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Horror & Lore Anthology

Horror & Lore Anthology


Last update: 2022-06-20

Chapter 1 The Masquerade - 1

  • I was forced into an engagement with some withered old fool I'd never meant and didn't want. So I thought myself quite the defiant little Miss when I teased a masked lord at the Ball.
  • But once he'd lured me out to my aunt's Guest House, I found he was very different from the plaything sir that had seemed so charming a short time ago.
  • He was bent on ruining me. My choice was simple. To let him have me and he'd keep it a secret. Or fight him and he'd publicly ruin me.
  • Ensuring my new fiance knew precisely what manner of woman I was.
  • Really no choice at all...
  • ****************************
  • 01 A Huntress
  • I turned in the candlelight. Knowing the purple and gold of my mask caught the glimmer of orange flames. Reflecting the sparkle as it highlighted over my golden-brown features. My lips so dark that they were considered unfashionable.
  • My mother often pressed my maid to temper them down with light matte colors to pale them.
  • So, you don’t look such the siren. My mother would say.
  • But tonight, I’d dismissed all such trivialities. I rouged my cheeks and large beckoning lips. And darkened my lashes with kohl behind the half-mask. Willing to defy my mother and father and anyone else that crossed my path tonight.
  • I stalked onto the dance floor in a gold ball gown. My brown eyes intent on finding some bit of prey.
  • Some man to take out my frustrations on.
  • Some man to help me foil everyone else’s plans for me.
  • ***
  • As I thought it, a gentleman in a specially tailored coat stepped before me. Half his overcoat was white, half was black. Perfectly mimicking the coloring of his mask. Shadowing eyes so dark brown they were nearly black. His square jaw was revealed just below the mask.
  • “Are you looking for someone?” He queried in a smooth tone.
  • “Not in the least. Quite the opposite actually.”
  • “Oh?” A dark brown brow lifted questioningly at me.
  • “I’m looking for a perfect no one.”
  • “Well,” He bowed gracefully and offered his hands. “It just so happens I am precisely no one. And perfectly adept at being so.”
  • I hesitated. So surprised I was unsure what to say as I stared at his awaiting hand.
  • He wants to dance?
  • “I guess, in this case, then I shall overlook your rudeness in approaching a lady without a proper introduction.” I stepped forward and forewent his hand to drop a gloved palm over his forearm.
  • “But I was looking for a lady a trifle different then the most proper kind.”
  • “An improper kind?” I asked haughtily. Very willing to put him in check if he were making advances.
  • “Not in the least. Just less then boring.”
  • “Well, boring is not something I’ve ever been accused of.” I tossed my long red hair. Sending the curls dancing wildly down my back since I’d refused to let my distraught maid put even a single pin in it.
  • It can be as wild as I intend to be tonight.
  • ***
  • As he guided me further onto the Dancefloor, he turned me into his arms and unfolded his fingers to press his palm parallel to mine at shoulder height next to us. His other hand landed lightly along my lower back as he maneuvered the steps gracefully.
  • I looked up at him and gauged his height and gaze and the musky cologne he wore. Not a man I know.
  • That rather eased some of my troubles.
  • An unabashed rogue, no doubt. But in truth that was perhaps just what I was looking for this eve.
  • The stranger moved me in the dance.
  • “So since you’ve so rudely commandeered me for this dance despite what my card might’ve said, do you care to introduce yourself?”
  • “Not in the least.” His brown eyes danced.
  • It took me a moment to register that he was refusing to give me his name.
  • I gave him a surprised look.
  • He leaned a bit too close during the dance and whispered near my ear. “Perhaps I just call you Circe.”
  • Circe? Enchantress? Seductress. I recognized the word.
  • I felt my cheeks heat. “Then how about I call you Rogue, in return.”
  • He shrugged. “One can no more hide their nature then they can their intellect.”
  • “And you find yourself quite clever.” I guessed. Giving his tall frame an assessing look and noticing how much wider than mine his shoulders were.
  • I was tall and thin but no match for his thicker stature.
