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Your Caresses On My Skin

Your Caresses On My Skin


Last update: 2023-05-18

Chapter 1

  • Ivonne Wilson
  • Cold, too cold, is what you feel in this gloomy and dreadful boarding school in which I had been forced to stay, it was not the time to be here and neither were the conditions for this site to continue enabled, I did not understand how they had managed to do it, only homeless young people stayinplaces like this and it was not my case at all, Or at least, that's what I kept thinking.
  • I remembered my old friends, they were all spending this winter with their families, will you remember me? After all, I haven't seen them for almost a year, in fact, they took me away from them, why did my life become so complicated after mom's death? Why did my father have to look for another woman so quickly? Why couldn't it be another woman? And yes, a few months after my mother passed away, her place was taken by another woman, my aunt.
  • The culprit of my current condition, because, although I never tried anything against her, I always tried to be something that was not for me, I would never accept her as my mother, she was my aunt and so she should remain. My father would have weeks before I entered this place, but I'm sure he wouldn't keep me here, or so I want to believe.
  • I have the eighteen years that the law stipulates as the age of majority, that is, I am an adult, but my deluded father, before falling under somewhat confusing circumstances, according to the police, and that after the due investigations the same has discarded under the corroboration of the forensic laboratory, has stipulated in his will that his assets, That is, my inheritance would become mine when I turn twenty-one, and that, in addition, the person in charge of supporting me while that happened, was my aunt. My mother's ambitious sister, who always looked for the possibility of getting into my father's eyes, not caring that it was her own brother-in-law and who ended up achieving it once my mother died in an accident, which as strange as it seems, was very similar to my father's.
  • It's only been five years since that event that changed my life in unimaginable ways. My aunt started her game by going home every day under the pretext of helping my father and me, but my naïve and hurt father never realized that, in fact, I think he thought that being with my aunt could, somehow, have closer to my mother, well, they looked similar.
  • My father's fortune came to fall into the hands of my aunt three years ago, when under her charms my father had to marry her and make us all believe that she would take my mother's place.
  • I remember perfectly that day, my aunt asked that all the images of my mother be discarded, of course only those of my room remained and one that my father kept suspiciously in the safe of his office, one that not even that woman ever knew, I alone.
  • While she gives herself the life of luxuries she always wanted, I am rotting in this place, more withered every day and with less hope of leaving, unless I turn twenty-one and take possession of everything that corresponds to me, nor Although I have a cell phone with which to communicate with my old friends or with my boyfriend, Julian, I could only send a weekly letter to be able to communicate with the outside, and they were always addressed to him, someday he would get tired of this situation and I understood it, I suppose that, in the long run, I would also get tired of a relationship that seems long distance, but, it is not like that in reality.
  • She smiled at my own bad luck because I remember that as a child, I loved watching the Rapunzel movie, and now, with each passing day I look more like her, locked in a castle that falls apart, waiting patiently for the day of her freedom, although I do not know if that day would come for me the way it happened to her. I don't think a prince would come and take me out, I expected so, I really expected it.
  • “You made a big mistake marrying her, father. It was never what it seemed, it did not change with the death of my mother, it has always been interested in your pocket and you gave it just what it wanted, the power to do with your legacy what it wanted”. I whispered to one of the few images I had left of him with my mother, in fact, I think it's the only one, surely my aunt ended up with them all at home. After all, he could never bear to see the joy my mother brought to everyone who approached her.
  • “Again, speaking alone Iv”. said the only friend I have in this place, Anastasia. Luckily, she does not know what it is to live in a family with love and lose everything, for her this place is normal, because she comes from a dysfunctional family, moreover, I think her mother is in prison and from what she told me, her father is a drunk who several times tried to abuse her.
  • Society is increasingly horrible, and sometimes the situations we see on television, the ones we see far away from us seem to be closer than we think, but we isolate ourselves in ourselves, in our own lives, instead of doing something useful and making others aware of everything we are exposed to and trying to fight evil.
  • “You know I can't help it; it makes me helpless just thinking about it, she will end up keeping everything and the truth is that I don't care anymore, I just want her to get me out of this place and let me live my life in peace”. I mentioned as a tear fell down my cheek. “ I hate this place. Anne had it all and I just lost it.
  • “You can't say for sure, the only way for that to happen is for some misfortune to happen to you, and nothing has happened. And we all hate this place, but for now, it's much better to live here than out there, on the streets and in this cold”. There was her smiling from the side, she knew that she did not record that stage of her life, because Anne suffered a lot of time in the street all going through dangers and escaping from many men who wanted to abuse her.
  • “Why am I not yet the age that my father stipulated in the will, I would not doubt that he will do something to harm me, although of course, I hope it did not happen”. he replies. I knew it was wrong to insinuate that about my aunt, after all we are family, my blood runs through her veins, but I could not help it, because everything that happened seemed to be like a dirty plan that she had orchestrated, those that only appear in soap operas or movies.
  • It is not possible that days after my father made clear and stipulated everything about his will he passed away, he was not even sick, but no one sees that! They are all blind!
  • “At least you have something to fight for, in my case, I'm better off here in than out there”. commented. I got up from my bed and walked to his. We got along very well, and if it were not for her, surely, I would not be here, things are very different, if we compare it with what I was used to living, I sat next to her.