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Chapter 2 I have been banished

  • Transylvania, present-day Hungary,year 1450.
  • Elennah:
  • I had heard of him. Vladislaus Dragulia is his name, he is the prince of Wallachia, one of the neighboring kingdoms. He has come to enjoy the festivities and the banquet offered by our Lord
  • Juan Hunyadi, current ruler of our country.
  • The servant girls comment that every time he comes, he envaigles two of them and convinces them to perform the most outrageous and sinful acts known to mankind. It's not just that he delights in...possessing them both, but he also enjoys watching women...doing intimate thighs with each other.
  • It is abominable!
  • It goes against everything that our faith preaches. Although he is beautiful, he has a very bad containance, he is bad-tempered, arrogant, even tyrannical. He has his servants flogged for the simplest infractions.
  • However, the other girls in the service faint with admiration at the sight of him.
  • For my part, I must be careful. Since he arrived two days ago, he hasn't seemed to be able to get his huge, evil green gaze off me.
  • I pray I haven't piqued the interest of a man who behaves more like a demon than a human being.
  • City of Ithaca, Washington State, USA, July 2021.
  • Eleni:
  • I consider myself one of the few privileged. Of the billions of humans who roam freely on Earth, I am one of the few who knows the truth. Vampires are real, they exist, and my family has served the oldest and most powerful of them all for centuries.
  • The Amíntoros fulfill this noble task, since in the
  • third century before Christ, when General Amintor swore his loyalty to Philip II of Macedonia, his eldest son Hephaestion grew up with Philip's son. Later becoming the right hand and favorite strategist general of Alexandros III, known as Alexander the Great.
  • What humanity doesn’t know is that Alexander didn’t die, but was turned
  • into a vampire by a sorceress and to this day he is the Mégas of the supernatural race that began with him. Hephaestion's younger brother had children and his children's children have been the human servants of our Kyrios for generations. Currently our patron becomes Alexander Philipides.
  • Adjusting to life here wasn’t as difficult as I thought. I got here last May, which
  • has given me enough time to acclimatize and do enough sightseeing to figure out where the restaurants are and how to get to the Cornell University campus. My grandparents' employer paid for my scholarship to study hotel management. My grandparents were beside themselves with joy,for my part, I interpreted his actions for what they are. I have been banished.
  • 000
  • — I know what you did and I know the reason that led you to it.-Kyrios Alexandros looked at me with an expression of hatred that scares me.
  • —Kyrios, I...
  • He raised his left hand imperiously. It is a gesture I know perfectly well. It
  • means that he has already decided what will become of my future.
  • — I have enrolled you in an American University. You will go to study there and when you finish you will have a guaranteed position in one of my hotels. Now pack your things and get out of my sight!
  • But, my Lord…
  • —Shut up!- he yelled angrily, standing up and
  • piercing me with his reddened eyes.
  • —I do this out of consideration for your grandparents who have served me so loyally for so many years, if it were up to me... I would strangle you with my bare hands and feed you to the vultures!- he roared showing his fangs.
  • — An ungrateful bitch, that's what you are.
  • I cryed seas, silently.
  • — Your actions reveal a level of evil that frankly exceeds what is expected in a young woman your age. You deliberately disobeyed my orders, led my guest to that stretch of beach and abandoned her there... knowing she could be killed!
  • He took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. He snorted in exasperation and regained his seat.
  • I dry my burning tears with my hands.
  • — Pack all your things, the jet will take you and your grandparents to Athens. In a few days your flight leaves for the States. I hope I never see you again.
  • I left that office changed. I would never cry again.
  • 000
  • The only justification I have for what I did is that I was in love. How could I not be? Kyrios Alexandros looks like an angel fallen from heaven. Women much older and experienced than I have fell victims of his irresistible attentions and have suffered the disappointment of his abandonment.
  • I play the song Happier than Ever by Billie Eilish on my cell phone. Its melancholic and soft first part describes exactly how I feel. Sad for the forced separation with my grandparents, sad for the total destruction of my stupid dreams but happier than ever to be away from him.
  • I simply misunderstood everything. I started working for him three years ago, then I was fifteen and
  • worked as a servant in his mansion in Athens. When my grandparents introduced me to him, he said that I was really pretty and always treated me with the utmost courtesy, smiling directly at me whenever we were together.
  • Then I began hearing many extrange gossips amongst the other servants. They were surprised that our Kyrios had abandoned his
  • womanizing behavior overnight and had order the building of a huge Villa on the southern end of Spiros Island, where, as rumors had it, he planned to settle with his future wife.
  • As the years passed I convinced myself that Kyrios Alexandros was in love with me. Everything seemed to fit, the change in his sexual behavior, his obvious affection for me, the Villa Philipides construction
  • , I even lived under the illusion that he didn’t claim me because he considered me too young and that out of respect for my grandparents he waited for me to come of age. When I was a few weeks from turning eighteen and he sent for my grandparents and me to go live in the Villa, I thought it was finally happening.
  • I was blind. It all fell apart soon enough.
  • Days before, he had called me into his office and ordered me to buy clothes, shoes, and other items. I thought they were for me, so I ignored the piece of paper that had clothing sizes written on it that didn't match mine. I justified it by thinking that he had made a mistake.
  • The night I turned eighteen I waited for him naked in his bed. Being a vampire, he doesn't sleep but by
  • then I knew their customs very well and he always took a bath before drinking his glass of blood at nine. I was eager to let him know that I knew his feelings and intentions and that I was willing to be his. He wrapped me in the bed’s duvet, took me in his strong arms and… dropped unceremoniosly me on my buttocks outside his bedroom door.
  • He called me...something I won't repeat and threatened to tell my grandparents what I had done...Three days later I heard him talking on the phone. Thanks to that conversation I discovered that his bodyguard ,Patrick, had gone to Cuba to look for the woman who had really piqued his interest.
  • I was overcome with such a level of jealousy that I dedicated myself to disturbing the intruder as soon as she arrived.
  • The song changes its rhythm and its message becomes openly aggressive. I sing at the top of my lungs along with the enraged Billie. I wouldn't treat myself like shit, like he did, he made me hate this city, no, this whole fucking
  • country. I won't say anything on the internet although the details about his mysterious new woman would make a extremely well paid story for the gossip magazines nor will I tell anyone the worst...his biggest secret, because that would be embarrassing and childish revenge, no one would believe me anyway.
  • As soon as I landed here at Ithaca airport I made a decision. To hell with family
  • tradition! He said he never wants to see me again, he was wrong. It is I who doesn’t wish to see him again as long as I live.
  • As soon as I graduate I'll apply for a job at any hotel right here in the U.S. or anywhere else in the world. Fuck you Alexander Philipides!