  • “Should I not?” He turned me. Making the gold gown spin out enough that the purple underskirt was briefly visible.
  • -
  • 02 Interrupted
  • “Kylie!” My sister Sarah appeared next to my elbow. Shooting the gentleman a glower, before dragging me from his grip. “Lord Durnmouth was first on your dance card tonight.”
  • “Was he?” I asked absentmindedly.
  • “Is this because of the engagement?” Sarah frowned down at me. A bit taller and far more somber, she was clearly the eldest of the two of us.
  • “Is what?” I asked blandly.
  • “That you’re dancing with random men rather then following your dance card and preparing to meet up with your affianced at the end of the night.”
  • Nothing I could imagine wanting to do less.
  • “Perhaps I’ve no desire to be crammed into the mold, you’re all setting for me.” I told her.
  • “You know you don’t have a choice.” Sarah cocked her hip in that disapproving way.
  • I blinked dully at her.
  • Making her suspicions grow. “What are you about?”
  • “What do you mean?”
  • “You’re up to something. You’ve that look about you.”
  • “I know not what you speak of.” I swept away. Skirts in my hands as I determined I wouldn’t answer her.
  • She’ll only try and stop me.
  • ***
  • I stood watching the other dancers from a dark corner. My arms crossed over my chest and frowning as I watched everyone dancing so gleefully.
  • Misery. That was the only word I could think of.
  • I’d had such grand plans but now I was to be married off. Like a prized sheep for a pretty bit of coin.
  • Thinking about it was only making me angrier. I nearly leapt from my skin when I felt a husky voice breathing along the back of my neck.
  • “Meet me in the Guest House?”
  • I knew of it. This was my aunt’s property, and I knew the Guest House was abandoned this time of year.
  • So, does he, apparently.
  • I turned slightly and peered over my shoulder. Only barely able to catch the silhouette of his white mask and the white side of his overcoat visible in the shadows.
  • He was leaned back. Arms crossed over his shoulders and one boot lifted so the sole rested against the wall. His knee jutting out in a leisurely stance. His dim outline was aptly concealed in the shadows.
  • Clearly not wanting to be seen.
  • “Why would I do that?” I whispered over my shoulder.
  • “To defy that pretty sister of yours…I heard you.” He whispered only loud enough I could hear him.
  • Other young women standing near me were too far away to hear him.
  • “Fine.” I agreed impulsively.
  • “Fine.” He echoed. “I’ll wait for you out there. Don’t make me come back in and get you…I’m not above dragging a woman off the dancefloor.”
  • I glanced over my shoulder to give him a quick look, but he was gone.
  • ***
  • As I crept from bush to bush to get to the Guest House, I felt rising bits of excitement. What am I going to do?
  • Let him steal a kiss?
  • Steal a touch? Perhaps something quite improper?
  • It was tempting. It would certainly deter my would-be suitor to find out my reputation was sullied from a brief dalliance in a Guest House.
  • Even if it’s not all the rumor mills will make it to be. I felt momentary satisfaction at realizing the deep shock that’d deflate my parents.
  • They were so set on this course, despite all my objections.
  • Well perhaps they’ll rethink it now.
  • The weather seemed to mimic my dark thoughts. Clouds blocking the stars and a slight, drizzling rain beginning to patter over everything.
  • I reached the Guest House and saw its pretty sparkling white paint glinting invitingly in the moonlight. Window surrounded nearly three sides. Revealing the darkness within. As I rounded the shrubs, I saw the hint of a fir in the far corner and the dancing flame of a candle tossing bits of orange light over the sparse furniture in the House.
  • I saw the dark overcoat shrouding a man’s elbow which overhung the armrest of the chair before the fire. Was I really going to do this?
  • I’ll stop it before it goes too far. I reassured myself. Drawing a steadying breath before sneaking to the door in the back which was always kept unlocked.
  • ***
  • 03 Strange Sanctuary
  • I’d barely entered the door when he met me. His mouth descending on me so fiercely it was nearly brutal.
  • He swung me around and kicked the door closed.
  • It banged shut with such finality I suddenly realized my mistake. Jerking away from him before even fully registering he’d been kissing me.
