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Chapter 7 Zero: By Her Command

  • Brilliant were the fluorescence of the twinkling stars as they shimmered in the night sky. The beauty of it all could not describe what horrors loomed just below the heavens. Here, in Silverstone, the deceased stared up into the sky. A never-ending stare of dead eyes.
  • Turstin couldn't care less, but Roselia couldn't believe even the children were slaughtered. Shaking her head as the duo marched on into the darkness, she spoke.
  • "Why would King Moira do such a thing to an entire city? Is he tainted to the point of conducting genocide? Yeah, these people were poor and criminals, but no human deserves this."
  • Turstin halted where he was. His glance once again gave Roselia a reason to look away. That same gaze, that same posture, it all reminded her of her father, the very man who denied her love, the man who slaughtered everything but her. She gulped, but again she was captivated by the man she loved.
  • "King Moira is a bastard. We haven't been informed of any wrongdoings in any country. King Moira covered everything up. And to top it all off, he used us too. He deserves death, as do all who oppose my righteous cause." Turstin said, spitting down at the pitch-black earth.
  • Roselia nodded, holding both hands to her lips folded as if in prayer. Turstin went on sauntering through the darkness. Though the moon lit up the midnight sky, he could not see where the two were heading. Something drove him. Something drew him to where he would halt. An hour passed by them, and they stood behind a destroyed home, gazing at the central street that connected every other road.
  • "We're here, Roselia. Be on guard, alright?" Turstin murmured, gripping the hilt of his sword harder than ever.
  • Roselia noticed, not wanting Turstin to suffer anymore. She didn't wish for the same pain she had harbored for her entire life. His gaze never met her's from then on. Instead, he watched the tall figure known only as of the King of Goldenwatch. King Moira stood before an enormous mirror, one of which waved and unleashed a dark aura, unlike anything the two soldiers had faced before. Turstin's watched on, his ears ready to listen to what the King spoke of while before this mysterious mirror.
  • "No way. What is that mirror Moira is standing in front of?" Roselia inquired.
  • "Shh, let's listen for now. Maybe we'll get the answer to that." Roselia nodded in response to Turstin's words.
  • "You've done well, King Moira. I will grant you one more inch of freedom. You will continue your task at hand in feeding me more souls. I must reincarnate. I must devour this planet plunging it into profound and utter chaos. This is my destiny, my prophecy!" A seductive voice echoed at the street's meet.
  • "Of course, my goddess. I will continue the progression of soul-stealing as you instructed." King Moira spoke.
  • Turstin heard enough. He watched with eyes widened. A female appeared in place of the reflection of King Moira. Her exotic and voluptuous body was bare, yet her long ebony hair streamed down, covering her busty chest of this female. Her left eye, the only visible one, glowed with excitement. A brilliant azure tint capable of sending shivers down anyone's spine gazed directly at King Moira. This was Catastrophe.
  • 'This feeble-looking female was Catastrophe?' Turstin thought.
  • Her voice, so fascinating and enchanting, froze him in place. After her speech echoed through the darkness, Turstin fisted the earth he stood on in total pain. The bandaged arm shook, vibrating unusually. The ink-like aura began flowing rampant, unleashing a violent blast around Roselia and Turstin. Roselia immediately turned to look at her partner.
  • "Turstin... what's going on? What's this outburst of aura all of a sudden!?" Roselia whispered, placing her soft hands on his shoulder to calm him.
  • An orb fixated upon the duo. The two knights no longer were hidden from HER view. King Moira erected from his kneeling posture, slowly turning around.
  • "Visitors, hm? Assassins they might be. The remaining assassins that I've allowed to live. I will exterminate them with ease, my goddess." The King stated.
  • The golden mask that smiled with eeriness suddenly shifted into a frown. The King drew not only two but four steel swords. One in each hand and two which floated around him as if in orbit.
  • "How interesting this situation is. Do what you will to the female; leave the male be. His presence is familiar." Catastrophe cooed, disappearing into the darkness of the mirror.
  • "As you wish, my goddess." King Moira said, marching forwards. Roselia noticed King Moira's advancement and stood up. She jumped over the piled-up rocks and held her whip in hand.
  • "You are under arrest, King Moira!"
  • "By order of whom? I am the KING... I give ALL the commands. There is no government. I AM the government. Now you and the little man there will bow before the King!"
  • King Moira shouted as one of the swords that floated around him shifted and pointed in the direction of Roselia.
  • "Damnit, Turstin, this is the wrong time for you to be hurt! What am I going to do!?"
  • Swiftly the sword shot in her direction. Roselia, luckily, dodged the sword by ducking. With both hands on the earth, she chanted softly and calmly, and within a few seconds, spikes of greenery shot forwards. A tempest whistled by slicing the garden of spikes she created to her dismay. Her gaze suddenly went up onto one of her former comrades, Gale. He stood with obvious intent to kill atop a building.
  • "Well, what do we have here? Roselia and Turstin, huh? Things certainly have become attractive." Gale spoke.
  • "Gale... I'm sorry, but if you wish to aid the forces of evil, then you too shall die here alongside the King!" Roselia shouted, moving her arm swiftly, launching the tip of her whip at the knight with the scar on his visage.
  • Gale shook his head, his facial expression almost all too lifeless. His fluid movements were similar to the wind. His actions were so intricate they caused a mirage. His body, now down near Roselia, would charge in her direction.
  • "You're going to have to perish here, Rose. I'll be sure to rush your death! Under the wind!"
  • Roselia's eyes widened, noticing his relocation. She knew Gale was the fastest closer on the team and taking him down would be no simple matter. He tackled Roselia after he managed to get himself down to her. Roselia swooped into a building, crashing into a wall. Dust roamed over her body as she coughed, holding her bleeding arm. Thoughts of Turstin's hurt ran through her head. She gulped, slowly falling back to the ground.
  • "Turstin..."
  • "You're still alive?" Gale mocked.
  • "" Turstin faintly whispered.
  • Behind him stood another former comrade, Aquarius, who held a spear to the soldier's neck. Aquarius wore similar knight's armor from shoulder to feet like Aden, except Aquarius had long blond hair that touched his lower back. His eyes resembled that of an ocean shimmering with each shine of light.
  • "What a marvelous turn of events. I get to inflict pain on someone I hate oh so much, but I get to witness the king strike fear into the hearts of those who oppose the Queen of Catastrophe? This event is truly marvelous." Aquarius stated.
  • "Watch as the mighty kneels before his King. I will allow you to stand and fight me with your power. Stand before me, Turstin. Do this now, though; those who oppose me will perish. Similar to the assassins who lived here. I exterminated everyone with ease, and you're next. Now stand!" King Moira shouted as the frown on his face changed back to a smile after he appeared in front of Turstin with Gale to his left and Aquarius behind Turstin.
  • "Is this where...I d-die? T-this can't be. . ." Turstin questioned, pain flowing throughout his body.
  • "Turstin... p-please... fight..." Roselia struggled.