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Chapter 3

  • I couldn't sleep much so I had to get up early and run for a long time. I thought I had to think about a lot of things. In my inimitable way, I pose questions whose answers confuse me. Why would KC kiss a stranger with a guy, nothing more and nothing less? Why did she let him sniff her private parts? Why would she target her sister against me for sex? Did she no longer care about us? Is she trying to get me to have an affair with her sister so she can have a relationship with someone else? Why do I enjoy watching her and her boyfriend kiss? Why didn't I stop Darlene? Or KC? I've got more, but thought if I could start with those, the discussion would answer the rest.
  • KC sunk in my arms when I got home, ignoring my sweaty state. I held her back and told her I was still mad at her and Darlene. I looked for her sister, but she told me that Darlene had run to her house to prepare for an afternoon date. I immediately wondered if her afternoon date would be as stellar as she gave me. In fact, I feel a little jealous when I think about it.
  • I put my question to KC, and she listened patiently. I explained that I was worried about our relationship if she was going to date another guy and let him touch her breasts. She dropped to my knees and wrapped her arms around my neck.
  • KC kisses me passionately, “Make it clear, I love you. You are my future and no one else. Darlene and I played. This guy as you call him at the party is a nice guy, and he spoiled me, but we didn't do anything meaningful. Maybe I drank too much to let him go as far as he did. I'm not trying to hand you over to my sister or anyone else; I want you forever. I love you.
  • "As far as your excitement about seeing me with another guy, I think happens to a lot of guys. I'm not trying to piss you off or humiliate you, or anything. I'm just having fun and getting a bit of a flirtation accusation If you're excited then welcome to the club. Me too. I'm even more excited to watch Darlene give you one of her signature hits. "
  • I'm really exploding:" HAVE YOU SEE WE? "
  • KC laughs," Damn, that's right. I'm even stroking my pussy. You're so hot. You should fuck her. I wouldn't mind, and she can't wait for you to do this to her. She will be curious about it until you do. Maybe one day we'll have three. "
  • " KC! "
  • " Oh, forgot I mentioned this, but if you're interested, just know I'm fine whether I'm here or not. Same goes for Edie; It is also warm for your body. I want you to be happy, and I hope you feel the same way about me. FYI, Darlene loves you and thinks you're charming too. Just know that I love you, whatever. "
  • "I love you", I replied somewhat reluctantly
  • After this discussion, our life returned to normal for a while. I think I did my best to message and respect My displeasure We have been to a few other parties. I was torn between watching KC like a puppy to spy on her, or feeding her something and then worrying about what she was doing. I split the difference, and as far as I can tell, nothing happened.
  • KC is still sharp and overly flirty with some guys, especially new guys. She seems to lean towards long hair, tattoos and in one case the drummer of a rock band. I look sideways, perhaps walking past a door at the opportune moment, or grabbing a beer from someone's kitchen on the long haul. me, and not confront me about any past behavior or problems that we may have had. I'm sure KC has communicated all my concerns to him.
  • I saw our neighbor Marcie kiss some other guy at one party or another. She flirted with me quite a bit, but I didn't do much but be friendly. I love Doug, her husband, and wonder if he knows what his wife is doing.
  • Don and Edie are also present on all of our vacations. Edie flirted with me to the extreme. She clung to my arm or body, kissed me often, and urged me to feel her all over and make love to her. If I let her get me into a dance, more than once she'll rub her butt against my cock, or put one of my hands under her bikini line so I can feel her beautiful bare breasts. hers. If KC were there, she would smile and wave at me to greet her friends and our neighbors. Don seems to feel the same way; he would say to me, "Make her happy" and show me the bedroom wing of the house where we were staying. Things took a big turn when we were at Tyler and Kelsey Winthrop for a party on Saturday night. They have a huge house with a swimming pool and hot tub for eight people. By this point, I figured I didn't need to watch KC so closely, I didn't expect Darlene to come up to me, and I came across a plateau along the way. To keep Edie at bay.