  • What am I doing alone in the Guest House during a rainstorm with a man I don’t know? One I’ve aptly already dubbed The Rogue.
  • What the Hell was I thinking?
  • “You smell like roses.” He remarked. Shedding his coat as he drew me further into the house.
  • “Wait.” I said.
  • “It’s too late for all that.” He dismissed. Unraveling it from his shoulders and shook it from his shoulders before catching one cuff, then the other, to tug it off. Before dropping it over the back of the chair across from the fire.
  • When had he led me so far into the House?
  • His mouth fell over mine again. His lips moving like silk over mine. Guiding them open so his tongue could delve fully into mine. His tongue tracing the inner walls and learning the shape and textures of my mouth so intimately I was left breathing raggedly.
  • I shoved at his chest. Only to have him pull me closer. His arms wrapping me to work the laces of my corset at my lower back.
  • “Wait. Wait!” I objected.
  • He paused to give me a sideways look. “Strange words from a woman that would meet a man in a Guest House for a dalliance.”
  • “I didn’t agree to that.” I said shakily.
  • “Didn’t you?” He dropped his nose to mine. “What did you honestly think would happen? Did you expect any other outcome?”
  • “Yes…”
  • I’d thought I could control this interaction.
  • He’d seemed so pliable a short hour ago.
  • Now he seemed very out of control. Wild with passion and barely hearing my words.
  • Far more prepared to act like an animal prepared to breed.
  • Not with me!
  • ***
  • “No.” I said more assertively. Shoving his shoulders back just as he freed my corset and it dropped around my hips. Freeing my breasts within the bodice so I could draw a deep breath which I currently felt I desperately needed.
  • I brushed curling red bangs back from my face and wiped a bit of sweat from my forehead as I desperately tried to rationalize how I was going to extract myself from this absurd situation.
  • He cast me a withering look. Gazing at me from head to toe derisively. “What did you think would happen out here?”
  • “I thought perhaps we’d talk.”
  • “Do I seem a man suited to talking?”
  • “You did inside.” I argued. Gesturing helplessly as I realized the foolhardiness of my actions.
  • He clucked chidingly in his cheek. “I think I made it very clear what I was after inside. From the moment I wouldn’t provide you my name and I indicated to you I was looking for a less then proper woman who’d not prove so dreadfully dull.”
  • He had said all that. And I had caught the innuendo.
  • How do I provide I did not now?
  • “Let’s save some time, shall we?” He edged closer as he hooked the bodice of my gown with a crooked finger and tugged it open enough, he could peer beneath it.
  • Making me gasp in shock.
  • “I was clear in my invitation, you were clear on the provocation, you came to me. Alone out here, regardless of your reputation, prepared to cast your reputation away in tatters. Now you want to refuse me…But I’m not so easily deterred. You see, I’m a very clever man. And my agenda is never as simple as one would think. And I have very particular designs on you.”
  • He took another step toward me. Putting his nose nearly against my forehead and affording him an even more clear view beneath my gown.
  • Yet I felt nearly so hypnotized I couldn’t move.
  • Everything he said made sense. What have I done?
  • Feeling I had only one recourse, I retreated. Taking a long step backward and clutching my bodice against my chest.
  • “Why?”
  • Why does he want me?
  • He slid a long step after me. Refusing to give up any ground between us. “That is my business and quite none of your affair.”
  • My lip curled in outrage. His rudeness was quite appalling.
  • “But just to ensure my point is clear, let me tell you, you’ve come this far and now if you do not finish what you’ve promised…I’ll be forced to tell those back in the ball about your hearty offer to meet me out here. And how appalled I was to find you alone. Partially clad.” He said the words with such slow precision that they made me cringe.
  • His intent painfully obvious.
  • How he’ll make me look if I refuse him.
  • As if I’m the wanton.
  • -
  • 04 A Heartless Threat
  • I’d be ruined!
  • My hands fell to my sides in shock, and he took advantage of the moment to step forward and jerk the shoulders of my dress down to my elbows. Baring my shoulders and breasts to his hungry view.
