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Chapter 3 I Can Prove It

  • Days passed by, and my mind just kept on wandering to what blue eyes had said. Could it truly be true? Could men really turn to dragons by day?
  • What the fuck am I thinking, that can never come true, it can never be real.
  • I have always been a practical person and that's not about to change now. The whole dragon/men story is beyond practical.
  • "Girl!" Britney yelled in my ear, bringing me out of my deep thinking.
  • "Girl, what is your problem?" I asked rubbing the inner side of my ear.
  • "My problem, is that I have been talking to you for 2 hours and you are not listening to me. You are not even responsive." She complains, frowning really hard.
  • She is right about something though, I wasn't responsive to what she was saying. And this is not because, my minds keep roaming to blue eyes or the dragon men story. Nope, I am not responsive..... because she's totally spitting trash about some hot guy she just met a moment ago, actually the hot guy walked passed her and now, she's on some dumb mission to find him.
  • Why would anyone want to listen to her, talk about something like that.
  • "You should have said all that, without trying to get me dead. And besides, you don't have to describe how the guy looks to me, I saw him when he walked passed you. I was right here" I face palmed myself hysterical.
  • She rolled her eyes dramatically, "I have to describe him over and over again, cause that guy... is so........ dreamy. Did you see his eyes, or his manly broad shoulders. I would give anything to lick those shoulders, let's not talk about his silky brown hair."
  • Wow, here she goes again. "Nope, I didn't see his awesome freaking muscle or his beautiful amazing eyes. I didn't see any of that." I exclaimed throwing my hands up in the air.
  • "Anastasia!" Britney yelled, pointing her finger at me wearily. "What" I huffed.
  • "Okay, tell me... what's on your mind. We both know that you are always responsive when I talk about hot guys. What's troubling you?" She stares at me with the *don't you dare lie to me* kind of look, both her hands on her waist.
  • I sighed staring at her for a while, contemplating if I should tell her about the blue eye guy and the whole dragon nonsenses but knowing who Britney is, i decided against it.
  • "Nope, it's nothing. And before you say anything else, I will tell you everything if whatever is going on with me becomes to much of a problem for me to handle." I said quickly, stopping her from probing further.
  • "You promise?" She asked keeping a straight face.
  • "Yes I promise." I drawled.
  • "Okay, well I'm off to go look for scrumptious hot looking guy. Wish me luck." She blows me a kiss and walks away, great... am on my own with my own dragon nonsense thought.
  • Well, I had better go to work.
  • ********************************************
  • ********************************************
  • Coming back from work, I took the bus home. I didn't want a repeat of the first day I met blue eyes.
  • But I am a very unlucky girl, really unlucky... I took the bus trying to avoid blue eye guy, only to meet him sitting in front of my house. Just great, life is so great. Everything is coming up Anastasia.
  • "Why! Are! You! On! My! Freaking! Porch!" I yelled angrily, eyeing him from his head to his toe. He stood up immediately, scratching the back of his head nervously.
  • "Please Anastasia, give me a chance to prove that my story is true. Just give me one chance." He pleaded giving me the puppy eyes. Gosh he is so cute, how could a cute guy like him be a mentally deranged person.
  • "Do you know what I think? I think it's best you seek the help of a physiatrists hospital. They would be very happy to cure you from your deranged talks." I smiled at him warmly.
  • "I know my story feels so untrue, and really not believable. But if you would just give me a chance to prove that I am not deranged, and that truly dragons are real... you will see for yourself that I am saying the truth."
  • I stared at him for some minutes, trying to make a decision...
  • "Fine, prove it." I shrugged.
  • "For that to happen, you would have to come with me."
  • I huffed, folding my hands below my boobs. "You said you were going to prove that your story is real, you didn't say I have to follow you. I don't even know who you are, for all I care.. you could be a deranged serial killer."
  • "I know I'm asking for too much, but you have to come with me... so I can show that there's indeed a specific group of men that turns to dragons by the day. There's no way I can show you that by night."