  • There must have been more than a hundred people at the party. We filled up the house, yard, part of the backyard and everything started to spill over into the pool and spa. Tyler is explaining to a group of us how easy it is to be a real estate agent, his main source of income. I drank another beer, feeling a little dizzy, but all I had to do was walk home after the party was over.
  • Back on the terrace, more and more boys and girls undress to go to the swimming pool or jacuzzi. Darlene is one of them. She clung to a studious-looking guy a foot taller than her, and I watched them tease each other. I have to admit that the nude Darlene is just as spectacular, as hot as her sister. I find it hard to think how close we were. I was wondering if I should do something with her one day, as long as KC is around.
  • In the end, I let Darlene and Brad, her new friends, convince me to enter the pool. I gave up my clothes and was soon in the pool with them. No one in sight was dressed at the time; The party took a very interesting turn. The pool was great, and Darlene pressed her body against mine and gave me a very illegal kiss. I went with the flow, enjoying her thighs squeezing my dick into her slit, but then I turned my back on her. He liked me a lot after that.
  • I think KC should join us because we're not having sex, just flirting. I looked around, and almost everyone at the party was naked, including those who came out of the house. People were dancing on the terrace naked, but I didn't see anything sexually suggestive. I should have been better informed.
  • I dried myself off and went to find KC, tying a towel around my stomach as I entered the house. I couldn't find her, so I went around the bedroom wing. I can hear groans as I move down the hallway.
  • In the first bedroom I went to, Marcie Carson was lying on her back with a muscular guy pumping his dick into her as her legs swayed in the air and her chest vibrated to the beat of her push. He fucked her hard and she obviously liked it. She looked as sexy as a sin and begged for another orgasm from a man I didn't know. I admit to watching for a few moments.
  • While doing that, I looked around the room. To my surprise, Doug sat down on the chair across from the bed. His eyes drifted to his wife, focused on where the large cock had slit her pussy. He was also naked as he slowly stroked his penis. I shared my time watching Marcie and then Doug. Both seem to be in some kind of nirvana: Marcie for the damn scene she enthusiastically participates in, and Doug for what he's watching. I wondered about the couple's sanity before continuing down the hallway.
  • In the next room, I found KC. She was naked, her clothes strewn on the floor just inside the door. She had her arm around a guy I met last night, a drummer in a local rock band. He has tattoos all over his body and messy long hair. KC was stretching her hips and his cock pumping through her body as the two moved together. I can see its length in cycles because it just sticks out to fall back on its axis.
  • KC looks radiant. Her eyes were closed, and she enjoyed every second of the lovemaking as she worked until perhaps another orgasm on his cock. Every now and then she let out a small squeak as his cock touched the pleasure nerve inside her. He doesn't look very blessed, but he seems to be enjoying his life with my fiancée.
  • KC's breasts vibrated in sync with her rise and fall on the guy's cock. They were mesmerized by the forms they found in the twilight. When we made love before, I wondered what it would be like to see her fucked, but only because I knew she had such an illustrious and sexual past, and because she was so beautiful. . I always thought she fucked me.
  • Her legs are bent against him and her legs are stretched back. The muscles in her legs are maximally used to raise and lower her body. One of her hands occasionally massaged her breasts and nipples, adding to the stimulation she was getting from the cock. The other hand would sometimes rest on her chest if she leaned forward to slightly change the angle his cock was inside her.
  • I looked back and forth. I stood in the doorway. Marcie looks different. I felt irritated, yet at the same time, I could feel an anger welling up inside of me that I knew I couldn't calm. It was a more serious rehearsal of what had happened a few months earlier at another party with another guy. Has KC learned anything from this experience for me? KC had a prolonged orgasm and moaned his pleasure to the ceiling more than anyone else. I can feel his pleasure deep inside me, but I also feel like a saw has just ripped my stomach apart. As pleasure flows through her, she opens her eyes wide and sees me. His eyes became very large. I thought maybe she would laugh, laugh, or scream, but I turned and walked away. I found my clothes and put them on right away. I ignored Darlene's call to join them in the pool again, and dashed out of the party, perhaps leaving some smoke behind. I was in a hurry to go home. The house was just five blocks away; Iran.
