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Chapter 3

  • The garden was the joy of my mother. The small trees, flowers and even the path of the stream were her devising. There was not a rock there she did not dictate its position. Though fall was nearing an end, there were still some blooms well tended and green was still the prominent color. I could see Angelica was impressed.
  • "It is really quite lovely," Angelica said. It was the first honest emotion I had heard her express. Her smile was real and those green eyes looked happy, if only briefly.
  • "It is Mother's pride and joy," I added with my own pleasantness, "ask her about it if you wish to have your ears talked off." I pointed at the bench beneath an apple tree now devoid of its fruit. The foliage hid the bench from easy view and voices did not carry far. Angelica sat and I joined her. It was obvious we had both chosen opposite ends and maximized the distance between us.
  • "To your earlier words," I responded quietly, now that we were alone, "I would wish that duty did not demand so much."
  • "You can not stop it?"
  • "No," I said defensively, "my family needs yours. My kingdom needs yours. It is not for me to deny."
  • "It is done then." Angelica's head dropped forward and she laced her fingers together on her lap. Her next statement was almost as silent as it was shocking. "I will be my family's whore and you will bed me for heirs." She looked up with glistening eyes. "My womb will be yours, my Lord." I stood, intending to do something drastic. I could not for the life of me think what that would be. I huffed and tried to speak, but nothing intelligent was in my mouth. My hands had no idea what to do with themselves, flopping from hips to gestures that thoughts never followed. I had not expected this. I finally sat back down defeated, unable to fight or defend what was happening.
  • "Yes, it is done." I resigned to the truth. "Your distress pains me and I am sorry to be its cause. If there was an honorable way out, I would have taken it long ago and spared us both." I looked at Angelica's tears. She must find me repulsive. I had never looked at it from her side. She was the one who had to leave home, the one who must spread her legs and birth unwanted children. "Know this, I will die old and childless afore I force myself on you. I will do all I can to make your life tolerable, my Lady." Her eyes softened at my words.
  • "I did not mean...," Angelica shook her head slowly, "I do are not unlikeable. Gods! This is intolerable." She looked up at the darkening sky. "I will do my duty and strive not make it hard on you. Know this, you will not be childless unless God wills it." She surprised me by moving closer and taking my hands in hers. "Strangely, your discomfort comforts me. I am not cattle in your eyes and that has to mean something."
  • "No," I smiled, "I will challenge anyone who compares you to a cow." Angelica's laugh was small, but not forced.
  • "Shall we keep secrets?" Angelica asked, eye to eye, "are we to be partners or am I just to be a painting?"
  • "I am far from perfect. I suspect we would do better together," I answered honestly. Angelica was trying to discern her place. Her mind was quick and organized.
  • "Equals?" Angelica was leaving it to me. I could see her desire to not be a figurehead. I had not thought about the boundaries of the union. I would one day be a king and she a queen. A woman I had only known her for brief moments. She was asking much for the first conversation. I thought about my parents' marriage and could see as much queen as king in all their decisions. I saw some of the same sparks in Angelica's parents. If both sets of parents deemed us a match, then a match we will be. I stood and released her hands.
  • "Princess Angelica Douderson," I bowed deeply, "I offer half of all that is mine in trade for half of all that is yours. I swear, we will be equals in all things." She rose and curtsied deeply.
  • "I accept, my Prince." Angelica's smile was genuine and she looked good wearing it. "I can see now that we shall at least be friends."
  • We returned to the library after our agreement. Before we entered the door, Angelica held out her hand and smiled. "Appearances are important, even with our parents." I took her hand and brought an honest smile to my lips. She would be a good queen.
  • "As you say, my Princess." We entered the library and the conversations among the monarchs ceased. We were hand in hand, wearing broad smiles. Their faces brightened as they saw us together and seemingly happy. I found it pleasing and I suspect Angelica felt the same.
  • "Mother, you just must see her Majesty's garden," Angelica announced. Diplomacy was not new to her. In one short message, she endeared herself to my mother. "I would like to learn the secrets of late blooming flowers."
  • "There are blooms now?" Queen Tareen asked, taking her daughter's hint. "Will you show us, Mary?" My mother's great weakness was her garden. She stood and waved her hand toward the door.
  • "Of course, Tareen. The light should still be good for a while longer." The queens looked expectantly at Angelica.
