rosita.
  • "You truly surprise me by helping this girl. You will receive a divine reward from God," the Doctor said with a smile.
  • After the doctor left,
  • "Rosita, I don't think you need to cook for her today. She will be like Sleeping Beauty."
  • "You're right, I will sleep here with her."
  • "Thank you, Rosita. You're a sweetheart. Let me know if anything happens. I'm going to take a bath; I smell just like she did. You did a good job."
  • "I'm with the brunette, she does it very well. I am pleased with her."
  • After the second sexual encounter, I go and pour myself a drink, but strangely, the Ukrainian woman comes to mind. What an ugly and disheveled appearance she had. I'll call Paulo.
  • But what the hell is wrong with me? That's not my concern, it's Paulo's.
  • The next day, as usual, Paulo wakes up early to exercise. He passes by the room, and Rosita is sleeping next to the girl.
  • His phone rings, and it's Arturo.
  • "Did you have a good time?" Paulo asks.
  • "Super good!" Arturo responds.
  • "I need to find myself a new girl. The one I have is too intense," Paulo says.
  • "I can give you some of mine," Arturo responds mockingly.
  • "Don't push it, I don't eat leftovers."
  • "Well, we'll go to a club and you can meet someone there, but come pick me up."
  • "Alright."
  • "By the way, what about the disheveled woman?" Arturo asks, not giving it much importance.
  • "She still hasn't woken up," Paulo tells him everything about the doctor.
  • "Well, when she wakes up, give her some money and send her away."
  • "As you say, my friend. To be honest, she seems like a good girl."
  • "We'll find out when she wakes up. Let's hurry, my friend. I need to shower and have breakfast before we go to the company."
  • "As you command, boss."