  • Back home, I threw a randomly selected set of KC clothes into a large suitcase and some of his computer supplies into another bag, and put them in front of the front door. I can see Darlene running towards the house as I begin to close the door.
  • "Jim, wait! Don't do anything stupid," Darlene begged. "She didn't mean anything about it. Talk to her. Wait!"
  • I held out my hand to her as she reached the end of the front steps. "Honey, I'm not doing anything stupid. Your sister damned a fucking drummer at the party. She's probably still making love to him. It's his bag for the evening and his cell phone, computer, and iPad. Damn, maybe this will last him a week or maybe a month. I don't want to see her or talk to her for a while, perhaps a long time. I was so angry with her that I couldn't speak. You turn around and tell her it's here, and she's NOT allowed in the house, and I think our engagement just ended. What the hell is she thinking? "
  • Darlene looked shocked, but took note of every word I said and stepped back slowly. After I slammed the door shut forcefully, I saw her running back to the party.
  • J locked the house, Use the inner door latch. KC cannot enter even with hidden key.
  • Five minutes later, I ignored the knock on the door, then KC's frantic screams sent us talking from the front yard. My phone started ringing. I turned off my cell phone and unplugged the landline. I turned off the lights, hoping to make it clear to everyone outside that I was going to bed. The knocking and pleading continued for another hour. I didn't go to bed; I couldn't go to bed I was so disturbed. I sat inside in the dark living room, armed with a bottle of Jack Daniels and a glass of ice. Some drink to remember, and some to forget; I needed to forget this sordid night.
  • * * * * *
  • At first I thought the pounding in my head stemmed from the empty bottle of Jack on the coffee table, but then I realized that it was morning and in addition to the pounding in my head, someone was also pounding on the front door. I seem to have passed out on the living room sofa.
  • I got up and looked out the side window and saw Don standing on my porch, waiting for my return among the living. I opened the front door.
  • Don interjected, "Man, you've frightened at least half a dozen people, and I'm one of them."
  • I just waved him into the kitchen, where I started the coffee maker. My head is throwing at me.
  • He continued, "KC spent the night with us. She was devastated because you kicked her out. I didn't sleep. She cried all night. She thought you kicked her out. She's out as well."
  • "Got it," I mumbled. "She's a drummer and she's fun too. I don't want my girlfriend to have sex with other guys. You can tell her that."
  • "She told us. She said it was just sex, the guy is a human dildo and she needs to get out. She still loves you, you never stop. . She hopes you talk to her later. She wants to try to explain herself and see if you can forgive her. She admits that she should talk to you first. "
  • " First! I exclaimed. "Like I gave her permission to fuck another guy?" Again, I neither own nor control it; "Allow" is not my responsibility. She has to make her own decisions and can show restraint. I guess she made up her mind. She has made a choice, and she will have to live with the fallout.
  • Don shrugged. “I cannot speak for her. I was asked to negotiate an armistice so the two of you could talk. If you want my opinion, you should talk to her, you should kiss her and be reconciled, and you should just live with what she has done or wants to do. You were made for each other. I know how you feel about her, and I can't see you leaving her. God, you told me yesterday that she was your obsession and your soul mate. She is worse than you in terms of how much she loves you. "
  • " She has a strange expression," I mumbled. I looked at Don and pointed out the cafe. He agreed and I served us the cups.
  • I asked, "What was that party. I even dressed immodestly, walked into the pool with no clothes on. It was fun, but I didn't fuck anyone. There are others who have also fucked.
  • Don asked, "Is there a thought that crosses your mind? I shrug, "Sure. Then, right before I found KC, I saw Marcie fuck a guy. They were really going. She spoiled me too, and god, Doug was looking at both of them. ."