  • Well, I guess he is kind of right.
  • "So go home, and come back in your dragon self tomorrow by day time." I shrugged smiling halfway.
  • "Then I would be the new topic on news across the country, I would also be taken to a lab and then get experimented with needle and a lot of other science equipment. I don't think I would love to be in that situation." He shivered in fear, probably imagining the whole scenarios in his head.
  • I rolled my eyes, we both know that none of those would happen to him... Dragons!! Don't exist!! I am so tired of this back and forth banter with blue eyes boy, maybe is best I just end this with him once and for all... or I might end up joining him in his land of madness.
  • "So... if I follow you to wherever you are taking me, and you prove this dragon theory to me... would you leave me forever?"
  • "I doubt that you would want me to leave you. But fine, I will leave you be." He nods his head in agreement.
  • "Great! Give me a minute, so I can change out of my work uniform into something better." With that said, I left him standing on my porch while I proceeded into my house.
  • I had a bath, change of clothes and was ready to roll. Just for security reasons, I made my phone track me to wherever I'm going and then send the location to all my contacts... which is Britney, my boss, my co-worker, and three other classmates I happen to have their number.
  • "I am ready." I announced, locking my house door.
  • I actually live alone, I have no parent because I don't know them. I grew up in an orphanage, and the workers at the orphanage told me they found me on their door step. I got to meet Britney from when we were kids, because her mother worked in the orphanage. On my eighteen birthday, I had to leave the orphanage and start my life. Luckily for me things have been going so well, until blue eye boy showed up.
  • Blue eye boy took me a to a car he parked a little bit far from my home. Didn't know he has a car?
  • What do you expect, he needs a car to kidnap you quietly and fast.... My subconsciousness says.
  • Okay shut up, no one is kidnapping anyone... I rolled my eyes at my inner self, getting into the car. But I couldn't help but think, if blue eyes is really kidnapping me.
  • We didn't say a word to each other, instead he just drove quietly... and while in turn hummed to the song playing on the radio. I swear I don't know the song, but I feel so uneasy... and this is like the only thing that could keep from overthinking the whole situation.
  • I began to fear, when I noticed blue eyes is actually driving me to the outskirts of the city... like away from the city!
  • Now he just has to bury your body out there, and no one... I quote; no one will ever find it... Inner self says again.
  • "Shut the fuck up!" I yelled out.
  • "I wasn't saying anything." Blue eye replies.
  • "I wasn't talking to you." I groaned angrily, relaxing back into the chair. Fuck, I feel so frustrated.
  • "Uhm... okay." He answers staring at the back seat quickly. Ohh, so he thinks I am crazy? Just because we are the only ones in the car, doesn't mean I have to be talking to only him.
  • I sighed, "Where are we going to exactly, why are we driving out of the city." I wiped my hand on my gown, rigorously... staring at him with so much intensity.
  • "Uhm... because dragons would need more space to fly, and where can that happen... if not outside a city with much more space." He raises an eyebrow, I rolled my eyes.
  • I cannot wait for this dragon nonsense to be over.
  • We finally got to our destination, I was met with a really huge... gigantic gate. The gate opened all by itself, and blue eyes drove in.
  • From the gate to a really huge house, a really huge one.... Was covered by a lot of distance. A person can definitely not use his/her legs to cover it.
  • "Wow, the compound is really huge. This place could fit into a an estate." I commented, coming down from the car... staring at a huge field behind me.
  • "Well... dragons needs enough space to fly around. You know? Spread their wings." He shrugged.
  • "Great, spread their wings..." I replied. Note the sarcasm.
  • "Are you guys going to remain chatty outside, or will you both come in. The family is waiting." I heard a really familiar voice yell from the entrance of the really big mansion. I turned around, and my eyes met with Mrs Hardy.
  • I knew it, I knew she would be in on this. Dragons by day, and men by night, my foot!
  • If this is a prank, is definitely not working on me.