  • "Spare me a moment, my Prince?" Angelica was not asking my permission, she was playing her part. I raised her hand to my lips and lightly kissed her knuckles.
  • "Of course, my Princess," I responded, acting my part. We would be good together, at least in public. We traded smiles which seemed to impress our parents once again. The ladies left to view the garden, my mother hovering close to Angelica. It struck me then, the garden would one day become Angelica's. My mother would bond with her through flowers.
  • "Your conversation seemed to go well," King Toric prodded.
  • "Yes, very well," I said. I did not offer anything further which made my father smile. I could see the apprehension in King Toric's face.
  • "Give it up, Lad." The king was not used to being kept in the dark. "I had no doubt you would win her over, but it is not even dinner yet."
  • "I told her we would be equals," I said proudly. Both kings shared a brief look and burst out laughing. I was at a loss looking between the both of them.
  • "You let me know how that works out for you, Son," my father stated between chuckles.
  • "You would have me lord over her?" I asked incredulously.
  • "No, of course not," King Toric replied, "and I thank you for giving Angelica her mind. It is just..." He looked to my father as he tried to find words.
  • "A woman's idea of equal is different than ours," my father added.
  • "Well said, Kalin," King Toric stated, "it is your thoughts, Cayden, that tickle us. You two will not always be in agreement and a woman has a way of steering you in less than equal ways." He shared another look with my father. My father stood and placed his hand on my shoulder once again. Something had shifted in our relationship this day. He was treating me more like my opinion mattered to him. He was still my king and my father, but I sensed he also felt it important to express some comradery leaning toward friendship. He showed respect.
  • "You will find out soon enough," my father said with a smile, "you were right to share the future throne. It is what gives this alliance teeth. We jest knowingly at your expectations - that is all."
  • "I have much to learn," I said. My experience was Alia and as much as I tried to give her her mind, she had always returned to me being Lord. The thought stirred my love again. Angelica, even with her quick wit, will be a poor replacement. I hoped the pain would not exist so strongly in the future and weaken my marriage. Somehow, I thought it might if I let it.
  • "Aye, I am still learning," King Toric said as he filled three glasses with wine from a decanter. The conspicuous lack of servants was apparent. The whole conversation was informal. I realized I was being brought into the fold. Promoted from boy to man to friend, all in one day. It made sense. I would have to perpetuate the alliance and bonding was important to that end. I wondered if something similar was happening in the garden. The kings stood in unison, each grabbing a glass of wine. I followed and grabbed mine.
  • "To the women who temper our rule," King Toric toasted, raising his glass.
  • "To the alliance between Bear and Lion," my father added.
  • "Forever," I said said strongly. The path had been set and I meant to see it through. I meant to see my children continue it. King Toric's eyebrow raised and he looked at my father.
  • "Forever," the two kings said in unison. Our glasses met in the center with an audible clink. I drank as a king with kings. It was a strange, but welcome, transition. King Toric slapped me hard on the back in a manly manner. I did what I could to not let my surprise show and ignored the sting.
  • "Cayden, I do believe you are one of my better decisions," King Toric stated. My father's face was filled with pride. I just basked in their praise. I always knew I would be king, it was the first time I really felt what that meant. I had been brought into the circle. My thoughts and decisions had meaning.
  • We sat as equals and discussed the alliance. The Wolf, King Sacor Uberson, had tested both kingdoms and could field a large force. He was no older than I, and was filled with ambition his sire never had. The alliance was designed to peacefully set up a wall and keep him at bay. I had not realized the concern existed. My father explained much that night, things I would need to know. King Toric added to the exchange and I began to see the true importance of the union. I had always known it was needed, I just did not understand how fragile the kingdoms would be without it.
  • Together, we could field 300 heavy horse, 1,500 foot and 200 archers. A force that would rival that of the Wolf or any other kingdom that sought growth through combat. We discussed chain of command in case it was needed, strategies for contingencies and fall backs for failures. I inserted my opinions and was surprised when they were considered. The responsibility was daunting, the alliance just made it easier to shoulder. There was no doubt it was needful for my love to be sacrificed.
  • It was well dark when we were informed the banquet was ready. My mind was exhausted with the discussion, but it and more was needed.
  • My father looked to us and smiled. "Talk of state makes me hungry. What say we indulge and return to this on the morrow?" The agreements could not come fast enough. We were like friends heading to a tavern as we exited toward the main hall.