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Chapter 5 A Kiss As A Distraction

  • When morning came, It was the day of the festival and every creature from every realm was allowed go come if invited.
  • It was the one day where all the creatures could gather around in one place.
  • No realm had issue with the dragon realm, that's why it was the dragon realm that held this festival and that's why everyone would come.
  • It was the perfect opportunity to sneak into the demon realm and release Celine .
  • Why? Because it would be empty , just like every other realms would be .
  • "Josty go to the festival. Karina and I would go to the demon realm and rescue Celine" Alexa said.
  • "Why?That wasn't in the plan?"Josty argued.
  • "We need an alibi. It will be obvious we'll be missing so if anyone ask for us, cook up something. Can you do that ?"
  • "Yes , but be careful"
  • "I will"Alexa replied and turned to Karina "Let's go "
  • Alexa and Karina sneaked into the demon realm and when they got in they were surprised at how huge it was .
  • "Whoa" Alexa marvelled as her voice echoed. It echoed because the realm was empty "It's such a pity that angels aren't allowed in "
  • "I know ,right?" Karina replied marvelling at the place in awe.
  • "Hey, where do you think Celine would be ? This place is so huge"
  • "We have to check every corner "
  • Alexa nodded her head "Let's go "
  • At the festival, witches , dragons, elves,angels,demons ,werewolves, vampires, all gathered round drinking and cheering.
  • But they were not all comfortable.
  • Why ? Because of the presence of the demon lord.
  • Damien noticed this and so did Rosco.
  • "Should we leave ?" Rosco whispered to Damien who was busy scanning around.
  • "No, let's stay "Damien replied. She wasn't here. It was obvious. She was at his realm .
  • He balled his fist. This truly was a diversion.
  • "I'll be back" Damien said to Rosco and walked away.
  • Warren scanned the festival and was in shock to see Josty .
  • "What are you doing here ? Aren't you supposed to be with Alexa and Karina?"
  • Josty sighed "There was a change of plan"
  • "What was the original plan?"
  • Josty sighed " Well..she came up with this two days ago " she replied as she did a flashback;
  • "Now gather around, I have a plan on how to rescue Celine on the day of the festival" Alexa had said.
  • Karina eyes shone brightly"And what's that ?"
  • "Wait for it" Alexa smiled "A love potion".
  • "A love potion?" Josty shrieked
  • "Yes" Alexa replied" A love potion would put the demon lord under a spell and under our control . That way he's going to be the one releasing Celine "
  • "A love potion??!!!" Warren shouted.
  • Josty looked around and shushed him "Reduce your voice . It's going to work "
  • Warren squeezed his face"It's not "
  • "Why ?"
  • "Don't you know? Nothing works on the demon lord , not even a spell "
  • Josty started panicking"What do we do now ?"
  • "This is bad "
  • "You bet"
  • Warren shook his head " Not that . But the demon lord "
  • "What happened to him?".
  • "He's not here anymore"
  • Josty shrieked "What!!???hey , shouldn't we go get them? "
  • Warren shook his head "No. If they notice we are gone too. That would be a bigger problem. Let's just hope that Alexa and Karina don't caught "
  • Back at the demon realm, Alexa sighed "Hey, have you found her yet?"
  • Alexa and Karina had split up to find Celine
  • Karina sighed"No,you ?"
  • Alexa shook her head "Not yet " .
  • Karina saw a figure "Hey, I think someone is coming"
  • "For real ? Hide, hurry "
  • Karina hid as Damien walked in, he smirked"Look what the wind blew in . I knew you would come "
  • Alexa smiled " Really ? I knew you would come too "
  • Her plan was going perfectly well. She thought
  • "I knew you would come " Damien said .
  • Alexa smiled "Really? I knew you would come too "
  • She did a flashback on her plan ;
  • "A love potion?" Josty shrieked
  • "Yes" Alexa replied"A love potion would put the demon lord under a spell and under our control . That way he's going to be the one releasing Celine "
  • "But how would you use it on him? He's going to be at the festival and you will be at the realm"Josty asked.
  • Alexa smiled "Do you think so? I can bet that he'll be in the realm " she turned to Karina "I'll look for a distraction and you will open the potion, do you understand?"
  • Karina nodded her head."But , why don't we just tell the head angel?"
  • "We can't . If we tell the head angel, Celine is as good as dead" Alexa replied.
  • "Why ?" Karina asked
  • "Any angel that steps into the demon realm if she manages to get out alive, she gets killed by the head angel"Alexa looked at Karina "Including you and I"
  • Karina nodded her head "And the distraction? How will you cause it ?"
  • Alexa thought long and hard"I'll just have to work with whatever that's around me "
  • As she stared at damien, she thought long and hard of how to come up with a distraction.
  • Damien smirked as he stepped forward towards her slowly "So? Did you find your friend?"
  • "No "
  • "So at the end of the day, you didn't find your friend and you are going to die. Was that all part of your big plan?"
  • Shut up . Alexa thought. She needed to think of a distraction bit he was distracting her. She needed him to shut up.
  • Then her eyes bulged. She just had an idea.
  • She remembered what Warren had told her two days ago ;
  • "Don't do anything 'over dangerous' "he'd said
  • "Don't worry, I won't " she'd replied
  • But now she had no choice .
  • Damien continued walking towards her "You shouldn't have-"
  • Alexa grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and kissed him.
  • Damien's eyes widened in shock . What was she doing? How dare she put her lips on his ??
  • ***