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Chapter 7 Soul Moon

  • In life, things don't always go well. Life itself is not at all a long calm river. For a certain percentage of happiness, there must be a balance in unhappiness, at least that's what my mother tries to tell me with her story.
  • After my parents experienced intense love, a new challenge came to test their love. She told herself that the alves could not unite with other species because no one knows what would result.
  • A horrible and deformed being could be born from the union between an alfe and another species, that's why they only ever mated with each other.
  • But my parents were madly in love with each other, they had passed the way and had slept together. In this small converted cave, my mother and my father had lived a passion like no other and this had led to an unexpected situation even if well received.
  • My mother was expecting a child and he was from an alfe.
  • " We were afraid... The legends said that witches had tried to create a new race by mating with alves and the children who were born from them were horrible monsters despite the beauty of their fathers. They had been forced to kill them because not only were they awful but their powers were out of control."
  • The legend was therefore shared and the alves, in addition to being hated and discriminated against, had become the species to be avoided regardless of relationships.
  • But my mother was pregnant and at the same time scared and impatient, she had decided to keep the child.
  • My father had promised to keep the child by his side no matter how freakish he was, but that wasn't my mother's only concern at the time. She was part of a pack and she was pregnant. The pheromones she had been giving off for a while had already caught the attention of her mother, who asked her where the sweet smell that was following her came from.
  • My mother explained to me that when a wolf is in heat, she gives off a particular smell that attracts males, but only her predestined partner can calm her heat.
  • But it looked like science had been flouted because every time she was in heat, it was my father an alfe who managed to please her yet was nothing of an alpha and therefore could not mark her, while she was a daughter of Alpha so would be destined for an alpha in turn.
  • " Alpha?"
  • "Yes my darling, as a half lycanthrope, and coming from a long line of Alpha like me, and my mother before me, you will one day have an alpha for whom you will be the Luna and with whom you will have to bond and make little ones."
  • "But you didn't have to mate a wolf for that and I already have a boyfriend..."
  • " A normal human being will never be able to calm your heat... I don't understand either how your father managed to calm me down when it took me... I imagine that we were soul mates despite the difference in 'species. I loved him to death and so did he. The moon goddess must have seen it and allowed us to be together despite him not being a lycanthrope.
  • "The goddess of the moon?"
  • "Yes, it is the divine entity that we wolves glorify and praise. It is also she who guides us in our steps and our decisions and often in certain cases reveals to us what we are looking for, such as whether the predestined mate we have been given is the right one or not. In my case, I'm sure it was her who guided me to your father and allowed us to be together."
  • "Is this the reason why wolves howl at the moon?"
  • "We can say that but let me continue."
  • My mother was pregnant and she had to find a way to escape with my father because they knew that no one would be okay with this relationship and the unborn child would be killed before he was born. It was out of the question so she had to get away before the pheromones of her pregnancy were discovered.
  • But her father the Alpha of the pack had made a pact with the Alpha of another very powerful pack where her mother who was the Luna of the pack came from.
  • The Alpha of this pack had just lost his Luna and had decided to choose another one. According to him, my mother was the one chosen by the moon goddess.
  • But my mother thinks it was just an excuse because since he had seen her before she even passed into adulthood, even when his mate was still alive, he had cast an interested look on her.
  • Above all, my mother's father had accepted that with this union, my mother would become the Luna of the biggest and most powerful pack in the city, and also, this pack had managed to mingle perfectly with humans and to live like them to the point of creating a successful business conglomerate.
  • My mother was against marrying this man and abandoning neither my father nor her unborn child so on the day of the union, they ran away.
  • Her family discovered that she had run away with another man without ever knowing who he was, let alone his species.
  • " No one should ever know that you are half alfe, this is essential, for your survival you will always have to say that your father was a lesser werewolf, an Omega."
  • " How?"
  • " Yes in a pack there is an Alpha, alphas, betas, and the weakest Omegas. I, the daughter of a powerful Alpha, fell in love with an Omega and decided to run away with him. It's better to give this version than to say that you are a half alfe, they will kill you without hesitation."
  • " but I look human and I think I have wolf sensations that peck at my body."
  • " I know but I can't reassure you about your real nature either. You look normal it's true, you have wolf features showing up too, but I can't ignore the fact that your father was an alfe. No one knows exactly what abilities you hide and what you may be capable of so please keep it a secret..."
  • I sighed before nodding my head.
  • " Anyway, I don't have anyone I would tell... No one would believe me anyway."
  • "My darling... If I told you this morning that you won't be able to go to university, it's because you are beginning your final transformation. From there it will be impossible for you to live alongside humans because the changes in you would not allow it."
  • "but you succeeded...."
  • "I grew up among my peers and I could mingle with them without worry, but you don't know anything about your being, the reason why you have to go back to my pack... My father will recognize you..."
  • "But ... And if he rejects me"
  • "He won't... He was angry but he'll welcome you with open arms... In memory of his daughter, even my mother will."
  • "but you? You go..."
  • My mother smiled before spitting blood
  • " It's over for me... I can't survive in such a state."
  • " Mom... But why? And why are you like this?"
  • " Your father and I challenged an arrogant man... The man I was to marry, the Alpha of Soul Moon, had caught up with us and killed your father who was trying to protect us. You were just a baby then, your father sacrificed his life so that we could escape... He never revealed his true nature so that you wouldn't be persecuted, the alves are cursed so I guess that he found a way to keep his identity a secret. But they eventually found us and his men attacked me."
  • " The Soul Moon Alpha?"
  • My mother was now breathing heavily as I watched helplessly.
  • " My father's pack is the Shield of Rain, go and present yourself in Capital City, go there quickly before your transformation begins otherwise you will be lost and die easily on your own. You need them to guide you in this stage of your new life."
  • My mother huffed before laying her head on the edge of the tub.
  • " I'm so tired I'm going to rest..."
  • I cried as the little voice told me that it was over, that my mother had just passed away. I looked up as I thought back to the story of my parents, but especially their killer.
  • The Alpha of Soul Moon is in Capital City.