  • He took in the sight of my golden-brown skin and dark nipples, born down by the weight of the plump bits of flesh. His hands snatched my waist so fast I nearly leapt from my skin.
  • Causing those large breasts to swing like pendulums. And one to brush the back of his hand. Making him growl in his throat.
  • “Now this…Is more as it should be.” He pushed the pile of clothes at my waist down further. Catching the waist of all my undergarments by adjusting his fingers minutely.
  • Clearly an expert at stripping women bare.
  • Slipping my clothes down, revealed the outer width of my ripe hips before it slid down the length of my shapely legs. He leaned down by my feet to make sure the clothes were gathered there.
  • So, everything is visible to his eye. I reflexively crossed my arms over my chest. Hooking my neck on the opposite sides in my palm. Hoping that the shadows of the dim room would hide the curling red hair at the juncture of my sex.
  • He straightened. “Mmmhmm. Look at all that flesh…I’m going to touch you everywhere, Circe. I won’t miss an inch.”
  • ***
  • For whatever reason, his words immediately dampened the spot between my plump thighs. Though my mind still worked frantically for an escape.
  • A way out of this situation before he gets his hands on me!
  • “Now, here.” He caught my hands before I could move.
  • I hissed an indrawn breath at the sudden contact of his large paws enveloping mine. He led my fingertips to the laces of his shirt. He put my hands over them and began plucking at the laces before his hands fell away and he gave me an expectant look.
  • He wants me to undress him.
  • Swallowing hard, I hesitated. Looking frantically around the Guest House but finding no reprieve. No escape.
  • As if reading my thoughts, his face hardened. “There’s no way out now, Little Circe. You’re in too deep. And soon it’ll be my turn…”
  • ***
  • Feeling helpless I unlaced his shirt and guided it open to reveal the flat planes of his upper chest. The thick bones of his collar and the deep muscles which grooved behind it.
  • He rolled his shoulders and shrugged out of it. Tossing it a distance away to land over the armrest of the chair.
  • Something he’s clearly done before.
  • Here? I suddenly wondered how many innocent young women he’d ruined in my Guest House.
  • In-fact who the devil was he?
  • “Who are you?” I blurted.
  • “Ssh.” He put a fingertip to my lips and pressed his toes over mine lightly. As if to keep me in place. “Bit late for that now, isn’t it?”
  • “I did ask for it before.” I defended. Tugging slightly at my slippers but finding I could no longer move away.
  • “And I said no then. What makes you think I’d change my mind now?”
  • Absolutely nothing. I was very sure that this man was precisely as unrelenting as he seemed to be.
  • What I’d thought at first to be amusing charm, I now realized carried an underlying severity. A single-pointed mission to seduce women like me.
  • ***
  • He gave me a long probing look as he methodically unbuckled his belt and let it drop. Next, he caught my wrist and rolled my hand into his palm. Molding the inside of his fingers. Then without blinking, without changing expression, he put it against the front of his breeches.
  • Revealing the iron hard rod concealed there.
  • My brown eyes widened to the size of saucers as I shot him a look.
  • He massaged my hand over it, and I felt the flesh beneath the cloth expanding even further. I knew enough of the act from watching the house maids to fear I’d not be able to fit this particular bit of flesh.
  • “I can’t.” I said urgently. Pleading for him to understand.
  • Staring at me through hooded brown eyes he asked mercilessly, “Why?”
  • “It’ll not fit.”
  • “And how would you know that? More the wanton than I’d first suspected?” He asked.
  • “No!” I defended trying to retreat but instantly realizing he still pinned my slippers where they were beneath the toes of his boots.
  • “Oh?” His brows lifted in interest then. “Pray do tell then…”
  • -
  • 05 Betrayal of My Body
  • “I-I once…” I made a gesture of my hand sliding down my body and sent him a pointed look. My cheeks on fire as I prayed I’d not have to say more.
  • “You touched yourself?” He purred.
  • I nodded so clumsily that my hair bobbed around my shoulders.
  • “How very intriguing. And what did you find?” White teeth flashed in the darkness. A predatory grin.
