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Chapter 2

  • Chapter
  • 1:
  • Miaka’s
  • P.O.V
  • I came out of the shadows provided by the
  • alleyway, but I didn’t let down the cloak of darkness that surrounded me. To
  • the naked eye I’d look like a shadow amongst shadows, a blind spot. The
  • darkness was my friend, but I’ve yet to perfect this technique. It drains
  • energy if used for too long, not a lot, but it could be my downfall if a battle
  • went on for longer than anticipated. But tonight would be a short fight; my
  • quarry was at a direct line of sight.
  • They
  • were carrying a huge sack with them. If it weren’t for all the blood that
  • soaked the sack deep red and scented the air with its pungency, anyone could
  • mistake it for a stack of potatoes, misshaped and lifeless. But it wasn’t. It
  • had someone in it...someone immortal.
  • My men have been tracking these people for
  • days now and we finally had a lead on them. This wasn’t the main base, not by a
  • long shot, but this is where it’ll begin. These were people who captured immortals
  • and experimented on them, a sick bunch of lousy mortals! Humans!
  • I
  • couldn’t hate them more than I did now. Those filthy people hurt and killed
  • those under my protection just for the fun of it. They were trying to discover
  • a way to get rid of us, to rid the world of our ‘infection’. Fools didn’t know
  • that there were so many living among them that if a war broke out, the entire human
  • population could be wiped out. The Dark Council were still debating about the
  • possibility, and I, as the head of the Council, was trying to avoid a mass
  • cleansing at all rates. The innocent ones didn’t need to be punished for the
  • foolishness of some of their kind. And I’ve seen enough good to know that they
  • existed.
  • They were clever, this lot. I have to agree
  • with that. What better way to hide their transgressions than it plain sight. On
  • the surface, the factory was a meat possessing farm and a cold storage unit,
  • but inside it acted as a laboratory and storage facility for younger or weaker
  • immortals that had been easy prey. But my men had been noticing suspicious
  • activity here lately and it didn’t take much time for them to figure out
  • exactly what was wrong.
  • The human’s didn’t notice me as I followed
  • them. Unlike us, they had to rest at night, but although they had a rotation of
  • guard to watch over their subjects, they were still wary at night. Attacking at
  • dawn would be the appropriate time as there is a breach in their security when
  • the morning guards replace the night guards. I followed them soundlessly, my
  • boots didn’t make a single noise as I walked down the pebbled street, but I
  • could still hear them following
  • behind me silently, waiting for my command. My faithful pets, a gift from my dad.
  • Not everyone could see these creatures, not
  • until they were about to die within the next few moments. I’d started noticing
  • them ever since I was little. They liked to follow me around. Sometimes they
  • disappeared but they were always nearby whenever I needed them.
  • The men entered the factory with the
  • bloodied sack and I followed behind them before the doors were closed, ordering
  • only some of my pets to come with me while the others waited outside in case we
  • have an escapee. What I saw inside made my stomach twist and lungs burn in need
  • of air.
  • Cages;
  • rows of them were lined in all sides of the huge space. And they lay in the
  • open as if they knew no one will find them. The most horrifying of all was that
  • they were all chained to the wall and the stench of chloroform was so high in
  • the air, that it burned my lungs. That was when I noticed that the immortals
  • were not just inhaling them, but it was running through their bloodstream in
  • huge amounts, which was the only way chloroform worked on immortals, or the
  • weakest of our race. Even pets weren’t chained with such cruelty. Collars with
  • metal spikes that pierced the delicate skin of their neck, hands and legs
  • shackled with similar spikes, blood pouring out freely from open wounds and
  • some wounds were even infected as the stench of blood and rot lay heavy in the
  • air. There were mostly females, all naked and helpless and the males were in no
  • better condition. The presence of older wounds showed signs of further torture,
  • even rape.
