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Kissing The Wind

Kissing The Wind


Last update: 2022-07-12

Chapter 1

  • Just like the wind, I was invisible.
  • No one dare to get close to me. During recitation, I would volunteer myself to speak in front because teachers wouldn't choose me. For them, I was the last option.
  • I had no friends. Of course, they wouldn't get along with a poor girl like me, because almost all students here in my school were born with a golden spoon in the mouth. I was the exception.
  • The good thing of being alone? I could do what I want.
  • I smiled while watching the little kitten ate my leftover fish in my lunchbox. Earlier, I didn't finish my lunch because I need to finish some projects. So when I got pass by here and saw the kitten, I just gave my leftover away.
  • "We're the same," I whispered under my breath. "People don't want us." I heaved a sigh.
  • I waited for almost ten minutes before the kitten finished my leftovers. "Good," I said before I put back my lunchbox inside my backpack.
  • When I stood up, I saw the students nearby looking at me with ridiculous looks. Sometimes they'll whisper to each other and giggles. And I knew that it was me who they were whispering about.
  • It's okay. I was born to be ridiculed anyway. I just shrugged my shoulders and walked ahead.
  • The sun was setting on the horizon. The color of the sky was like a painting, with red and orange streaks. It drew a smile to my lips as I wondered how much time was left before the sun finally hid on the west.
  • I always saw the sunset after school. Every day, while I was strolling the road way home, I constantly look above and wonder how magnificent the sunset was.
  • I heaved a sigh again. I knew that my mom was making soup now, as I continued my journey towards home. She was like that. She was fond of cooking, and I love every bit of it.
  • "Miss!" someone shouted from behind.
  • I stopped in my tracks and turned around. I saw a man walking gracefully towards me. Furthermore, I faintly smiled at him. "Yes, Mister?"
  • He smiled back. "I saw you giving some food to a kitten near the campus gate."
  • "Uh." I blinked. "Yeah. I did it earlier."
  • I looked past him. We're almost a kilometer away from the campus gate. I saw the signage, since the sidewalk follows a straight path.
  • "It looks like there's something in your food, Miss."
  • "Huh?" I looked back to the man and I saw no sign of his smile now.
  • There's something on my food?
  • "What do you mean?" I asked.
  • He brushed his hair using his own fingers and gave me a weird smile. "The kitten is dead."
  • What? The kitten is dead?
  • I knitted my brows at his remarks. I was not sure if he was kidding or saying the truth. The mischievous smile on his lips didn't help either.
  • "I think I should go," I said and turned around. I briskly walked away, but I abruptly stopped when he said something.
  • "You must not get away from your crime."
  • I turned around again and scorned at him. "What did you say?"
  • He shrugged his shoulder. "When you passed the gate and gave something to the kitten, I was just around the corner watching for you. I have seen the entire crime. I witnessed it all, Miss. And you know that I am not the only witness."
  • "What are you talking about?" I harshly breathed and gave him a warning look. "Don't accuse me! I did not do anything wrong!"
  • "How do you explain the dead kitten outside the school campus?"
  • "I don't believe you!" I looked away and crossed my arm. "If the kitten is dead, then I should be dead also. What I gave to the kitten was my leftover, so don't accuse me of a crime I didn't commit in the first place!"
  • "Angry?" He chuckled and put both hands inside the pockets of his pants. "Let's talk about it in cool heads, shall we?"
  • "I'm not kidding with you, Mister. Don't play with me!"
  • I turned from him and stormed away. I couldn't believe someone will accuse me of murdering a kitten. It was impossible for the kitten to die. That man was hilarious!
  • "You still don't believe me?"
  • The voice was near. I looked behind while walking ahead, and I saw the same man. He was keeping up with my pace and smiled at me when our eyes met.
  • Not again!
  • "Will you stop following me? Or I'll call the police!"
  • "We're heading on the same path."
  • There's no way that this man will stop nagging me. I gave up. I stopped and turned around at him. "What do you want?" I asked.
  • He stopped walking and smiled again at me. Come on, what's with that smile?
  • "Will you please stop smiling? You're creeping me out!" I exclaimed.
  • I could no longer feel the rays of the sunset. The faint smell of coffee from a coffee shop nearby lingered in my nostril as I walked past the shop earlier, but I smelled the strong perfume of this man when the wind passed by us. I almost throw up because of how strong the smell was.
  • He suppressed his own smile while looking down at me. "I guess, my smile won't work on you."
  • I faked a smile and gritted my teeth in annoyance. This man was really getting into my nerves.
  • "I am not here to see your disgusting smile. Show me any evidence that the kitten is dead. By then, I might believe your accusations."
  • "Alright." He brought his phone out from his pocket. "I knew that you'll ask for it, so I got you a picture."
  • He showed me his phone's screen. I adjusted my vision and I saw a picture of a kitten that looked like the one I feed outside the campus gate. The kitten in the picture was laying on the dusty sidewalk.
  • I shrugged my shoulder. "He just lay down there. Maybe the kitten is going to sleep."
  • But the man showed me the next picture. This time, the perspective was somewhat nearer. I could see that the kitten's mouth was open, and some white foams were coming out from its mouth.
  • I blinked. Was I seeing a dead kitten?
  • "Yes." The man put his phone back inside his pocket. "Do you believe now?"