  • “I couldn’t…Two would not…” I lifted two fingers pressed together in a flustered effort to explain.
  • “Perhaps that is only because you knew not what you were doing.” The back of his knuckles trailed over my belly toward the place I’d hinted at. His gaze travelling just ahead of his touch to land at the crux of my thighs.
  • He licked his lips wolfishly.
  • As if he wants to lick me just as fiercely. I shivered at the idea.
  • He nudged my plump thighs apart with his fist enough I had to skid one leg aside in surprise. Staring at him in horror and hoping he was just jesting. When I suddenly felt two of his fingers penetrate into me, my hands shot over his shoulders to cling to him as my knees suddenly felt very untrustworthy. Already beginning to sway forward and back in imitation of how his hand moved between my legs.
  • His fingers edging deeper into me. And soaking into my dampness.
  • I made a choking sound as my fingers dug into the top of his shoulders.
  • “Don’t worry, Little Circe.” He murmured. Moving his fingers more aggressively into me. Until my entire pelvis was being jerked toward him and then back.
  • Like some primal offering.
  • “Soon it’ll be far more than that, I’ll have stuffed in you.” He chuckled darkly.
  • ***
  • I thought temporarily about fleeing the Guest House into the rain screaming for help. That would surely have me compromised irreparably.
  • I thought about shouting my head off for my sister. But there’s no guarantee she’ll be the one to come running.
  • “What are you thinking?” He caught my chin in the fingertips of his free hand. Still working the other ones so far into me that I could feel the other knuckles pressing the tiny nub outside my entrance. Making me gasp at the rubbing touch.
  • “N-nothing…”
  • “A way out of this?” He gave a lopsided smile. “There isn’t one. Not without shredding your reputation which will land you in my bed anyway.”
  • “How could you possibly be so arrogant as to think that?”
  • “A ruined woman must make money somehow.” He shrugged. Still not stopping his pace which was making my fingernails bite into the bare tops of his shoulders and my toes curl within my slippers.
  • Even beneath his boots.
  • “Most gentleman won’t welcome a ruined lady into their bed. Preferring widows and mistresses. There’s a good possibility I’d be the only one that’d have you then.” He thrust against his hand. Meeting my bare thighs with his clothed ones.
  • “To have my way with you for endless hours. Bent over every piece of furniture in my town home.” He growled in pleasure at the thought.
  • “You’re an animal!” I accused.
  • “As are you, Circe.” He grinned. “A wet little animal with a pussy ready to lick my cock.”
  • I yelped. Stunned at his shocking words and he took the moment to drop his mouth over mine and swallow the sound as his tongue intruded into my mouth so determinedly that I was certain he was going to enter my core just as ferociously.
  • I’d be torn.
  • ***
  • Even as I was thinking it, rivers of tension poured through me. Yanking at my muscles and pulling them taut like the strings on a violin. Making every inch of my body tighten and then relax in a strange singing tune. My voice was emerging in a sound that I didn’t recognize.
  • A long drawn-out moan which seemed to go on forever and seemed far too low to be my voice.
  • Not as I know it.
  • “Good Girl.” He praised. “Now to do that on my cock while I’m sucked balls deep in your little hole.”
  • “Damn you!” I swore at him. “This is not how a man talks to a lady.”
  • “You’re not a lady now. You’re a ruined woman who’s tasty little pussy is going milk my cock while I pound you like the little seductress you are. A woman has to realize there’s consequences for behaving as a wanton.” I could hear a triumphant note in his voice. “Especially an engaged one.”
  • That’s why he’s doing this? Some vengeance against Lord Byron.
  • I’m a conquest to send him tainted property.
  • “H-how’d you know?” I asked. Chewing my lip.
  • “I overheard you and your sister.” He said acidly. “Everyone did. I’m sure. And your blatant disregard. It’s clear you wanted a man to ruin you for your affianced. One to stick you so good, he won’t be able to repair the damage done.”
  • “Damage?” I squeaked.
  • He chuckled evilly.
  • “Now take off my pants, Wench.”