  • The
  • thought enraged me so much that a harsh growl left my mouth, alerting everyone
  • at once. Instantly the place came to buzzing motion.  The human guards stood alert and gathered
  • around in the centre of the huge warehouse, guns in their hand, which, I was
  • quite certain, didn’t contain normal bullets. All the lights were turned on,
  • taking the veil of darkness away from me. But it didn’t matter; no one will be
  • left alive to report how I looked, back to their HQ. They’ve had their fun, now
  • it was my turn.
  • I
  • strode towards the middle of the room and stopped just in front of the armed
  • guards, letting them surround me, making them believe they had me. I could see
  • the hunger in their eyes as soon as they saw my face; I let them see the beauty
  • before I unleashed the horror. They were carrying guns with silver bullets as
  • well as iron and other poisonous metals, the combined scents making it
  • difficult for me to identify them all. It was a shame that they didn’t know
  • that nothing would work on me. My pets, the hell hounds, were invisible to
  • human eyes because they were their worst nightmare personified and it gave me
  • the upper hand. They were restless, already growling silently with the skin of their
  • muzzle pulled back over their sharp glistening teeth. The immortals, those who
  • were awake sat in their cages, mouth agape and fear and relief evident in their
  • eyes, while the other slumped in their unconsciousness. Even the humans were
  • getting scared from the power I was emitting.
  • “Who
  • are you? State your purpose,” one of the humans asked in a brave voice, but his
  • insides were anything but. His fear coated the air heavily with its stench.
  • “My name is Miaka. Any you lovely people...are
  • about to die” I smirked, letting my words sink in.
  • The
  • entrance door to the factory was shredded to pieces an instant later as the
  • hounds came running in. It was a good thing that only very few things had the
  • power to kill them and they were the rarest creatures in all of the dimensions.
  • I watched them ripping every human in the house to shreds. The humans didn’t
  • even know what were attacking them as they died a merciless death, some tried
  • to fire their guns but to no avail, they ended up firing at their comrades
  • instead.
  • A
  • movement at a far corner caught my eyes and I turned to see a man in a white
  • lab coat trying to run away without being noticed. A hound followed my gaze and
  • ran after him.
  • “Let
  • him live. He’ll come in handy,” I ordered the hound as it pinned the man to the
  • ground and was getting ready to rip his head off. He stopped and sniffed the
  • man, then pulled back its muzzle and growled ferociously in his face, leaving
  • him unconscious with fear. Within minutes everyone in the house was dead,
  • except for the immortals in their cages. But everyone was now awake and afraid,
  • unsure if I was a friend or a foe. I was neither.
  • I
  • took my phone out of my jeans pocket and called Rain, my knight. She picked up
  • on the second ring.    
  • “Rescue
  • trucks are ready, awaiting command, Your Highness” Rain said at once.
  • “Bring
  • them forward” I ordered.
  • Of course I hadn’t come alone. I knew what
  • went on around here so I had brought backup with me so that the immortal prisoners
  • could be transferred and given first aid on their way to the recovery
  • facilities.
  • The
  • truck arrived within a few minutes, since I had ordered Rain and a few of my
  • trusted guards to stay near the highway, in case someone from the human team
  • got out alive but the situation was under control. The prisoners were freed and
  • my men began to shift them into the truck, wrapping them in warm blankets and
  • providing water if needed. They would be taken to a healing facility
  • immediately where they’d be looked after and treated until they were healthy
  • and ready to head back to their old lives.
  • I
  • looked around at the mess my pets have created and decided to burn down the factory
  • once all the prisoners were set free. The scientist would be taken to the dungeons
  • and questioned till he answers and I doubt the factory owner would make any
  • complaints. As far as our research went, the man had no clue as to what was
  • going on in his factory...well either that or he was getting his pockets heavy
  • by these goons.
  • Well, too bad. This experiment was about to
  • end soon. Because once I set my mind on something, I was not letting go until I
  • had reached the bottom of things. And these human researchers were going to
  • learn the hard way exactly what they have messed with.