  • Don nodded, “Yeah, Marcie wants to talk to you too. It's obvious that you've spoiled her so much that when you see her, she wants to have an affair with you. She told me after you were kicked out of the party. "
  • " And where would her husband be if I did? I asked sarcastically.
  • “I think he wants to watch, but if you don't watch. I don't want him to do that, he'll just disappear and leave you and Marcie alone. I think this is their problem. I also want to play with her someday. "
  • " Damn. Has everyone lost their minds? Did I wake up on some other planet by mistake?"
  • "Relax and don't be so uptight about sex. You also know Edie wants to be with you, and I approve. I have to admit I wouldn't mind being with KC either, although the odds of that happening appear to be slim to none right at the moment. She outclasses me by a country mile."
  • I rolled my eyes and flapped my arms. Where was I? Why was everyone suddenly ready to hop in bed with everyone else with no apparent consequences?
  • Don filled me in on the rest of the party and on how Darlene came and got KC, and they all tried to get into my house to talk to me. After that, Don told me he had to carry KC to his house because she collapsed on our front lawn and got hysterical about having me lock her out in obvious anger and my comment about our engagement being over.
  • Reluctantly, I told him I'd meet with KC at four o'clock. I also suggested that he prepare to have her stay over a few more nights, since I was not of a mind to have her back in my presence for any length of time. I also suggested he keep the local newspaper for KC so she could start looking for an apartment. I also told her to make sure KC knew she was in big trouble with me and that I wasn't ready to forgive and forget. I pointed out that our relationship was over.
  • I did a short run to try to clear excess alcohol from my system, then I worked in the scorching sun for a few hours doing some yard work. Around two o'clock I shower and clean the house, including our bedroom. I thought KC would want to add some of his clothes, so I packed another suitcase for him.
  • Of course, I'm always thinking, thinking, thinking. My brain is messed up. I loved KC more than anything and then she went and did such a thing. I was in physical pain. My gut hurts. My heart is hurting me. I don't want to lose KC, but I don't know what else to do.
  • At four o'clock I watched Edie and Darlene walk the very unstable KC road to my house. She could barely walk and cried the whole way. They took her to the front door and rang the bell, then her accomplices retreated to Edie's house. I opened the door and let her in without a word of welcome. I just turned around and walked into the living room, letting her do or say whatever she wanted. She may or may not come in.
  • She followed me into the living room. KC was sitting in the middle of a long sofa, right on the edge. I noticed that she had a twisted and torn piece of Kleenex in her hand; it's very wet. She was very worried.
  • I sat across from her on a straight-backed chair. Neither of us said anything. I looked at her and my heart melted. She looked like a disaster. Her eyes were red from continuous crying, and she'd obvious not slept from the circles around them. Her skin was pale and blotchy, and looked as though she had hives. For the first time since I'd known her she looked haggard. I wanted to keep it and improve it, but then I remembered why we were where we were and where we were. I sat down and waited for her to speak.
  • KC spoke in a soft voice that I could barely hear. "I've learned something about myself since last night; it's something that I could only express very early this morning. It could mean the end of our relationship but you you know, I hope that this is not the case. I pray it doesn't. I love you more than anything, but I have ... a need to be with other men once in a while. I can't explain it. It's a compulsion, and I'm sure the root of that need and those feelings come from how I was raised and my wilder days. Other than that, I don't know why I feel this way. I thought I could stop those urges when we got serious, but found I couldn't seem to. "
  • I was a bit shocked. His words made me think.
  • KC looked at me with tears running down her cheeks. "I know this is a tall order, but I must ask you to consider treating me as I am, it's always a possibility, a fact. I'm a spoiled commodity. I wouldn't want to. trap you or try to embarrass yourself , but sometimes ... like last night . . . " Her voice trailed off. She looked at me with hopeful eyes. Tears streamed down her cheeks dripping on the tshirt she wore that I guessed she'd borrowed from Don. Already some of the shirt was soaked.